119 Bars
Beaufort Bar at the Savoy Logo

Beaufort Bar at the Savoy

Indoor only

In the heart of London, where the River Thames flows as a testament to time and history, lies an establishment that embodies grandeur, sophistication, and timeless allure. The Savoy, an institution in itself, houses within its regal confines the Beaufort Bar, a sanctuary of luxury and impeccable taste.

A Gilded Entrance into History

Stepping into the Beaufort Bar is akin to stepping into an era of the Roaring Twenties. The first thing that strikes you is the opulence. Rich black and gold décor greet the eyes, and the shimmering gold leaf adorning the walls tells tales of the room's former life as The Savoy's original cabaret stage.

Ambience: Theatrical Elegance

The ambiance at the Beaufort Bar is undeniably theatrical. With its luxurious drapery, low-lit ambiance, and the soft serenades of live jazz on select evenings, the bar evokes an era of vintage glamour. The deep, velvety seating areas, art-deco nuances, and the sultry atmosphere collectively conjure a sense of mystique and old-world charm.

Cocktails: A Story in Every Glass

The Beaufort Bar is not just about its visual allure; it's an ode to the art of mixology. The bar is renowned for its innovative cocktail menu that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also regales patrons with stories. Each drink is a narrative, paying homage to the bar's storied past, its iconic guests, and its enduring legacy in the world of hospitality.

From cocktails inspired by legendary performances on The Savoy’s stage to drinks that celebrate the hotel’s rich heritage, every sip is a journey through time. Not to be overlooked is their exclusive range of champagne, some of which can't be found anywhere else in London.

Gastronomic Delights

To accompany the liquid treasures, the Beaufort Bar offers a selection of fine British delicacies. Think luxurious caviar, indulgent truffles, and a range of expertly curated nibbles that promise to satiate the gourmet in you.

The Clientele: A Blend of the Elite and the Curious

The Beaufort Bar, given its location and legacy, attracts a clientele that's as diverse as it is discerning. Celebrities, world leaders, and travellers from far and wide have been known to grace its premises. However, whether you're royalty or simply a seeker of fine experiences, the bar treats every guest with the same level of impeccable service and warmth.

A Symphony of Opulence and Mixology

In a city teeming with bars and lounges, the Beaufort Bar at The Savoy stands in a league of its own. It's not just a bar; it's a piece of history, a tribute to the golden age of cocktails, and a beacon of luxury in the heart of London. For those seeking an evening that promises more than just a drink, but an experience steeped in legacy and grandeur, the Beaufort Bar awaits.



Indoor only

High above the dynamic streets of London, where the horizon kisses the Thames and the city's silhouette unfolds in all its glory, sits GŎNG - not merely a cocktail bar, but an elevated experience in the truest sense. Nestled within the iconic Shard, the UK's tallest building, GŎNG promises an experience that merges unparalleled views with unparalleled mixology.

Sky-High Sophistication

GŎNG is the highest bar in Western Europe, perched on the 52nd floor of the Shard. The very journey to the bar, ascending in a glass elevator, sets the tone for an evening where the ordinary is left far below.

Upon entering, patrons are greeted by floor-to-ceiling windows that offer panoramic views of London's sprawling landscape. As day turns to night, the city lights up, providing a mesmerizing backdrop to the bar's chic and modern interiors.

Cocktails with a View

The true essence of GŎNG lies in its cocktail craftsmanship. Each drink is a masterpiece, meticulously curated to offer a symphony of flavors. Inspired by the city below and the cultures that populate it, the cocktails are a fusion of traditional British tastes and global influences.

Using the finest spirits, exotic ingredients, and innovative techniques, the mixologists at GŎNG ensure that each cocktail not only tastes exceptional but also looks the part. Every beverage is a visual delight, echoing the beauty of the surroundings.

An Oasis of Elegance

The interiors of GŎNG, designed with a touch of Asian influence, marry opulence with minimalism. Plush seating, reflective surfaces, and subtle lighting create an ambiance that's both intimate and grand. For those seeking a more secluded experience, the bar also offers a champagne room and a swimming pool, setting it apart from other venues in the city.

A Confluence of Connoisseurs

GŎNG's unique positioning and offerings attract a diverse clientele. International travelers, business tycoons, celebrities, and lovers of luxury find their way here, each seeking an evening that promises exclusivity and excellence.

Ascend to London's Pinnacle of Cocktail Craftsmanship

In a city that boasts a plethora of cocktail bars, GŎNG stands head and shoulders above the rest - both literally and metaphorically. It's not just about the drinks or the view; it's about the fusion of the two, creating an experience that lingers long after the evening ends. For those seeking to touch the sky while sipping on elixirs that echo the essence of London, GŎNG awaits, ready to elevate every sense.

Mr Fogg's Residence Logo

Mr Fogg's Residence

Indoor only

In the heart of London's bustling Mayfair district lies a sanctuary that offers more than just cocktails—it offers an adventure. Enter the world of Mr Fogg's Residence, a cocktail bar that is as much a tribute to Jules Verne's fictional explorer, Phileas Fogg, as it is a haven for London's discerning drinkers.

Victorian Elegance Meets Whimsical Adventure

As you push through the doors of Mr Fogg's Residence, it feels as though you've stepped into the late 19th century. The décor is a meticulously curated collection of artifacts, trinkets, and memorabilia reminiscent of Fogg's purported 80-day journey around the world. From mounted animal heads and globes to timepieces and vintage maps, every inch of the space tells a story, invoking a sense of wanderlust.

Cocktails: A Worldly Affair

True to its theme, the cocktail menu at Mr Fogg's Residence is an expedition in itself. Drawing inspiration from the four corners of the globe, each drink is a celebration of diverse flavors and cultures. Using exotic ingredients, rare spirits, and age-old techniques, the bartenders craft beverages that transport patrons to distant lands, from the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene beaches of Polynesia.

Presentation is paramount here. Cocktails might arrive in ornate teapots, nestled within hollowed-out books, or even accompanied by a smoking infusion. It's not just about taste—it's about creating a multisensory experience.

An Experience Beyond Beverages

What sets Mr Fogg's Residence apart is its commitment to offering an immersive experience. On certain nights, patrons might encounter characters in period attire, recreating scenes from Fogg's journey, or live musicians serenading with tunes from bygone eras.

The staff, dressed in Victorian garb and well-versed in the lore of Phileas Fogg, add another layer to the narrative, ensuring guests are not just spectators, but participants in this whimsical adventure.

A Niche Audience

The allure of Mr Fogg's Residence attracts a diverse crowd. Literary enthusiasts, history buffs, and cocktail connoisseurs all find solace within its walls. Its intimate setting also makes it a favored choice for romantic evenings and special celebrations.

A Journey through Time and Tipples

In the vast landscape of London's nightlife, Mr Fogg's Residence stands out as a beacon of imagination and craftsmanship. It's not merely a bar, but a time machine, a vessel that promises a journey through flavors, eras, and tales of adventure. For those seeking an evening that transcends the ordinary, Mr Fogg's Residence in Mayfair is a destination that must not be missed.

Nightjar Logo


Indoor only

Hidden away from the bustling streets of London's Shoreditch is a gem that takes patrons on a timeless journey. Nightjar, with its unassuming façade, beckons the curious and the knowledgeable alike into an intimate world where the glamour of the 1920s fuses with modern mixological marvels.

A Step Back in Time

Descending into Nightjar feels akin to stepping into a sepia-tinted photograph. The dimly lit space, adorned with Art Deco details, vintage artifacts, and weathered wood, evokes the clandestine charm of a Prohibition-era speakeasy. Jazz notes float through the air, softening the chatter and laughter, while candlelit tables create pockets of warmth and intimacy.

Cocktails: A Global Odyssey

Nightjar's cocktail menu is not just a list; it's an adventure. The offerings, categorized by historical eras, take inspiration from global flavors and traditions. From pre-Prohibition classics to post-war concoctions, the beverages here pay homage to the evolution of mixology while pushing the boundaries of contemporary cocktail creation.

Meticulously crafted using rare ingredients, house-made infusions, and artisanal spirits, each drink at Nightjar is a visual and gustatory masterpiece. Whether it's a cocktail served with a side of smoky theatrics or one garnished with an edible work of art, the attention to detail is impeccable.

Live Music: The Heartbeat of Nightjar

Central to Nightjar's identity is its commitment to live music. Almost every evening, the bar resonates with the melodies of jazz, blues, or swing, with talented musicians taking center stage. It's not uncommon to see patrons swaying to the music, lost in a bygone era.

Nibbles and Bites

While cocktails reign supreme at Nightjar, the food offerings are more than just an accompaniment. A curated selection of tapas-style dishes, inspired by global cuisines, complements the beverage experience, ensuring that patrons' palates are continually delighted.

An Enigmatic Crowd

Nightjar, with its unique blend of nostalgia and novelty, attracts a diverse clientele. From cocktail connoisseurs and jazz aficionados to romantic couples and groups of friends, the bar is a melting pot of individuals united by their love for exceptional experiences.

Speakeasy Sophistication in the Heart of London

In a city celebrated for its dynamic nightlife and historical allure, Nightjar stands out as a beacon of timeless elegance and innovation. It's not merely a bar; it's a portal to another era, where every drink tells a story and every note evokes an emotion. For those seeking an evening of enchantment and sophistication, Nightjar in Shoreditch is a destination that promises memories as heady as its cocktails.

Nine Lives Logo

Nine Lives

Indoor & Outdoor

In the heart of London's historic Bermondsey, a stone's throw away from the iconic Tower Bridge, lies a cocktail bar that is redefining the standards of indulgence. Nine Lives, with its ethos rooted in sustainability, offers an experience where environmental consciousness dances in harmony with exceptional mixology.

An Ethereal Ambience

Stepping into Nine Lives is like entering a modern-day sanctuary. The design seamlessly blends raw elements like exposed brick walls with lush greenery, creating an urban oasis. Soft, ambient lighting casts a gentle glow, highlighting the bar's wooden details and fostering a vibe that's both intimate and inviting.

Zero-Waste Wizardry

What truly distinguishes Nine Lives from the myriad bars across London is its unwavering commitment to sustainability. Embracing a zero-waste philosophy, the bar prides itself on repurposing ingredients that might otherwise be discarded. Leftover citrus fruit, for instance, is transformed into house-made cordials, ensuring that both flavor and resources are optimized.

But sustainability at Nine Lives isn’t limited to its cocktails. The bar's furniture, crafted from recycled materials, and its sound system, rescued and restored from a nightclub, echo its ethos at every touchpoint.

Cocktails with a Conscience

The cocktail menu at Nine Lives is a testament to creativity and eco-consciousness. Drinks are meticulously crafted using locally sourced ingredients, house-made tinctures, and sustainably sourced spirits. Each cocktail tells a story, be it of a local producer, an age-old technique, or a revived tradition.

The presentation, much like the ingredients, is thoughtful and inventive. Drinks might be adorned with repurposed garnishes or served in upcycled vessels, ensuring that the aesthetics align with the bar's philosophy.

Melodies in the Mix

Adding to its allure, Nine Lives frequently hosts live music sessions. The mellow notes of a saxophone or the rhythmic beats of a DJ set add layers to the experience, ensuring that patrons are engaged both audibly and gustatorily.

A Community of Connoisseurs

Nine Lives has garnered a loyal following, drawing in those who appreciate the finer things in life but are also acutely aware of their environmental footprint. It's a place where discussions about eco-conscious choices flow as smoothly as the cocktails.

Sustainability Meets Sensational Sips in London

In an age where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, Nine Lives stands as a beacon of possibility. It showcases how indulgence and responsibility can coexist, offering patrons an experience that delights the senses while nurturing the planet. For those seeking a night out in London that leaves both their palate and conscience satiated, Nine Lives in Bermondsey is the destination to gravitate towards.

Oriole Logo


Indoor only

Tucked away in the heart of London's Smithfield Market is a treasure trove of global flavors and melodies. Oriole, with its flair for the exotic, offers patrons a sensory voyage that transcends continents and eras, making it one of the city's most enchanting cocktail destinations.

A Tapestry of Worldly Wonders

The allure of Oriole is immediately evident as one steps through its doors. The interiors, awash in deep emerald and gold accents, conjure images of old-world luxury. Every corner is adorned with curiosities from across the globe, be it tribal artifacts, vintage maps, or lush foliage, lending the space an explorer's den vibe.

Liquid Journeys

Oriole's cocktail menu is a passport to global flavors. Drawing inspiration from far-flung corners of the world, each drink is an ode to a specific region's unique ingredients and traditions. Whether it's a cocktail infused with African botanicals or one that captures the essence of the Orient, the offerings at Oriole are a kaleidoscope of tastes and aromas.

Master mixologists craft each beverage with meticulous precision, using an array of rare spirits, house-made infusions, and artisanal mixers. The presentation, much like the concoctions themselves, is a visual feast, with drinks often served in bespoke vessels and garnished with edible art.

A Symphony of Sounds

But Oriole isn’t just about tantalizing the palate; it's a treat for the ears too. The bar hosts an eclectic range of live music performances, ranging from jazz and blues to world music. The sultry tones of a singer, the rhythmic strumming of a guitar, or the hypnotic beats of percussion instruments further amplify the bar's atmospheric charm.

Small Plates, Big Flavors

Complementing its cocktail offerings, Oriole boasts a menu of delectable small plates. Inspired by global cuisines, these dishes are designed to be shared, encouraging patrons to embark on a culinary journey as they sip on their drinks.

A Cosmopolitan Crowd

Given its unique proposition, Oriole attracts a diverse clientele. World travelers, music enthusiasts, and cocktail connoisseurs converge at this haven, all seeking a slice of the extraordinary.

An Exotic Elixir in London's Cocktail Landscape

Amidst the bustling tapestry of London's nightlife, Oriole emerges as a sanctuary of global flavors and sounds. It's more than just a bar; it's an experience, a journey that promises to transport patrons to distant lands and bygone eras. For those seeking an evening infused with wonder and wanderlust, Oriole in Smithfield Market is a destination par excellence.

The Last Talisman Logo

The Last Talisman

Indoor only

In the bustling heart of Bermondsey Street, London, amidst the city's myriad watering holes, lies a sanctuary that merges the mythical with the modern: The Last Talisman. A bar that feels like a chronicle from an age-old legend, it’s an establishment that invites guests on an unparalleled adventure—one where exceptional cocktails meet enchanting narratives.

Ambiance: Where Legend Meets Luxury

As you step into The Last Talisman, you're greeted by an eclectic blend of Asian-inspired décor, juxtaposed with industrial chic elements. Wooden statues stand sentinel, while verdant plants cascade down walls and shelves, giving the space a sense of organic warmth. The low-light ambiance, punctuated by lanterns and soft glows, creates an intimate atmosphere that transports guests to a realm where tales of old are whispered with every clink of a glass.

Concoctions of Craft and Creativity

The Last Talisman prides itself on its innovative approach to mixology. Each cocktail is not merely a drink but a story waiting to be told. Drawing inspiration from ancient myths and contemporary tales, the menu is a medley of unique ingredients, age-old techniques, and modern twists.

Whether it's a drink that evokes the mysteries of the East with its delicate floral undertones or one that plays with fiery flavors reminiscent of dragon lore, there's an exploration awaiting every palate. Every beverage is masterfully crafted, with bartenders meticulously balancing flavors to present a drink that's as visually stunning as it is delicious.

An Epicurean Expedition

While cocktails are the showstopper, The Last Talisman doesn’t lag in its culinary offerings. The menu, like its drinks, is a fusion of flavors. Drawing from Asian culinary traditions and blending them with modern gastronomic techniques, each dish is a delightful dance of tastes and textures, designed to complement the bar's eclectic drink menu.

The Alchemical Alcove

An intriguing feature of The Last Talisman is its dedicated Alchemist's Corner. Here, guests can witness bartenders, akin to mystical potion masters, brew, mix, and concoct drinks using an array of exotic ingredients. This interactive experience adds an additional layer to the bar's allure, making each visit uniquely memorable.

A Haven for the Curious

The Last Talisman, with its captivating concept, draws in a diverse crowd. It's a haunt for the city's artists, writers, and thinkers, all seeking inspiration or simply a space to unwind. It’s also a favorite amongst cocktail enthusiasts eager to embark on a new tasting adventure.

A Toast to Tales and Tipples

In a city as vibrant and varied as London, The Last Talisman emerges as a beacon for those seeking an experience that's both novel and nostalgic. Melding the artistry of mixology with the allure of mythology, it offers an escape that's as evocative as it is exhilarating. For an evening that promises tales, tipples, and tantalizing tastes, The Last Talisman is London's enchanting elixir.

Viajante Logo


Indoor only

London, a city renowned for its eclectic mix of cultures, offers a plethora of experiences for those who seek them. Nestled in the heart of Notting Hill is Viajante 87, a cocktail bar that promises more than just a drink – it promises a journey.

A Latin American Experience in West London

"Viajante", translating to "traveller" in Spanish, perfectly encapsulates the essence of this bar. Viajante 87 is a Latin American cocktail bar that celebrates cultures, ingredients, and experiences from across the world. It's not just a place to sip on a drink; it's a destination where you can be a true explorer, immersing yourself in the warmth and traditions of Latin America.

Elegance, Energy, and Exploration

Stepping into Viajante 87 is like embarking on a voyage of discovery. The bar exudes an elegant and high-energy vibe, inspired by the team's travels. Whether you're in the mood for familiar classics or eager to try something new and dynamic, the menu offers a range of cocktails crafted with exotic spirits, seeds, and fruits. And as the night progresses, the atmosphere becomes even more electric with resident weekend DJs spinning a mix of Latin-inspired tunes, disco, house, and funk.

A Cocktail Menu Inspired by Travels

The cocktail menu at Viajante 87 is a testament to the team's passion for exploration. With ingredients sourced from their recent journeys across Latin America, the menu spans from Mexico to Argentina and from Peru to Brazil. Whether you're sipping on the "Glacier Martini", inspired by the fjords in Patagonia, or the "Brazilian Mule", every drink tells a story of a place, a tradition, or an experience.

More Than Just Drinks

While the cocktails are undoubtedly the stars of the show, Viajante 87 also offers a delightful array of Japanese and Mexican bar snacks. From guacamole to falafelito, every dish is designed to complement the drinks and enhance the overall experience. And for those who prefer non-alcoholic options, the bar offers a range of refreshing drinks like the "Coco Limón" and the "Floresta Spritz".

An Intimate Hideout in Notting Hill

Tucked away in Notting Hill, Viajante 87 is a hidden gem that offers a unique experience for its patrons. The intimate setting, combined with its innovative approach to cocktails, makes it a must-visit destination for those looking to experience the best of London's cocktail scene. And with over 300 tequilas and mezcals on the menu, it's evident that Viajante 87 takes its agave seriously.

A Cocktail Odyssey in Notting Hill, London

In a city as diverse and vibrant as London, Viajante 87 stands out as a beacon of creativity and innovation. It's not just a bar; it's a journey, an experience, and a celebration of cultures. So, the next time you're in Notting Hill and looking for a place to unwind, remember to embark on a cocktail journey at Viajante 87 and explore the flavors and traditions of Latin America in the heart of London.

Hithe + Seek Logo

Hithe + Seek

Indoor only

In the ever-evolving landscape of London’s bustling nightlife, there emerges a venue that tenderly whispers the secrets of enchanting evenings to those fortunate enough to stumble upon it. Hithe + Seek, a hidden gem in the heart of the city, beckons discerning patrons to a world of exquisite cocktails and ethereal ambiance. Let’s embark on a poetic journey through the inviting yet mysterious alleys of Hithe + Seek, where each corner unveils a new secret, a new story, and a new perspective on the art of cocktail creation.

A Haven of Mystique and Charm

Hidden away from the main roads, Hithe + Seek offers an oasis of tranquility and elegance in the middle of the bustling city. The entrance itself is a testimony to the bar’s distinctive identity — a discreet doorway that leads you into a world of wonder and sophistication, enticing visitors with the promise of secrets untold and experiences unimagined.

Interiors that Narrate a Tale

As you step inside, you are greeted by a tapestry of rich textures and gentle lighting that creates an ambiance of warm embrace. The interiors weave a narrative of vintage elegance and modern minimalism, a harmonious blend that immerses patrons in an atmosphere of comforting intimacy. It’s a space that echoes with whispered conversations, a tranquil haven where time seems to slow down, and the chaos of the outside world fades away.

Masterful Concoctions from Expert Hands

The heart of Hithe + Seek lies in its phenomenal cocktail menu, curated by expert mixologists who have mastered the art of blending diverse elements into harmonious symphonies of flavor. The cocktails here are more than just beverages; they are narratives in a liquid form, each telling a unique story through a delicate balance of flavors, textures, and aromas.

The creations are crafted with an artisanal approach, using premium ingredients that are carefully chosen for their purity and character. Whether it’s a classic cocktail with a Hithe + Seek twist or a completely original concoction, the beverages promise a journey of discovery through a landscape of diverse and fascinating flavors.

A Palette of Culinary Delights

Beyond the rich tapestry of cocktails, Hithe + Seek introduces its patrons to a culinary voyage that is both delightful and surprising. The food menu, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, showcases an array of dishes that pair harmoniously with the cocktails, offering a complete and indulgent experience to every visitor.

The cuisine here blends tradition with innovation, creating dishes that are both familiar and novel, engaging the palate with a dynamic interplay of flavors, textures, and aromas. It is a gastronomic journey that complements the ethereal world of cocktails, creating a harmony of experiences that satisfy all the senses.

Events that Create Memories

Apart from being a paradise for cocktail enthusiasts, Hithe + Seek also stands as an exceptional venue for private events. The space transforms to cater to a variety of occasions, offering a setting that is both intimate and elegant, perfect for creating memories that last a lifetime.

A Hidden Jewel in London’s Cocktail Landscape

In a city teeming with cocktail bars, Hithe + Seek stands as a hidden jewel that offers a sanctuary of elegance, intimacy, and artisanal excellence. It is a space that embraces its patrons with warm lights and softer shades, where masterful concoctions and culinary delights promise an evening of quiet enchantment and whispered secrets.

Embark on a journey to Hithe + Seek, and let yourself be embraced by a world where every cocktail tells a story, where every corner whispers a secret, and where every visit promises a rendezvous with the extraordinary, hidden in the heart of London’s vibrant cityscape. It is a secret haven of wonder, waiting to be discovered by those seeking the exceptional, the unique, and the magical in the heart of London.

Hovarda Logo


Indoor only

In the vibrant epicenter of London’s bustling streets lies Hovarda, a cocktail bar that breathes a unique blend of Aegean-inspired sophistication and the pulsating heartbeat of the city. It’s not just a bar, but a tantalizing experience, a world of exotic allure where culinary wonders meet mixology masterpieces. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted spirit and the bewitching atmosphere that is Hovarda.

A Dive into Aegean Luxury

Upon stepping into Hovarda, patrons are instantly transported to an Aegean wonderland adorned with rich textures and materials reflecting the shimmering blues of the sea and the warm hues of coastal landscapes. The ambiance echoes with the spirit of the Aegean, blending harmoniously with modern, elegant London chic, offering a truly immersive, soul-warming experience.

The Cocktail Journey

At the heart of Hovarda’s persona is its remarkable cocktail bar, a space where mixology transcends to become an art form, a theatrical presentation that is both enchanting and exhilarating. The cocktails here are crafted with an artisanal spirit, marrying exotic ingredients sourced from Greece and Turkey with premium spirits to create a palette of flavors that is vivid, refreshing, and evocative.

From refreshing cocktails infused with Mediterranean herbs to rich and smoky creations that tell tales of Aegean nights, the cocktail menu at Hovarda offers a vivid exploration of regions unknown. It's a place where ancient traditions meet modern innovations to craft concoctions that are both timeless and forward-thinking, satisfying the most adventurous of spirits.

Gastronomic Adventures

Accompanying the mesmerizing array of cocktails is a culinary journey that delights and surprises at every turn. The menu is a vibrant mosaic of Aegean flavors, offering dishes crafted from the freshest seafood and finest ingredients that pay homage to the rich culinary heritage of the region.

Whether indulging in meze-style small plates or feasting on magnificent main courses, patrons are treated to a gastronomic odyssey that harmonizes perfectly with the beverage offerings, creating a dining experience that is both luxurious and grounded in tradition.

A Vibrant Entertainment Canvas

Hovarda isn’t just a place to dine and drink; it’s a vibrant canvas of entertainment that evolves as the day progresses. The energy shifts seamlessly from a relaxed and sophisticated daytime venue to a pulsating nightspot where London’s elite come to revel. Accompanied by an ever-changing lineup of DJs and live musicians, Hovarda offers a rhythm for every mood, creating an environment where music and camaraderie fuel the joyous spirit.

Events with Aegean Flair

For those looking to host private events with a distinct Aegean flair, Hovarda stands as an unparalleled choice. The venue transforms to offer a bespoke service, curating experiences that are as unique as they are memorable, be it a corporate gathering or a personal celebration.

An Odyssey of Flavors in London’s Heart

Hovarda is more than just a cocktail bar; it is an entity that beckons patrons to embrace the rich tapestry of Aegean culture, all set within the beating heart of London. It offers an experience that transcends the conventional, inviting one and all to embark on a journey of flavors, sounds, and sensations that evoke the spirit of the Aegean sea with a London twist.

Whether seeking a luxurious dining experience or an evening of vibrant entertainment, Hovarda promises a rendezvous with the extraordinary, delivering a slice of Aegean magic in the pulsating heart of London. It stands as a beacon of vibrant culture and sophistication, offering an escape into a world of exotic allure and mesmerizing flavors that linger in the soul, urging a return to its enchanting embrace.

La Goccia Bar Logo

La Goccia Bar

Indoor & Outdoor

In the picturesque setting of Covent Garden, where history meets the hustle and bustle of modern London, there exists a green sanctuary that not only promises but delivers a transcendent experience to its patrons. La Goccia Bar, named after the Italian word for “the drop,” offers a refreshing drop of nature, tranquility, and unpretentious elegance in London's vibrant cocktail scene. Let us delve deeper into the delightful world that is La Goccia Bar.

An Oasis of Greenery and Natural Aesthetics

As you step into La Goccia Bar, your senses are greeted with a warm embrace of nature. The establishment breathes life through its generous use of greenery, from lush potted plants to vines gently tracing the contours of the walls. This harmonious blend of indoor and outdoor spaces is augmented by the lavish natural light that paints every corner with a glow of warmth, promising an evergreen embrace that resonates with serenity and life.

The Alchemy of Flavours

Where La Goccia truly blossoms is in its ingenious menu that brings to the fore the vibrant, rich, and pure flavours of nature. The bar heralds a refreshing approach to cocktails, with a menu that sings a harmonious opera of botanical notes.

Using a rich palette of seasonal ingredients, the bartenders at La Goccia craft concoctions that are nothing short of liquid poetry. Each cocktail is a narrative woven with the freshest herbs, vibrant fruits, and premium spirits, resulting in beverages that are both visually stunning and delightful on the palate.

An Italian Gastronomic Journey

Beyond the lush landscape of cocktails, La Goccia Bar invites you on a gastronomic journey through the rustic yet refined Italian cuisine. The food here tells tales of Italian landscapes, from the rolling hills of Tuscany to the sun-kissed coasts of Sicily. The dishes are a homage to the rich culinary heritage of Italy, offering a fresh, modern twist to the beloved classics, and pairing perfectly with the botanical cocktails on offer.

A Canvas of Events

La Goccia is not just a bar, but a dynamic space adaptable to a plethora of events. Whether it is a casual get-together or a formal celebration, the space blooms to the occasion, offering a backdrop of nature-inspired aesthetics coupled with world-class service to make every event memorable.

A Blossoming Garden of Flavours in London

In a city where the cocktail scene is ever-evolving, La Goccia Bar stands as a unique offering, a haven of tranquility and unpretentious elegance. It is a place where nature meets craftsmanship, where the fresh, vibrant flavors of the garden meet the skilled hands of artisans, resulting in experiences that are rich, nourishing, and delightful in every sense.

Whether you are looking to enjoy a calm afternoon embraced by nature or seeking a vibrant evening accompanied by a symphony of flavours, La Goccia Bar promises an escape from the mundane, into a world that is vibrant, warm, and wonderfully alive.

So, step into La Goccia Bar, where every cocktail is a drop of nature’s essence, every dish a canvas of Italian landscapes, and every visit a journey into a garden of flavours, where the vibrancy of life blooms in the heart of London.

Lucy Wong Logo

Lucy Wong

Indoor only

In the heart of London’s cosmopolitan landscape is a venue that marries the sophistication of the east with London’s vibrant energy, offering patrons a kaleidoscope of experiences that are as rich as they are vibrant. Nestled in a corner that vibrates with the heartbeat of the city is Lucy Wong, a cocktail bar that is a dynamic canvas of art, culture, and flavor. Allow us to take you on a journey through the mesmerizing world that is Lucy Wong.

A Tapestry of Eastern Charm

Stepping into Lucy Wong is like embarking on a journey through a gallery that celebrates the mystique and elegance of Eastern culture. The ambiance transports you to a realm where the rich traditions of the East meet the modern vibrancy of London. The décor is a rich tapestry woven with elements that echo Asian charm — from intricate wood carvings to rich silks that adorn the interiors, every element tells a story, promising an experience that is visually and spiritually enriching.

Cocktails: A Palette of Flavors and Emotions

At the heart of Lucy Wong is a cocktail menu that is a rich narrative, a canvas where each drink tells a story, evoking emotions and taking you on a journey through a landscape of flavors that are both familiar and exotic. The mixologists bring to life a menu that is a symphony of East meets West, blending traditional Eastern ingredients with modern techniques to craft concoctions that are a celebration of culture and innovation.

Expect cocktails infused with unique Asian ingredients like yuzu, sake, and lemongrass, creating a melody of flavors that are refreshing, invigorating, and deeply soul-stirring. It is here where the meticulous art of cocktail crafting transcends into a sensory experience, painting vivid portraits through the harmony of flavors, aromas, and textures.

A Gastronomic Journey Through Eastern Culinary Landscapes

Lucy Wong offers not just beverages but a culinary journey that transports you to the vibrant landscapes of the East. The kitchen celebrates the rich diversity of Eastern cuisine, bringing to the table dishes that are crafted with a spirit of authenticity and a touch of modernity.

From delicate dim sum to robust curries, the food menu is a delightful ensemble of flavors that echo the diversity of Asian cuisine. It’s a journey through culinary landscapes that promises to be an exhilarating exploration of textures, flavors, and aromas that sing in harmony, creating a gastronomic experience that is vibrant, soulful, and truly enchanting.

A Canvas of Cultural Events

Beyond the gastronomic journeys, Lucy Wong stands as a vibrant hub of culture and art, hosting a myriad of events that celebrate the rich tapestry of Eastern culture. From art exhibitions to music nights that reverberate with the enchanting rhythms of the East, the bar is a dynamic canvas that promises a rich cultural experience.

A Symphony of Eastern Elegance in London’s Cocktail Scene

Lucy Wong is not just a cocktail bar, but a vibrant celebration of Eastern elegance in the heart of London. It invites patrons to immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of experiences, where every visit promises a journey of discovery through vibrant landscapes of art, culture, and gastronomy.

Whether you are an art enthusiast seeking a cultural rendezvous or a gastronome looking to explore the rich culinary landscapes of the East, Lucy Wong promises a rendezvous with the extraordinary, offering a vibrant mosaic of experiences that are deeply enriching, emotionally stirring, and soul-satisfying. It is a place where the heartbeat of the East vibrates in harmony with the pulsating energy of London, promising experiences that are as rich as they are vibrant, beckoning patrons into a world of Eastern elegance that resonates with warmth, hospitality, and vibrant culture.

Lyaness Logo


Indoor only

In the ever-evolving landscape of London's vibrant cocktail scene, there stands a venue that continually redefines what a cocktail bar can be, pushing the boundaries of creativity and excellence. Located within the prestigious Sea Containers London on the South Bank of the River Thames, Lyaness is the epitome of innovation and finesse. Let us delve into the enchanting world of Lyaness, where every visit is a fresh narrative in the anthology of unparalleled cocktail artistry.

Redefining Elegance and Sophistication

As you step into Lyaness, you are welcomed by an ambiance that breathes sophistication. The interiors, bathed in a mesmerizing hue of electric blue, exude an almost surreal quality. This contemporary yet sophisticated setting, enhanced by opulent golden accents and plush seating, creates a backdrop that is both intimate and grandiose, lending itself to a variety of moods and experiences.

Revolutionizing the Cocktail Narrative

Lyaness is more than just a cocktail bar; it is a laboratory of flavours where imagination meets craftsmanship. The establishment has made waves in the industry with its revolutionary approach to cocktails, where the traditional menu is replaced by a curated selection of unique ingredients, each telling its own story.

The menu revolves around seven core ingredients, each developed in-house with meticulous precision, offering a palette of flavours that are as diverse as they are harmonious. Guests are encouraged to explore this vibrant landscape, working alongside the bartenders to craft concoctions that are tailor-made to suit their individual preferences and moods. It is here where the art of cocktail-making transcends into a collaborative and immersive experience, transforming every drink into a personalised masterpiece.

A Culinary Journey That Complements the Cocktail Experience

Complementing the revolutionary cocktail experience is a culinary offering that stands tall in its own right. The menu, curated with the same philosophy of innovation and excellence, offers a selection of dishes that are vibrant, playful, and deeply satisfying. From delectable bites to hearty meals, the gastronomic journey at Lyaness is designed to elevate the cocktail experience, creating a symphony of flavours that dance harmoniously on your palate.

A Vibrant Space of Events and Collaborations

Beyond its innovative approach to cocktails, Lyaness serves as a vibrant canvas for a range of events and collaborations. The venue hosts a rich calendar of events, from immersive cocktail masterclasses to live music sessions that pulsate with the vibrant rhythms of the London music scene. Moreover, the bar often collaborates with industry leaders and pioneering artists, fostering a dynamic space that celebrates creativity, diversity, and artistic expression.

A Confluence of Innovation and Elegance in London’s Cocktail Scene

In a city that is home to a rich tapestry of cocktail bars, Lyaness stands in a league of its own, constantly challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of what a cocktail bar can be. It is a place where the curious come to explore, where the adventurous come to experiment, and where the connoisseurs come to indulge.

Whether you're a cocktail aficionado or a newcomer eager to explore the vibrant world of cocktails, Lyaness promises an experience that is both enlightening and exhilarating. It invites you to be a part of a narrative that is constantly evolving, offering a journey that is as rich and diverse as the palette of flavours it brings to the table. It is more than just a bar; it is a celebration of innovation, craftsmanship, and the joy of discovery, promising experiences that are as unique as they are memorable, in a setting that is both timeless and avant-garde. Step into Lyaness, where every visit is a fresh chapter in the ongoing story of one of London's most innovative cocktail destinations.

Publiq Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

Tucked away in the vibrant heart of London is Publiq, a cocktail bar that embodies the essence of modernist luxury while honoring the timeless tradition of British hospitality. This establishment is more than just a bar; it’s a space where connoisseurs, enthusiasts, and the curious come together to revel in a dynamic milieu of innovation and refinement. Let’s step into the world of Publiq, where every visit becomes a memory etched in the annals of timeless elegance.

A Sanctuary of Modern Elegance

Stepping into Publiq, patrons are greeted with a meticulously curated space that marries contemporary aesthetics with classic touches. The sophisticated décor evokes a sense of modern elegance with its polished surfaces, rich textures, and a colour palette that invites warmth and intimacy. The plush seating arrangements and ambient lighting craft a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, offering a haven of comfort amidst the bustling energy of London.

The Cocktail Odyssey

At the heart of Publiq is its vibrant bar, a realm where the magic of cocktail craftsmanship unfolds in an artful display of skill and creativity. The cocktail menu is a masterful tapestry woven with threads of innovation, paying homage to traditional classics while venturing into uncharted territories with bold, experimental creations.

Utilizing a diverse array of premium spirits, rare botanicals, and bespoke syrups, the mixologists at Publiq craft potions that are not only visually stunning but also a feast for the palate. Each concoction tells a story, inviting patrons on a sensory journey that explores the depths of flavors, textures, and aromas. Whether it’s a reinvented classic or a Publiq original, each cocktail promises an experience that is both unique and unforgettable.

Culinary Brilliance

Complementing the cocktail odyssey is Publiq’s culinary offering, a menu curated to tantalize and satisfy the most discerning of palates. The gastronomic journey at Publiq takes inspiration from global cuisines, bringing to the table a repertoire of dishes that are both comforting and avant-garde.

From bite-sized appetizers that whet the appetite to hearty entrées that promise satisfaction, the culinary narrative at Publiq is an exploration of flavors in their purest form. The chefs employ modern culinary techniques to highlight the natural flavors of high-quality ingredients, crafting dishes that are visually arresting and gastronomically fulfilling.

A Canvas of Cultural Expression

Publiq is not just a space for gastronomic indulgence; it is a vibrant canvas that hosts a rich array of cultural events and collaborations. Through art exhibitions, music performances, and themed nights, Publiq fosters a dynamic and inclusive community that celebrates creativity and cultural diversity.

It is a space where art meets life, offering a platform for artists, musicians, and creatives to share their passion with a diverse and appreciative audience. The events at Publiq are curated to offer patrons an enriched experience, marrying the joy of culinary and cocktail indulgence with the vibrant energy of artistic expression.

A Modernist Oasis in London’s Spirited Landscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of London’s nightlife, Publiq stands as a bastion of modern elegance and innovative spirit. It is a venue that embraces the rich heritage of British hospitality while continually pushing the boundaries of what a cocktail bar can be.

Whether you’re a cocktail aficionado eager to explore new frontiers of flavor or a culinary enthusiast in search of your next gastronomic adventure, Publiq promises an experience that is both luxurious and authentic. It invites you to partake in a journey of discovery, where every visit unveils a new layer of creativity and excellence, offering a dynamic milieu that is as engaging as it is elegant. Let yourself be drawn into the magical world of Publiq, a modernist oasis in the spirited landscape of London.

Rockwell at Trafalgar St Jame Logo

Rockwell at Trafalgar St Jame

Indoor only

Nestled in the iconic locale of Trafalgar Square, the Rockwell bar at the Trafalgar St. James hotel embodies a vibrant yet sophisticated spirit, offering a refreshing escape from the bustling heart of London. This exquisite cocktail bar is a haven where nature meets luxury, providing a unique blend of vibrant botanical interiors and a rich menu of meticulously crafted cocktails. Allow us to take you on a journey through the vibrant avenues of Rockwell, where every corner holds a promise of enchantment and fine craftsmanship.

A Verdant Oasis in the Heart of the City

As you step into Rockwell, you are instantly transported into a vibrant botanical paradise, a sharp contrast to the urban surroundings it resides in. The interiors breathe life through a rich palette of greens, adorned with lush, tropical plants and avant-garde art pieces that draw inspiration from nature. The vast floor-to-ceiling windows flood the space with natural light, illuminating the rich textures and vibrant hues, crafting a sanctuary that is both refreshing and sophisticated.

Cocktails Crafted with a Masterful Touch

The heart and soul of Rockwell lies in its expertly curated cocktail menu, a vibrant tableau of creations that celebrate the rich diversity of flavours and aromas drawn from every corner of the world. The bar team, helmed by skilled mixologists, harmoniously blend rare and exotic ingredients, creating cocktails that are both familiar yet surprising.

Each concoction is a masterpiece, an expression of creativity and skill that challenges the conventional boundaries of cocktail crafting. From classic cocktails reimagined with a Rockwell twist to innovative concoctions that tell a story through their complex layers of flavours, the cocktail menu promises an adventurous journey for the palate, invoking a symphony of sensations with every sip.

Gastronomy that Complements the Cocktail Experience

To accompany your cocktail sojourn, Rockwell offers a curated selection of gastronomic delights that harmonize seamlessly with the drink offerings. The culinary team crafts dishes using the freshest of seasonal ingredients, promising a culinary experience that is both rich and satisfying.

Whether indulging in a casual snack or sitting down for a sumptuous meal, guests can expect dishes that are beautifully presented, with flavors that are vibrant and textures that delight the senses, creating a culinary narrative that stands tall in its own right.

A Canvas for Vibrant Events

Beyond the captivating cocktails and gastronomic offerings, Rockwell plays host to an eclectic mix of events that add a dynamic layer to the venue’s vibrant personality. From live music performances that pulsate with energetic rhythms to themed parties that immerse you in a world of fun and fantasy, Rockwell crafts experiences that are vibrant, enriching, and ever-evolving, promising something new with every visit.

London’s Botanical Paradise of Cocktails

In a city that teems with historic landmarks and vibrant spaces, Rockwell at the Trafalgar St. James stands as a beacon of modern elegance and botanical beauty. Here, every detail is crafted with finesse, from the lush interiors to the masterfully created cocktails, offering an oasis that promises both relaxation and vibrant energy.

Whether you are looking to unwind amidst a lush setting or embark on a gastronomic adventure enriched with creative cocktails, Rockwell offers an experience that is both visually stunning and gastronomically delightful. Step into Rockwell, where the vibrant world of botanical wonders meets the refined artistry of cocktail craftsmanship, promising an experience that is both enchanting and exhilarating, right in the heart of London.

Savage Garden Logo

Savage Garden

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled atop one of the historic buildings that grace London’s skyline, the Savage Garden cocktail bar unfolds as a bewitching rooftop space that fuses modern luxury with a tinge of wild allure. It beckons you into a realm of indulgence where bold flavours meet breathtaking vistas, offering an experience that is nothing short of theatrical. Let us immerse ourselves into the intriguing world of Savage Garden, where every detail is designed to tantalize your senses.

Wild Elegance: The Setting

Upon ascending to the Savage Garden, patrons are greeted with a space that oozes sophistication yet retains a wild edge — a true embodiment of its name. The interior portrays a perfect amalgamation of contemporary design with provocative art installations that echo a raw, yet refined beauty.

As a rooftop venue, it provides a magnificent panoramic view of the London skyline, allowing guests to drink in the visual cocktail of historic and modern architecture, all while sipping on their favourite concoctions. The outdoor terraces, equipped with plush seating arrangements, offer the perfect vantage point to witness the city under the open sky, providing a surreal backdrop for your evenings.

Cocktail Alchemy: The Heartbeat of Savage Garden

The core of Savage Garden's allure lies in its expansive cocktail menu, which is an adventurous exploration of flavours, bridging the familiar with the extraordinary. The mixologists, guided by a fierce spirit of innovation, craft cocktails that are both visually dramatic and a symphony of bold, unexpected flavours.

Whether it's a classic cocktail given a Savage twist or a wholly original creation, the beverages echo a daring spirit, enticing patrons to venture into uncharted sensory territories. Utilizing premium spirits and fresh, vibrant ingredients, each drink is not just a beverage but a crafted tale, each sip narrating a different chapter, encouraging you to indulge in a narrative of flavours and sensations.

Savage Cuisine: A Culinary Adventure

Pair your drinks with an array of culinary delights that mirror the bold and experimental philosophy of Savage Garden. The menu features a range of dishes that are global and contemporary, yet tinged with a wild flair that is signature to Savage Garden’s spirit.

The culinary offerings span a wide spectrum, from casual yet sumptuous bites to hearty mains, each dish meticulously crafted to offer a gastronomic adventure that complements the bold and adventurous spirit of the cocktail offerings, making each dining experience a savage yet delightfully sinful indulgence.

Events at Savage Garden: The Wild Stage

Beyond its gastronomic prowess, Savage Garden is also a vibrant stage hosting an ever-evolving array of events that match the wild and lavish essence of its setting. From electrifying DJ nights that animate the London sky with pulsating rhythms to themed parties that immerse you in fantastical worlds, the event calendar at Savage Garden is designed to tantalize and entertain, offering a wild card element to your visit, every time.

A Sinfully Delightful Rooftop Escape in the Heart of London

Savage Garden is more than just a rooftop bar; it is a celebration of the wild, the luxurious, and the beautiful. It brings to life a hedonistic paradise where your senses are treated to a cavalcade of bold, innovative cocktails, an evocative culinary journey, all set against the staggering beauty of London viewed from above.

Step into the enchanted world of Savage Garden, where every evening is a voyage through a garden of savage delights, offering an experience that is sinfully good, creating memories that linger, enticing you to return to its wild embrace, time and again. It’s not just a visit; it’s an escapade into the fierce yet tantalizing world of savage luxury, right in the heart of London.

Scarfes Bar Logo

Scarfes Bar

Indoor only

In the illustrious world of London's cocktail scene, Scarfes Bar emerges as a distinctive entity, marrying the sophistication of a gentleman's library with the imaginative world of a creative studio. Nestled within the luxurious Rosewood London Hotel, Scarfes Bar invites patrons into a realm where art and mixology form a harmonious blend. Let us delve deeper into the enigmatic world of Scarfes Bar, where every visit paints a vivid portrait of exquisite craftsmanship.

A Gallery of Art and Heritage

As one ventures into Scarfes Bar, the rich artistic heritage engulfs them, with the interiors showcasing an array of artworks and caricatures crafted by the renowned artist Gerald Scarfe, after whom the bar is named. The walls are adorned with Scarfe’s satirical sketches, which breathe life and narrative into the space, essentially turning the venue into a vibrant canvas of history, satire, and culture.

Complementing the art is the architectural grandeur that reflects an elegant blend of classical and contemporary designs. The spacious, high-ceilinged room, replete with books and antique furniture, embodies the cozy yet refined ambience of a classic British drawing-room, offering a comfortable enclave amidst the vibrant hustle and bustle of London.

The Ballet of Mixology

The heartbeat of Scarfes Bar is its cocktail menu, a meticulously curated anthology of drinks that are as dramatic as they are delightful. Each cocktail is a story waiting to be told, inspired by the world of music, art, and history. Here, mixologists are more than just bartenders; they are artists, each crafting drinks with a flair of theatricality and an intimate understanding of flavors and ingredients.

Utilizing a kaleidoscope of premium spirits and exotic ingredients, the concoctions here are not just drinks but crafted narratives that guide patrons through a rich sensory journey. From the rich spice-infused concoctions to the refreshingly fruity mixtures, each cocktail is a masterpiece, promising an immersive exploration of the world of flavors.

Culinary Creations: A Symphony of Flavours

Complementing the rich tapestry of drinks is Scarfes Bar’s culinary offerings, a menu that presents a potpourri of global flavors encapsulated in British elegance. The menu, which fluctuates with the seasons, ensures the freshness of ingredients, promising a culinary journey that is both rich and enchanting.

From light bites to heartier meals, each dish is crafted with the meticulous precision of a maestro, weaving together a harmonious symphony of flavors, textures, and aromas, promising a gastronomic experience that stands as a testimony to the bar's commitment to excellence.

Live Music: The Pulse of Scarfes Bar

Adding to the vibrant tapestry of Scarfes Bar is its commitment to nurturing a rich cultural milieu through live music performances. The bar frequently echoes with the soulful tunes of jazz, blues, and soul, offering a dynamic, vibrant, and eclectic musical landscape that enhances the overall experience, making every visit a lively and enriched affair.

Where Art Meets Mixology in the Heart of London

Scarfes Bar is not just a bar; it is an experience, a vivid painting brought to life through the rich narratives encapsulated in its cocktails, the vibrant rhythms of its live music, and the tantalizing offerings of its culinary palette.

Each visit to Scarfes Bar is a journey through a dynamic landscape of art, flavor, and music, promising an experience that resonates with a symphony of senses, nourished with the finest of London’s artistic and culinary craftsmanship.

Whether you are a connoisseur of fine cocktails or a patron of the arts, Scarfes Bar awaits to offer you an immersive, rich, and nuanced experience, promising evenings of elegance, vibrancy, and exquisite indulgence in the heart of London.

Silverleaf Logo


Indoor only

In the vibrant epicentre of London's eclectic cocktail scene blooms Silverleaf, a cocktail establishment that weaves elegance, innovation, and sophistication into every element. Nestled in a bustling corner of the iconic city, Silverleaf stands as a testament to fine craftsmanship and a sanctuary of sublime indulgence. Step into the enthralling world of Silverleaf, where cocktails are not just drinks but exquisite art forms that narrate tales of tradition, craftsmanship, and innovation.

Architectural Elegance: A Reflective Oasis

The moment you step into Silverleaf, you are welcomed into a space that marries contemporary design with a timeless approach to luxury. The establishment reverberates with an understated elegance, emanating from the meticulously crafted interiors that carry a soft silver hue, mirroring the name of the bar itself.

Mirror-polished surfaces catch and play with the light, creating a shimmering ambiance that evokes a sense of tranquility and luxury. The interiors carry a balance of modern art and classic architecture, with silver-leaved plants gracing corners, lending a fresh and vibrant touch to the ambiance, creating a space where comfort meets sophistication.

Mixology at its Pinnacle

At the heart of Silverleaf's allure lies a cocktail menu that speaks volumes about its commitment to innovation and quality. The mixologists at Silverleaf are artists in their realm, crafting beverages that are a symphony of flavours and textures, a dance of aromas and tastes that narrate stories through each meticulously crafted cocktail.

From reinterpretations of classic concoctions to original creations that push the boundaries of mixology, Silverleaf offers a rich and diverse cocktail menu that promises to take you on an unforgettable journey through the world of fine drinks. Each cocktail is a painting in a glass, a rich tableau of flavours, created with premium spirits, fresh ingredients, and a deep understanding of the art and science of mixology.

Gastronomic Delights: A Culinary Wonderland

Beyond the vibrant world of cocktails, Silverleaf offers a culinary journey that complements the exquisite beverage offerings perfectly. The kitchen crafts dishes that are both a visual delight and a gastronomic adventure, curated with the freshest of ingredients and a vibrant palette of flavours.

The menu offers a fine selection of dishes that range from modern interpretations of British classics to globally inspired creations that promise a culinary journey across borders, creating a dining experience that is rich, diverse, and absolutely delightful.

Events and Private Gatherings: A Venue of Elegance

Silverleaf stands as an emblem of elegance and sophistication, not just as a cocktail bar but also as a venue for events and private gatherings. The establishment offers beautifully curated spaces that serve as the perfect backdrop for a range of events, from corporate gatherings to intimate celebrations. Each event at Silverleaf carries a touch of elegance and refinement, promising an experience that is as seamless as it is memorable.

A Shimmering Gem in London’s Cocktail Landscape

Silverleaf is more than just a cocktail bar; it is an institution that celebrates the finer things in life through a commitment to quality, innovation, and elegance. Every visit promises a journey through a world of refined tastes, immersive experiences, and sublime indulgences.

Whether you are a connoisseur of fine cocktails or someone seeking a space of tranquility and luxury, Silverleaf welcomes you into a world where every detail is crafted with meticulous attention to excellence, promising evenings of pure bliss in the heart of London.

St James Bar at Hotel Sofitel Logo

St James Bar at Hotel Sofitel

Indoor only

Nestled in the majestic environs of the iconic Hotel Sofitel in London, St James Bar stands as a sanctuary of luxury, a place where heritage meets contemporary elegance. Inspired by Coco Chanel’s 1920s Parisian apartment, this cocktail bar offers an immersive experience that epitomizes sophistication and fine taste. Join us as we take a journey through the lavish landscape of the St James Bar, where every corner whispers tales of grandeur and craftsmanship.

An Architectural Ode to Elegance

Upon stepping into the St James Bar, visitors are greeted by a milieu of elegance where exquisite fabrics, plush furnishings, and a rich palette of warm hues come together to craft a space that is both intimate and luxurious. The interiors carry a timeless charm, with intricate details that echo the rich history and artistic flair of the roaring twenties.

The golden glow from the delicate lighting arrangements cast a warm embrace over the mahogany tables and lavishly upholstered chairs, creating a haven of comfort and sophistication, where every element speaks of an unwavering commitment to luxury.

A Canvas of Culinary Artistry

Beyond the artistic interiors, St James Bar extends its narrative of luxury to a gastronomic landscape that celebrates fine dining in all its glory. The culinary offerings are curated with a meticulous attention to detail, translating into a menu that stands as a testimony to culinary artistry.

Each dish is a delicate symphony of flavours, crafted from the finest ingredients sourced from across the world. From delightful appetizers to rich, sumptuous mains, the culinary journey at St James Bar promises an indulgence that tantalizes the taste buds while narrating tales of global gastronomy.

Cocktails: A Symphony of Flavours and Aromas

At the heart of St James Bar lies its illustrious cocktail menu, a tapestry woven from the finest threads of tradition and innovation. The bar showcases a rich diversity of premium spirits and rare ingredients, brought together by master mixologists to craft a parade of cocktails that are nothing short of liquid artistry.

Each cocktail carries a story, an intricate dance of flavours and aromas that paints a vivid tapestry in the palate, taking patrons on a journey through time and space. The meticulous craftsmanship extends to the presentation, with each cocktail served in bespoke glassware, adding a touch of visual delight to the sensual pleasure that each sip offers.

Events and Soirées: Crafting Moments of Magic

Beyond the culinary delights and cocktail artistry, St James Bar emerges as a coveted venue for events and soirées, where each occasion transforms into a moment of magic. The bar offers a range of curated experiences that blend luxury with personalization, crafting evenings that are both elegant and memorable.

Whether it is a private gathering or a corporate event, St James Bar stands as a beacon of elegance, offering a venue that speaks volumes about sophistication, grandeur, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

A Tapestry of Elegance and Craftsmanship

In the vibrant landscape of London, St James Bar at Hotel Sofitel stands as a shining star, a destination where luxury finds a home. It is more than just a bar; it is a narrative woven from the golden threads of elegance, sophistication, and fine craftsmanship.

Whether you are a connoisseur of fine cocktails, a lover of gourmet dining, or someone seeking a sanctuary of luxury, St James Bar welcomes you with open arms, promising an experience that is both timeless and transcendent, a journey through the finest offerings that life has to present, in the heart of London.

Swift Logo


Indoor only

In the spirited heart of London's Soho district, Swift stands as a beacon of cocktail craftsmanship, inviting patrons into a world of refined tastes and splendid atmospheres. Emanating sophistication and embodying a rich narrative of the world of cocktails, Swift offers an experience steeped in elegance and meticulous attention to detail. Journey with us as we traverse the hallways of Swift, where every corner narrates a story of passion, precision, and dedication to the cocktail culture.

Architectural Narratives of Elegance

As you step into Swift, a delicate ballet of lights and shadows welcomes you, setting a prelude to the aesthetic symphony that defines this magnificent establishment. The bar effortlessly blends the vintage with the modern, offering a space adorned with art deco influences married harmoniously to contemporary sensibilities.

The intricate mosaics, the grand mirrors reflecting soft, ambient light, and the delicate contours of the architectural elements weave a fabric of timeless elegance, inviting patrons into a realm of sophistication, where every element narrates a tale of beauty and class.

The Tale of Two Floors

Swift unfolds its narrative across two distinct levels, each crafting a unique story in the immersive world of cocktails. The ground floor, bathed in natural light during the day, transitions into a vibrant space as evening approaches. It is here that patrons can indulge in Swift’s revered oyster happy hour, a celebration of freshness and the ocean’s bounty, perfectly paired with a rich selection of champagnes and sparkling wines.

As you descend to the lower level, the atmosphere transforms into an intimate haven adorned with deep mahogany hues and plush seating. It is in this hallowed ground where the cocktail masterpieces come to life, each creation a testament to Swift’s dedication to perfection.

A Symphony of Flavours

At Swift, the cocktail menu is a vibrant symphony of flavours, where classic and contemporary melodies harmonize to create a rich narrative of taste. The bartenders, maestros in their craft, conjure magic in their concoctions, blending a rich tapestry of tastes and textures to create a portfolio of drinks that are as aesthetic in presentation as they are delightful in flavour.

From the classic to the avant-garde, Swift’s cocktail menu offers a journey through time, where each beverage carries a story, a history, and a spirit that speaks of places distant and experiences diverse.

Culinary Delights

Complementing its rich cocktail menu is Swift’s culinary narrative, a journey through a landscape of flavours crafted from fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. The menu is a poetic ode to simplicity and quality, offering dishes that echo the bar’s philosophy of elegance and precision.

From artisan cheeses to delicately crafted small plates, every culinary offering at Swift is a sensorial delight, promising a gastronomic journey that forms a harmonious accompaniment to the vibrant world of cocktails.

A Beacon of Cocktail Craftsmanship in the Heart of Soho

Swift stands as a stalwart in London’s cocktail landscape, an establishment that weaves a rich narrative of taste, elegance, and craftsmanship. It invites patrons to embark on a journey through the world of cocktails, where every sip is a story, and every visit a memory etched in the annals of time.

Whether you are a connoisseur of fine cocktails, a lover of aesthetic spaces, or a seeker of refined experiences, Swift welcomes you into its embrace, promising a journey through a world where craftsmanship meets elegance, where passion meets precision, and where every moment is a celebration of the fine art of cocktail crafting. It's not just a bar; it's Swift, a sanctuary of elegance and taste in the heart of London.

The Alchemist Logo

The Alchemist

Indoor only

In the bustling heart of London, amidst historical edifices and modern skyscrapers, there exists a realm where the world of cocktails is redefined through a lens of wonder and experimentation. The Alchemist, a cocktail bar that stands apart in the rich landscape of London’s nightlife, beckons patrons to a world where drinks are more than just beverages — they are adventures in a glass, crafted through a perfect amalgamation of art and science. Let us delve deeper into the alchemical world of this iconic establishment, where every visit promises a spectacle of flavors, colors, and sensory delights.

Entrancing Interiors: A Visual Ode to Alchemy

As you step into The Alchemist, you are welcomed by interiors that echo the magical and mysterious world of alchemy. With golden hues dominating the color palette, complemented by dark wood and metallic accents, the space evokes an old-world charm infused with modern elegance. The interiors are a nod to the mystical world of alchemists, complete with curious artifacts and a design narrative that invites you to immerse yourself in a journey of discovery and wonder.

The Cocktail Lab: A Symphony of Flavors

The true essence of The Alchemist lies in its innovative approach to cocktail crafting. Here, the bar transforms into a laboratory, where skilled mixologists donned as modern-day alchemists, conjure magical concoctions that tantalize the senses and ignite curiosity.

The cocktail menu is a vibrant canvas of creativity, where traditional ingredients meet unusual counterparts, resulting in a symphony of flavors that are as visually striking as they are delightful to the palate. From cocktails that change color to ones that emit a smoky aura, every beverage at The Alchemist is a spectacular display of the beautiful marriage between chemistry and mixology, creating a theatrical experience that delights both the eye and the palate.

A Culinary Journey of Innovation

Not just limited to drinks, The Alchemist boasts a culinary repertoire that mirrors the creativity seen in its cocktails. The menu is a gastronomic journey through inventive dishes crafted with an emphasis on fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Patrons can indulge in a selection of dishes that span a range of culinary traditions, each carrying a hint of The Alchemist’s signature innovative flair. From delectable starters to hearty mains and inventive desserts, the culinary offerings here promise a dining experience that is both comforting and avant-garde, ensuring a delightful gastronomic journey through flavors known and unknown.

Events and Experiences: Beyond Just Dining

Beyond its phenomenal food and drink offerings, The Alchemist elevates the dining experience through a range of events and immersive experiences designed to entertain and engage. From cocktail masterclasses to gastronomic events, patrons have the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of culinary arts and cocktail craftsmanship, offering an engaging insight into the magic that happens behind the scenes.

Where Cocktails Meet Chemistry in the Heart of London

The Alchemist is not just a cocktail bar; it is a realm where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary through the art of culinary and cocktail alchemy. With its immersive atmosphere, innovative approach to food and drink, and a deep-seated passion for experimentation, The Alchemist stands as a unique jewel in London’s vibrant nightlife landscape.

As you step out of The Alchemist, you carry with you the joy of discovery, the satisfaction of a palate well indulged, and the memory of a dining experience that is both magical and utterly unique. It beckons you to return, to explore, and to delight in the myriad sensory adventures it promises with every visit. It is not just a destination; it is an experience, a journey through a world where alchemy brings joy through a glass brimming with wonder and a plate laden with creativity.

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The Bloomsbury Club

Indoor only

In a city steeped in history and culture, it's a challenge to create a venue that stands out, yet The Bloomsbury Club in London accomplishes just that. Nestled amidst the cobbled streets of the British capital's literary quarter, this captivating cocktail bar captures the zeitgeist of the Bloomsbury Set—a group of intellectuals and artists who have left an indelible mark on modern thought and style. Offering an intoxicating blend of cultural gravitas and cocktail mastery, The Bloomsbury Club is a sophisticated sanctuary that transports you to a bygone era.

Classic Elegance with a Bohemian Flair

As you step into The Bloomsbury Club, you're immediately enveloped by an ambiance that exudes classic British elegance, punctuated by bohemian undertones. The interior design pays homage to the area's literary history, featuring dark mahogany, leather-bound books, and artwork reminiscent of the 1920s. Intricately designed chandeliers cast a soft glow over the space, while the gentle hum of jazz and swing music evokes the literary salons of Virginia Woolf and E.M. Forster.

A Libretto of Libations

The cocktail menu at The Bloomsbury Club is as thoughtfully curated as the first edition novels that line its walls. Each drink is inspired by a member of the Bloomsbury Set, embodying the essence of their artistic or intellectual contributions. From the "Virginia Woolf," a fragrant blend of gin, lavender, and fresh lemon, to the "John Maynard Keynes," a robust combination of whisky and coffee-infused vermouth, the cocktails are as layered and complex as the personalities they're named after. The bar doesn't just stop at cocktails; it also boasts an impressive selection of spirits, wines, and craft beers. The attention to quality is evident, with a focus on artisan producers and small-batch distilleries.

Gourmet Offerings and British Staples

No British establishment would be complete without a nod to the country's culinary traditions, and The Bloomsbury Club is no exception. The food menu is an ode to British gastronomy, offering refined versions of classic staples such as Scotch eggs, Beef Wellington bites, and gourmet cheese boards. Ingredients are locally sourced and sustainably produced, reflecting the bar's commitment to quality and environmental stewardship.

Beyond the Bar: Literary Events and Social Salons

The Bloomsbury Club takes its role as a cultural establishment seriously, regularly hosting literary events, poetry readings, and artistic showcases. Visitors can immerse themselves in the world of Bloomsbury while sipping on exquisite cocktails and engaging in intellectual discourse, making it a haven for both the mind and the senses.

Service Fit for a Novel

What ties together the experience at The Bloomsbury Club is its impeccable service. The staff, knowledgeable and attentive, guide patrons through the extensive menu with the precision of scholars navigating through classical texts. Their enthusiasm for the bar’s concept and offerings shines through, making each visit an unforgettable experience.

Where Literary Heritage Meets Mixology in London's Heart

The Bloomsbury Club is not just another cocktail bar; it's a tribute to a generation of thinkers who transformed the cultural landscape of the 20th century. With its stunning interiors, inspired menu, and high-caliber events, it offers a complete and richly layered experience that captivates your senses and engages your intellect. Whether you're a history buff, a cocktail connoisseur, or simply someone in search of an exceptional night out, The Bloomsbury Club stands as a testament to London’s enduring allure and is a must-visit gem in the heart of the city.

The Connaught Bar Logo

The Connaught Bar

Indoor only

In the heart of London's chic Mayfair district, The Connaught Bar stands as a testament to timeless elegance and unparalleled service. Revered by both Londoners and global travelers alike, this world-class establishment offers more than just meticulously crafted cocktails—it offers a unique experience that caters to the refined palate.

History and Ambiance

The Connaught Hotel, within which The Connaught Bar resides, has been a hallmark of luxury and prestige since the early 19th century. The bar itself, opened later, pays homage to the grandeur of the past while seamlessly blending modern sophistication. Designed by the renowned David Collins Studio, its interiors exude opulence with textured walls inspired by the English Cubist and 1920s Irish artworks, mirrored furnishings, and shimmering silver-leaf accents.

Upon entering, patrons are instantly enveloped in a cocoon of luxury. The ambiance is subtly lit, inviting intimate conversations and quiet reflections. The plush seating, accompanied by the soothing hum of soft music, makes it a haven for relaxation amidst the city's hustle.

The Cocktail Experience

The Connaught Bar's reputation is, in large part, a result of its exceptional cocktail offerings. Their mixologists, widely regarded as some of the best in the business, showcase their talents with a perfect blend of traditional classics and innovative concoctions. The bar's signature drinks, like the Connaught Martini, are served from a bespoke martini trolley, ensuring each drink is mixed to personal perfection right before the guests' eyes.

Moreover, the bar's commitment to innovation can be seen in its seasonal menus. Sourced from high-quality, fresh ingredients, each drink tells a story, often inspired by the bar's rich history or global influences. And for those with a particular taste or curiosity, the bartenders are ever ready to craft something tailor-made, turning each visit into a unique experience.

Service Beyond Expectation

At The Connaught Bar, service is more than just attentive—it's intuitive. The staff, always dressed immaculately, displays a knack for anticipating needs, often before the guest even realizes them. Whether it's a favorite drink remembered from a previous visit or a gentle recommendation based on a patron's mood, the personal touch at this establishment is unmatched.

Awards and Accolades

It comes as no surprise that The Connaught Bar has been showered with numerous awards over the years. From being named the World's Best Bar to bagging titles for its outstanding service and innovative cocktail offerings, the recognitions serve as a testament to its commitment to excellence.

A Toast to London's Elegance

The Connaught Bar isn't just a place to grab a drink—it's an experience that resonates with luxury, history, and unparalleled service. Whether you're a seasoned Londoner or a traveler seeking the best the city has to offer, The Connaught Bar promises an evening of sheer elegance, every time.

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The Coral Room

Indoor only

Tucked away in the historically rich neighbourhood of Bloomsbury, London, The Coral Room presents itself as a radiant escape from the grey urban sprawl of the city. Bursting with vibrancy and exuding an unmistakable modern British charm, this cocktail bar is as much an aesthetic delight as it is a hub for some of London’s most exquisite drinks.

The Bloomsbury Essence

Housed within the iconic Bloomsbury Hotel, The Coral Room is a testament to the area's artistic and literary heritage. Bloomsbury has long been associated with the famous Bloomsbury Group – a collective of English writers, intellectuals, philosophers, and artists. Drawing from this deep well of cultural history, The Coral Room evokes an atmosphere that is at once bohemian and sophisticated.

A Visual Feast

Upon entering, visitors are immediately struck by the room’s namesake: its coral hue. The walls, awash in a vivacious shade of pink, present a stark contrast to London's often-cloudy skies. Coupled with five bespoke Murano glass chandeliers and a marbled bar centrepiece, the space feels both opulent and whimsical.

Martin Brudnizki Design Studio, credited with the bar’s redesign, has expertly combined 1920s elegance with a contemporary edge. The result is a setting that feels reminiscent of a lavish salon, perfect for daytime dalliances and evening escapades alike.

Cocktails and Cuisines

True to its setting, The Coral Room offers an expansive English sparkling wine list, celebrating the very best from vineyards across the country. The cocktail menu, a curated selection of classics and innovative new creations, is inspired by the rich tapestry of Bloomsbury’s past. Each drink tells a story, whether it’s a nod to Virginia Woolf's literary genius or Duncan Grant's artistic flair.

For those with an appetite, The Coral Room doesn’t disappoint. The bar offers a delightful menu of light bites and larger plates, each echoing the modern British theme. With a focus on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, the culinary offerings are both refined and comforting.

An Ever-evolving Experience

The Coral Room is not static in its glory. Frequent events, live music nights, and seasonal cocktail launches ensure that there’s always something new to discover. The bar's commitment to maintaining a dynamic atmosphere means that each visit offers a slightly different flavour, both literally and figuratively.

A Bloomsbury Oasis of Colour and Cocktails

The Coral Room stands as a brilliant juxtaposition to London's often sombre palette. It is not merely a bar, but a celebration of British culture, history, and modernity. With its compelling cocktails, delectable dishes, and an ambiance that transports you to a bygone era of elegance, it's a Bloomsbury gem that promises an immersive experience with every sip.

The Rivoli Bar Logo

The Rivoli Bar

Indoor only

Nestled within the iconic Ritz London, The Rivoli Bar stands as a beacon of elegance and sophistication in the heart of the bustling city. Renowned for its timeless charm and impeccable service, this esteemed establishment offers an unparalleled experience for discerning guests seeking a taste of luxury.

A Grand Entrance

Step into The Rivoli Bar, and you're instantly transported to a world of opulence and refinement. The ambiance exudes an air of exclusivity, with rich mahogany paneling, plush velvet seating, and soft, ambient lighting creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Every detail has been carefully curated to evoke a sense of old-world glamour, making it the perfect setting for a memorable evening.

Exquisite Cocktails

At the heart of The Rivoli Bar lies its impressive cocktail menu, crafted by expert mixologists dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creativity. Indulge in classic concoctions expertly prepared with premium spirits and fresh, hand-selected ingredients, or explore innovative creations that promise to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you prefer a crisp Martini, a refreshing Mojito, or a bespoke creation tailored to your preferences, the bar's extensive selection ensures there's something for every palate.

Luxurious Surroundings

Immerse yourself in luxury as you sip on your cocktail of choice amidst the bar's sumptuous surroundings. Admire the intricate details of the art deco-inspired décor, from the gleaming brass accents to the exquisite Lalique glassware adorning the bar. The attentive staff adds to the experience, providing impeccable service with a genuine warmth and hospitality that sets The Rivoli Bar apart from the rest.

Live Entertainment

Enhancing the ambiance further is the enchanting live music that graces The Rivoli Bar throughout the week. From smooth jazz to soulful melodies, the talented musicians set the perfect tone for an unforgettable evening of relaxation and enjoyment. Sit back, unwind, and let the music transport you to a state of blissful contentment as you savor every moment in this elegant oasis.

An Iconic Destination

As one of London's most iconic destinations, The Rivoli Bar continues to captivate visitors from around the globe with its timeless allure and unparalleled hospitality. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, enjoying a leisurely evening with friends, or simply seeking a moment of indulgence, a visit to The Rivoli Bar promises an experience that's nothing short of extraordinary.

Experience Elegance at The Rivoli Bar in London

In a city renowned for its vibrant nightlife and world-class hospitality, The Rivoli Bar shines as a beacon of elegance and sophistication. From its luxurious surroundings to its exquisite cocktails and live entertainment, every aspect of the experience is designed to delight the senses and create lasting memories. So why not treat yourself to a taste of luxury at The Rivoli Bar and discover why it's truly a hidden gem in the heart of London.

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Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, Artesian stands as a beacon of sophistication and innovation in the realm of cocktail culture. With its exquisite décor, expert mixologists, and unparalleled ambiance, Artesian promises an unforgettable experience for patrons seeking the epitome of luxury and taste.

Aesthetic Elegance

Step into Artesian, and you're transported into a realm of timeless elegance. The décor seamlessly blends modern chic with classic charm, creating an atmosphere that is both inviting and opulent. From the plush seating to the meticulously crafted bar, every detail exudes a sense of refinement and luxury, setting the stage for an extraordinary evening.

Innovative Mixology

At the heart of Artesian lies its innovative approach to mixology. Led by a team of world-class bartenders, each cocktail is a masterpiece in its own right. Drawing inspiration from global trends and local flavors, the menu boasts a tantalizing array of concoctions that cater to every palate. Whether you're craving a classic martini or an adventurous fusion creation, Artesian delivers a sensory experience like no other.

Sensory Delights

Beyond the impeccable cocktails, Artesian tantalizes the senses with its carefully curated selection of ingredients. From handcrafted syrups to exotic garnishes, every element is thoughtfully chosen to elevate the drinking experience. Each sip is a journey of flavors, textures, and aromas, leaving a lasting impression long after the glass is empty.

Impeccable Service

What truly sets Artesian apart is its commitment to exemplary service. From the moment you enter, you're greeted with warmth and professionalism, making you feel like a valued guest. The staff's passion for mixology is evident in their attention to detail and dedication to ensuring that every drink surpasses expectations. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail connoisseur or a first-time visitor, you're in good hands at Artesian.

Unforgettable Atmosphere

More than just a bar, Artesian is a destination in itself. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply unwinding after a long day, the ambiance invites you to linger and savor the moment. Live music sets the mood, while soft lighting casts a warm glow, creating an atmosphere that is both lively and intimate. It's the perfect setting to create memories with friends or savor a quiet moment of solitude.

Unveiling London's Gem

In a city known for its bustling nightlife and endless entertainment options, Artesian stands out as a true gem. With its impeccable service, innovative mixology, and timeless ambiance, it's no wonder that patrons return time and time again. Whether you're a London local or a visitor exploring the city's delights, a visit to Artesian is a must for anyone seeking an extraordinary cocktail experience.

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Jin Bo Law

Indoor & Outdoor

Perched atop the vibrant landscape of London, Jin Bo Law offers an enchanting escape from the hustle and bustle below. With its panoramic views, delectable cocktails, and chic ambiance, this rooftop bar and lounge is a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Breathtaking Views

Elevate your experience at Jin Bo Law as you soak in breathtaking views of London's iconic skyline. From the Shard to Tower Bridge, every angle offers a picturesque backdrop for your evening rendezvous. Whether you're catching a sunset or admiring the city lights after dark, the panoramic vistas are sure to leave you in awe.

Sophisticated Ambiance

Step into a world of sophistication and style as you enter Jin Bo Law. The sleek and modern decor, complemented by lush greenery and contemporary furnishings, creates an atmosphere of refined elegance. Whether you're enjoying a romantic date or gathering with friends, the ambiance sets the perfect tone for an unforgettable evening.

Innovative Cocktails

Indulge your senses with a tantalizing selection of cocktails crafted by skilled mixologists. From classic favorites to innovative concoctions infused with Asian flavors, Jin Bo Law's menu offers something for every palate. Sip on signature drinks like the Lychee Blossom or the Smoked Plum Negroni as you savor the flavors of the city from above.

Exquisite Cuisine

Pair your cocktails with an array of mouthwatering small plates and sharing platters inspired by Asian and British cuisines. From crispy duck spring rolls to Wagyu beef sliders, each dish is expertly prepared using the finest ingredients. Whether you're in the mood for light bites or indulgent treats, Jin Bo Law's culinary offerings are sure to delight your taste buds.

Exclusive Events

Experience the magic of Jin Bo Law beyond its regular hours with exclusive events and private hire options. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or hosting a corporate gathering, the venue offers customizable packages tailored to your needs. From intimate gatherings to lavish affairs, the dedicated events team ensures that every detail is executed flawlessly.

Unforgettable Memories

At Jin Bo Law, every moment is an opportunity to create unforgettable memories. Whether you're sipping cocktails against the backdrop of a stunning sunset or dancing the night away under the stars, the experience is sure to leave a lasting impression. With its unparalleled views, impeccable service, and vibrant atmosphere, Jin Bo Law is a destination worth revisiting time and time again. Embark on a journey of luxury and indulgence at Jin Bo Law, where every visit promises an unforgettable experience high above the streets of London. Join us and discover why this rooftop gem is a beloved favorite among discerning locals and travelers alike.

K Bar Logo

K Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, United Kingdom, K Bar stands as a beacon of culinary excellence, inviting locals and tourists alike to indulge in a gastronomic journey like no other. This sophisticated establishment offers an enticing blend of delectable cuisine, exquisite cocktails, and an ambiance that exudes elegance and charm.

A Fusion of Flavors

Step into K Bar and prepare your palate for a culinary adventure that transcends borders. The menu boasts a fusion of flavors inspired by cuisines from around the world, curated with meticulous attention to detail by our talented team of chefs. From tantalizing small plates to hearty mains, each dish is a masterpiece crafted to delight the senses and leave a lasting impression.

Crafted Cocktails and Fine Spirits

Quench your thirst with our meticulously crafted cocktails and an extensive selection of fine spirits. At K Bar, mixology is elevated to an art form, with each cocktail expertly concocted using premium ingredients and innovative techniques. Whether you're in the mood for a classic martini or a signature creation, our skilled bartenders are dedicated to ensuring that every sip is a revelation.

Chic and Stylish Ambiance

Immerse yourself in the chic and stylish ambiance of K Bar, where contemporary design meets timeless sophistication. Elegant furnishings, soft lighting, and tasteful décor create an atmosphere that is both inviting and refined, making it the perfect setting for any occasion. Whether you're enjoying an intimate dinner for two or celebrating with friends, our welcoming space sets the stage for memorable moments.

Impeccable Service

At K Bar, hospitality is paramount, and our team is committed to providing impeccable service that exceeds expectations. From the moment you step through the door, you'll be greeted with warmth and professionalism, ensuring that your dining experience is nothing short of extraordinary. Whether you need recommendations from our knowledgeable staff or assistance with special requests, we're here to ensure that every aspect of your visit is flawless.

An Oasis of Sophistication

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and unwind in the serene oasis of sophistication that is K Bar. Whether you're seeking a leisurely lunch, an evening of cocktails and conversation, or a memorable dining experience, our establishment offers a sanctuary where you can relax, indulge, and savor the finer things in life.

Experience the Vibrant Culinary Scene at K Bar in London

Discover why K Bar has earned its reputation as one of London's premier dining destinations. With its fusion of flavors, crafted cocktails, chic ambiance, and impeccable service, it's the perfect place to experience the vibrant culinary scene of the United Kingdom's capital. Join us at K Bar and embark on a culinary journey that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more.

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The Donovan Bar

Indoor only

In the heart of London, tucked away within the luxurious Brown's Hotel, lies a hidden gem that beckons to those seeking an exquisite drinking experience: The Donovan Bar. Named after the famed British photographer Terence Donovan, this upscale establishment exudes elegance and sophistication, offering a haven for cocktail enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

A Timeless Ambiance

Step into The Donovan Bar, and you're immediately transported to a bygone era of glamour and refinement. The decor seamlessly blends classic and contemporary elements, with plush leather seating, polished wood accents, and soft ambient lighting creating an inviting atmosphere. Whether you're meeting friends for a casual drink or celebrating a special occasion, the bar's intimate setting sets the stage for memorable moments.

Craftsmanship in Cocktails

At The Donovan Bar, the art of mixology is elevated to new heights. Expert bartenders craft a curated selection of cocktails using only the finest ingredients, showcasing both creativity and precision in every pour. From timeless classics to innovative concoctions, each drink is masterfully prepared, tantalizing the taste buds and satisfying even the most discerning palate. Whether you prefer a refreshing gin martini or a bold whiskey sour, there's something to suit every preference.

A Culinary Delight

In addition to its stellar drink menu, The Donovan Bar also offers a tantalizing array of culinary delights to accompany your libations. Indulge in a selection of gourmet bar snacks, ranging from artisanal cheeses and charcuterie to delectable small plates inspired by British and international cuisines. Each dish is thoughtfully crafted to complement the bar's signature cocktails, creating a truly immersive dining experience for guests.

Impeccable Service

One of the hallmarks of The Donovan Bar is its impeccable service. From the moment you arrive, attentive staff members cater to your every need, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you're seeking recommendations on the perfect cocktail or simply require a friendly ear to chat with, the dedicated team at The Donovan Bar goes above and beyond to make you feel welcome and valued.

An Iconic Destination

Situated in the heart of Mayfair, The Donovan Bar has earned its reputation as one of London's premier drinking destinations. Whether you're a local looking for a sophisticated spot to unwind after work or a visitor eager to experience the city's vibrant nightlife scene, a visit to The Donovan Bar promises an unforgettable experience. So why not step inside, raise a glass, and toast to the finer things in life at this iconic establishment?

A Chic Haven in London

In a city renowned for its thriving cocktail culture, The Donovan Bar stands out as a true testament to craftsmanship, elegance, and hospitality. With its timeless ambiance, expertly crafted cocktails, delectable cuisine, and impeccable service, it's no wonder that this hidden gem has become a beloved fixture in London's social scene. So whether you're seeking a romantic evening for two or a lively night out with friends, The Donovan Bar invites you to indulge in the art of fine drinking and dining in style.

The Pine Bar Logo

The Pine Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, The Pine Bar exudes an irresistible charm that captivates locals and visitors alike. With its cozy ambiance, delectable offerings, and impeccable service, this hidden gem stands as a testament to London's vibrant culinary scene.

A Warm Welcome and Cozy Ambiance

Stepping into The Pine Bar feels like entering a sanctuary of warmth and relaxation. The rustic wooden decor, soft lighting, and comfortable seating create an inviting atmosphere that instantly puts guests at ease. Whether you're seeking a quiet spot for a romantic date or a lively venue for a gathering with friends, The Pine Bar offers the perfect setting for any occasion.

Culinary Delights and Creative Cocktails

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary journey unlike any other. The Pine Bar's menu boasts a tantalizing selection of dishes crafted with the finest ingredients and infused with innovative flavors. From succulent grilled meats to fresh seafood delights, each dish is a masterpiece that delights the senses.

Pair your meal with one of The Pine Bar's expertly crafted cocktails for the ultimate dining experience. Whether you prefer classic concoctions or adventurous blends, the skilled mixologists behind the bar are dedicated to crafting the perfect libation to complement your palate.

A Haven for Food Enthusiasts

At The Pine Bar, culinary excellence is not just a goal—it's a passion. The talented chefs draw inspiration from both traditional recipes and contemporary culinary trends to create dishes that are as visually stunning as they are delicious. Every plate that emerges from the kitchen is a testament to their dedication to culinary craftsmanship.

Impeccable Service and Attention to Detail

Service at The Pine Bar is nothing short of exemplary. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with a warm smile and attentive hospitality. The staff members are knowledgeable, courteous, and always eager to ensure that your dining experience exceeds expectations. Whether you have dietary restrictions or special requests, they go above and beyond to accommodate your needs with grace and professionalism.

A Hidden Gem in London

While The Pine Bar may be tucked away from the bustling streets of London, its reputation as a culinary destination continues to grow. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or simply looking for a memorable dining experience, this hidden gem promises to delight your senses and leave you craving more.

Experience the magic of The Pine Bar for yourself and uncover why it's one of London's best-kept secrets. Book your table today and prepare to embark on a culinary adventure like no other.

Black Parrot Logo

Black Parrot

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, the Black Parrot is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. This cozy establishment offers a delightful escape from the bustling city streets, welcoming guests into a world of warm ambiance, delectable cuisine, and unforgettable experiences.

A Culinary Adventure

At the Black Parrot, every dish tells a story. From savory starters to mouthwatering mains, their menu is a celebration of flavor and creativity. Whether you're craving classic British fare or exotic international cuisine, there's something to tantalize every palate. Indulge in their signature dishes crafted with the finest ingredients, expertly prepared by their talented chefs.

Ambiance and Atmosphere

Step into the Black Parrot and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of sophistication and charm. The cozy interior is adorned with elegant decor and subtle lighting, creating the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. Whether you're enjoying a romantic dinner for two or gathering with friends and family, you'll feel right at home in this inviting space.

Exceptional Service

At the Black Parrot, hospitality is more than just a job—it's a passion. Their dedicated team goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and valued. From the moment you arrive until the last bite of dessert, you'll be treated to attentive service and genuine hospitality that will leave a lasting impression.

Signature Cocktails and Beverages

No dining experience is complete without the perfect beverage to accompany your meal. The Black Parrot boasts an impressive selection of wines, beers, and handcrafted cocktails to suit every taste. Sip on a refreshing gin and tonic or indulge in a decadent dessert martini as you unwind and savor the moment.

Live Entertainment

Adding to the allure of the Black Parrot is their lineup of live entertainment. From soulful jazz to upbeat acoustic sets, their talented musicians provide the perfect soundtrack for an unforgettable evening. Sit back, relax, and let the music transport you to a place of pure bliss.

Location and Accessibility

Conveniently located in the heart of London, the Black Parrot is easily accessible by public transportation, making it the perfect destination for locals and tourists alike. Whether you're exploring the city or seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle, this charming establishment is never far from reach.

Discover the Charm of Black Parrot in London, UK

From its delectable cuisine to its inviting ambiance, the Black Parrot offers an unparalleled dining experience that delights the senses and nourishes the soul. Whether you're seeking a romantic night out or simply craving good food and great company, this hidden gem is sure to exceed your expectations. Come and experience the magic of the Black Parrot for yourself—it's an adventure you won't soon forget.

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The New York Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant streets of London, the New York Bar brings the essence of Manhattan to this historic city. Boasting a chic and sophisticated ambiance, this bar is a hotspot for both locals and visitors seeking an authentic taste of New York right in the heart of the United Kingdom.

Stylish Atmosphere and Iconic Décor

Step into the New York Bar, and you'll be transported to a stylish urban oasis. The interior design exudes classic New York charm, featuring sleek leather seating, exposed brick walls, and vintage lighting that sets the perfect mood for a memorable night out. Whether you're sipping cocktails at the bar or enjoying a cozy corner booth, every detail captures the essence of the Big Apple.

Crafted Cocktails and Culinary Delights

One of the standout features of the New York Bar is its exceptional cocktail menu. Expert mixologists concoct a range of classic and innovative drinks, from perfectly balanced Manhattans to refreshing Mojitos. The bar also offers a selection of small plates and sharing platters inspired by New York's diverse culinary scene. Indulge in gourmet sliders, crispy buffalo wings, or artisanal cheese boards while you unwind with friends or colleagues.

Live Entertainment and Events

At the New York Bar, entertainment is always on the menu. Throughout the week, guests can enjoy live music performances ranging from jazz and blues to acoustic sets by talented local artists. The bar also hosts themed nights and special events, adding excitement and energy to every visit. Whether you're looking for a lively night out or a relaxed evening of music, the New York Bar delivers an unforgettable experience.

Exceptional Service and Hospitality

What truly sets the New York Bar apart is its commitment to exceptional service and hospitality. The staff are known for their professionalism and warmth, creating a welcoming environment for all patrons. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you can expect attentive service and personalized recommendations to ensure your visit is nothing short of delightful.

Ideal Location and Accessibility

Conveniently located in the heart of London, near popular attractions and landmarks, the New York Bar is easily accessible by public transport. Whether you're planning a pre-theatre drink, a post-work unwind, or a weekend gathering with friends, this central location makes it a perfect choice for any occasion.

A Taste of Manhattan in the Heart of the UK

Whether you're seeking a taste of New York's nightlife or simply looking for a stylish spot to unwind, the New York Bar offers a memorable experience that captures the essence of Manhattan in the heart of London. With its stylish atmosphere, crafted cocktails, live entertainment, and exceptional service, this bar has earned its reputation as a must-visit destination for those looking to escape to a slice of New York City in the UK capital.

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Amaro Bar

Indoor only

In the heart of London's vibrant bar scene emerges an establishment that pays homage to an old Italian spirit, often forgotten in the annals of popular cocktail mixers. Amaro Bar, as the name suggests, shines a spotlight on 'Amaro', the bitter-sweet Italian liqueur that has been an essential part of Italian culture for centuries.

Location and Vibe

Tucked away in one of the more serene alcoves of the bustling Covent Garden, Amaro Bar's entrance is a modest wooden door with golden lettering, offering a hint of the elegance within. As you step in, a sophisticated ambience enveloped in warm lighting and velvet-covered seating welcomes you. The interiors, reminiscent of a Venetian saloon, transport patrons to a time of elegance and luxury.

An Ode to Amaro

For the uninitiated, 'Amaro' means 'bitter' in Italian. It is a liqueur that boasts a blend of herbs, roots, flowers, bark, and citrus peels, infused in alcohol and sweetened to perfection. Each type of Amaro has its own secret mix of ingredients and is unique in taste and intensity.

At Amaro Bar, this is celebrated with gusto. The shelves are lined with various Amaro bottles, from well-known brands to obscure, artisanal ones, each telling a different story of regions, recipes, and revivals.

Cocktail Creations

While Amaro can be enjoyed neat or on the rocks, this bar takes it a notch higher. The mixologists, adorned in tailored suits with old-school suspenders, craft concoctions that elevate the Amaro experience. Signature cocktails like "Bitter Sunset" combine Amaro with citrus elements and a touch of prosecco, creating a dance of bitter and sweet on the palate.

The Crowd

While the Italian expats in London find a piece of home here, Amaro Bar attracts a diverse clientele. From connoisseurs expanding their liqueur horizons to curious newcomers tasting Amaro for the first time, the bar is a melting pot of experiences.

Events and Workshops

Amaro Bar is not just about serving drinks; it's about educating and sharing the Amaro culture. The establishment regularly hosts tasting sessions, where patrons can sample different Amaro varieties, understanding the nuances and stories behind each.

London's Bitter Sweet Secret

Amaro Bar is more than just another cocktail establishment in London. It's a celebration of Italian heritage, an exploration of flavors, and an experience that lingers, much like the bitter-sweet aftertaste of a good Amaro. So, if you find yourself in the city, looking for a unique cocktail experience, let the allure of Amaro guide you to this hidden gem.

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Amazonico London

Indoor only

Venturing into the upscale streets of Mayfair, London, you might anticipate the usual: sophisticated boutique shops, posh restaurants, and lavish hotels. But tucked amid these conventional delights is a venue that defies expectation, transporting its visitors straight to the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Welcome to Amazonico London.

Lush Location & Beguiling Entrance

Located on the ritzy Berkeley Square, Amazonico's exterior provides the first hint of the escapade that awaits within. The façade, adorned with verdant greenery and subtle golden touches, beckons you into a world far removed from London's urban sprawl.

A Dive into the Depths of the Jungle

Stepping inside Amazonico is akin to entering a different realm. The sprawling interior is a rich tapestry of tropical foliage, resplendent with cascading plants, bamboo fixtures, and hand-painted murals of lush rainforests. This is not merely a bar; it’s an immersive experience.

Soft ambient lighting filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows that dance in tune with the distant calls of tropical birds and soft Amazonian rhythms that serenade the patrons.

Cocktail Concoctions: A Symphony of Flavours

True to its name, Amazonico pays homage to its rainforest inspiration not just in décor but in its libations. The bar serves up an array of exotic cocktails that echo the rich biodiversity of the Amazon. Each drink is a palette of vibrant colours, infusing traditional spirits with tropical fruits, herbs, and spices sourced from the heart of the rainforest.

The "Amazonian Elixir", for instance, melds the sharpness of gin with the unique tang of açaí and is garnished with a sprinkle of crushed Amazonian nuts. Each sip promises a journey down the mystic rivers and through the dense foliage of the jungle.

Culinary Delights

While cocktails are the star attraction, Amazonico's menu does not fall short. Serving a fusion of Latin American, Asian, and Mediterranean dishes, the kitchen crafts plates that complement the beverages' richness. From ceviche infused with coconut to grilled Amazonian fish, each dish is a testament to the culinary prowess of the chefs.

The Crowd

Given its unique allure, Amazonico draws a diverse clientele. Celebrities, global travelers, and London's elite frequent the bar, all seeking a touch of the exotic amid the city's concrete and cobblestones. The whispers of business deals mesh seamlessly with joyous laughter and the distant hum of enchanting Amazonian tunes.

A Rainforest Rhapsody in the Heart of the City

Amazonico London is more than a bar or a restaurant; it's an expedition into the mystical world of the Amazon, all without leaving the confines of London. For those looking to escape, even if just for a few hours, Amazonico offers a rainforest refuge replete with tantalizing tastes and mesmerizing melodies. If London's hustle and bustle become too much, know that the heart of the jungle is but a cocktail away.

American Bar at The Stafford Logo

American Bar at The Stafford

Indoor & Outdoor

London, with its rich history and ever-evolving landscape, is a tapestry of iconic landmarks and hidden gems. Among its constellation of starry establishments is a bar that combines vintage allure with timeless hospitality: The American Bar at The Stafford London.

Historical Locale & Quintessential British Ambience

Nestled in the historic district of St. James's, The Stafford stands as a symbol of British sophistication. The American Bar, as a key feature of this hotel, upholds this reputation. From the outside, its discrete signage suggests a touch of understated elegance, and stepping inside only confirms this first impression.

The walls, adorned with an eclectic mix of memorabilia, echo tales from bygone eras. From signed celebrity photographs to naval insignia, each artifact has been lovingly donated by patrons over the years, creating an ever-evolving tapestry of memories.

A Nod to Classic Cocktails

While its name might suggest otherwise, the American Bar pays homage to both classic American and British cocktails. The menu is a delightful journey through time, presenting drinks that have charmed generations.

From a perfectly shaken or stirred Martini to the aromatic Pimm's Cup, the drinks are crafted with precision, expertise, and a deep reverence for tradition. The bartenders, with their vast reservoir of stories and cocktail knowledge, elevate the experience, making each visit both educational and intoxicating.

Intimate Interiors

The bar's décor exudes an old-world charm. Deep leather banquettes, mahogany tables, and soft lighting create an ambiance of warmth and intimacy. The subtle hum of jazz in the background, combined with the clinking of glasses and hushed conversations, transport patrons to a scene straight out of a 20th-century novella.

The Patrons and Service

The American Bar has been a favorite haunt of international travelers, local connoisseurs, and even royalty. Its reputation for discretion and impeccable service has cemented its status as one of London's must-visit bars.

Staff, dressed in crisp uniforms, exhibit a blend of professionalism and personal touch, ensuring that each guest feels both at home and in the lap of luxury.

A Beacon of Classic Charm in London's Heart

In a city where the modern often overshadows the traditional, The American Bar at The Stafford stands as a sentinel of classic elegance. It's not just a bar; it's an institution, a journey through time, and most importantly, a testament to London's undying love for tradition interwoven with cosmopolitan flair.

When in London, whether you're a history buff, a cocktail enthusiast, or simply someone seeking a serene escape from the city's hustle, The American Bar awaits, promising an experience that's as timeless as it is memorable.

Callooh Callay Logo

Callooh Callay

Indoor only

In the trendy and eclectic Shoreditch neighbourhood of London, where art, fashion, and nightlife come alive in a colourful blend, there is a cocktail bar that dares to be different. Inspired by the nonsensical world of Lewis Carroll's writings, Callooh Callay is a whimsical haven for those in search of unexpected delights and exceptional mixology.

Through the Looking Glass

Situated on Rivington Street, Callooh Callay's façade might deceive the casual passerby with its unassuming appearance. However, much like the rabbit hole Alice tumbled into, the interior of this bar transports patrons to an imaginative and enchanting world.

Ambiance: Eccentric Elegance

Step into Callooh Callay, and you're immediately greeted by an atmosphere bursting with quirkiness and charm. Vintage furnishings, vibrant wallpapers, and playful artwork reminiscent of Carroll's dreamlike tales create a setting that's both intimate and fantastical. The pièce de résistance is the 'secret' back room, accessible through a wardrobe door - a nod to Narnia - offering a more secluded drinking experience for the curious adventurer.

Cocktails: Artistry in a Glass

Callooh Callay isn't just about its theatrical interiors; it's a true mecca for cocktail enthusiasts. The menu, often presented in creative formats like cassette cases, is a rotating testament to the bartender's innovation and craft. From twists on classics to entirely novel concoctions, each drink is a careful balance of flavour, presentation, and narrative. The bar's commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed, earning it accolades and awards on the global cocktail stage.

A Sonic Backdrop

The experience at Callooh Callay is accentuated by its curated music selections. Depending on the evening, patrons might find themselves swaying to retro tunes, groovy house beats, or live performances, all adding to the bar's vibrant energy.

A Nibble to Complement the Tipple

While the cocktails are undoubtedly the stars of the show, Callooh Callay's snack menu doesn't lag. Offering a curated selection of British and international bites, the food complements the drinks, ensuring that patrons' palates are satiated in every sense.

Patrons: A Blend of Trendsetters and Dreamers

Given its location and unique offering, Callooh Callay attracts a diverse clientele. From Shoreditch's trendsetters and London's cocktail connoisseurs to travellers seeking the city's hidden gems, the bar is a melting pot of conversations, shared laughs, and clinking glasses.

A Whimsical Wonderland of Cocktails in London's Shoreditch

In a city renowned for its dynamic bar scene, Callooh Callay stands out as a beacon of creativity and whimsy. It's more than just a place to grab a drink; it's an experience, a journey through a world where imagination reigns supreme. For those looking to escape the mundane, even if just for a few hours, Callooh Callay offers a passage into wonderland, where cocktails, much like dreams, know no bounds.

Christina's Shoreditch Logo

Christina's Shoreditch

Indoor only

London's illustrious cocktail scene is no stranger to innovation and flair. Yet, in the ever-vibrant district of Shoreditch, a particular venue stands out not just for its unique drinks but for its fusion of modern aesthetics with timeless charm. Introducing Christina's Shoreditch, a beacon of sophisticated revelry amidst the urban sprawl of London's East End.

Location and First Impressions

Nestled amongst the artistic graffiti walls and trendy boutiques of Shoreditch, Christina's is an oasis for the contemporary connoisseur. Its entrance, while sleek and modern, offers a welcoming gesture, beckoning patrons into its luminous realm.

Interior: Urban Sophistication Meets Comfort

Once inside, guests are greeted by a harmonious blend of chic industrial design and plush comforts. The exposed brickwork and metal accents pay homage to Shoreditch's industrial past, while soft velvet seating and ambient lighting inject warmth and intimacy. The space is interspersed with verdant plants, adding a touch of nature and freshness to the urban setting.

Cocktails: A Symphony of Flavours

Christina's prides itself on its avant-garde approach to mixology. The menu, a curated collection of cocktails, combines classic techniques with modern twists. Utilising both locally sourced ingredients and exotic imports, each drink tells a story, transporting the imbiber on a sensory journey.

The bar's signature cocktails often change with the seasons, reflecting a commitment to freshness and innovation. From smoky mezcal infusions to rejuvenating gin concoctions adorned with fresh botanicals, there's a drink for every palate.

Bites to Savour

To accompany the liquid masterpieces, Christina's offers a curated menu of gourmet bites. Drawing inspiration from London's cosmopolitan culinary scene, the dishes range from classic British fare with a twist to international delights that complement the cocktails' diverse flavours.

The Vibes: A Soundtrack to Remember

Adding to the overall experience, Christina's boasts an eclectic music selection. Depending on the evening, guests might be treated to the sultry notes of a live jazz ensemble, the ambient beats of a resident DJ, or the timeless tracks from a curated playlist, ensuring the atmosphere is always lively and attuned to the crowd's mood.

Who Frequents Christina's?

Christina's Shoreditch, with its sophisticated yet laid-back appeal, attracts a diverse crowd. From young professionals unwinding after a day's work to seasoned cocktail enthusiasts and tourists eager to experience London's thriving bar scene, the venue is a melting pot of personalities and stories.

A Contemporary Cocktail Retreat in the Heart of East London

In the ever-evolving landscape of London's nightlife, Christina's Shoreditch emerges as a testament to the city's ability to blend the old with the new seamlessly. It's not just a bar; it's an experience, a place where memories are forged one cocktail at a time. Whether you're a local or just passing through, an evening at Christina's promises a blend of flavours, sounds, and moments that capture the essence of modern London.

Disrepute Logo


Indoor only

In the heart of London's bustling Soho, amidst a maze of lively streets and eclectic venues, there exists a cocktail haven that whispers tales of intrigue, glamour, and timeless sophistication. Disrepute, aptly named, is not merely a bar; it's a narrative of London's rich history and its ever-evolving thirst for innovative mixology.

The Allure of a Bygone Era

Steeped in history, Disrepute has roots that delve deep into the 1960s, a time when Soho was the beating heart of London's cultural and social revolutions. The venue, once known as 'The Kingly Club', was a hub for the city's elite, a meeting point for members of high society, and a backdrop for countless stories of scandal and intrigue.

Entrance: A Portal to the Past

Located in a basement on Kingly Street, the entrance to Disrepute is easy to miss, adding to its allure of exclusivity. But those in the know, upon descending its steps, find themselves transported to an era of unabashed luxury and allure.

Decadent Décor

The interiors of Disrepute are a masterclass in opulence. Velvet seating, gilded mirrors, and ambient candlelight create an atmosphere that is both intimate and lavish. The gold accents and plush textiles, juxtaposed against the bar's modern touches, craft an ambiance of vintage elegance.

Cocktails: Stories in a Glass

Disrepute's cocktail menu is an ode to its storied past. Each drink is inspired by the legends and tales that have graced the venue over the decades. Crafted with precision and flair, the cocktails blend classic techniques with modern sensibilities. The bartenders, true to the spirit of Disrepute, often regale patrons with anecdotes related to each drink, turning every sip into a journey through time.

A Soundtrack of Elegance

Enhancing the overall experience, Disrepute boasts a soundscape that resonates with its vintage ethos. From jazz and blues to retro classics, the music sets the mood, making each evening a celebration of the past and the present.

A Meeting Point for Today's Glitterati

While Disrepute may have been a hub for the 1960s elite, today, it continues to draw a discerning crowd. A mix of modern-day celebrities, cocktail aficionados, and curious explorers, the bar is a melting pot of stories waiting to be written.

An Epitome of Underground Elegance in London's Soho

In a city as dynamic and vast as London, Disrepute stands out as a sanctuary of elegance and nostalgia. It's a place where history comes alive, one cocktail at a time. For those seeking an experience that transcends the ordinary, that blends the allure of the past with the vibrancy of the present, Disrepute awaits, ready to regale and enchant.

Eastcheap Records Logo

Eastcheap Records

Indoor only

In the sprawling metropolis of London, where skyscrapers touch the clouds and the River Thames flows with stories of the ages, there exists a cocktail bar that is as much a tribute to history as it is a celebration of the modern spirit. Welcome to Eastcheap Records, a venue where vinyl grooves meet mixological masterpieces.

The Historic Charm of Eastcheap

Located in Eastcheap, a historic thoroughfare that's been part of London's story since Roman times, this cocktail bar is infused with a sense of timelessness. The area, once bustling with medieval traders and merchants, today offers a juxtaposition of the old and the new, and Eastcheap Records fits seamlessly into this tapestry.

Rock 'n' Roll Aesthetics

Step inside, and you'll be greeted by walls adorned with vinyl records, vintage posters, and iconic music memorabilia. The décor, reminiscent of a 1970s rock 'n' roll den, sets the tone for an evening of nostalgia. Retro booths, low lighting, and wooden accents create an ambiance that is at once cozy and cool.

Cocktails with a Beat

True to its name, Eastcheap Records offers a cocktail menu that dances to its own rhythm. Each drink, crafted with precision and passion, pays homage to musical legends and epochs. From rock-inspired renditions to soulful sips, the cocktails here are as eclectic and vibrant as the vinyl that spins on the turntables.

The bartenders, much like DJs, blend ingredients to create symphonies in a glass. Using a mix of classic spirits, innovative infusions, and fresh ingredients, every drink is a performance in its own right.

Live Music and More

Beyond cocktails, Eastcheap Records is also renowned for its live music nights. On any given evening, one might encounter emerging bands, seasoned artists, or DJs spinning classic tracks. The sound of live instruments, combined with the murmur of conversations and clinking glasses, creates a sensory experience that's both invigorating and intimate.

Who Frequents Eastcheap Records?

Drawing a diverse crowd, from young professionals and music enthusiasts to tourists and history buffs, Eastcheap Records offers a unique experience for every patron. Whether you're seeking a night of dancing, a relaxed evening with friends, or simply a delicious cocktail in a memorable setting, this venue strikes the right chord.

A Melody of Memories and Moments

In the vast symphony that is London's nightlife, Eastcheap Records emerges as a distinctive note. It's a place where history, music, and mixology converge, creating a narrative that's both timeless and contemporary. If you're in search of a venue that resonates with the soul of London, that captures the essence of its musical and historical heritage, Eastcheap Records awaits with its doors open and turntables ready.

Girlfriend Logo


Indoor only

In the ever-evolving tableau of London's vibrant nightlife, there emerges a venue that, while quaint in size, exudes an atmosphere of sophistication and warmth. Situated in the heart of the city, Girlfriend is not just a cocktail bar—it's a rendezvous of elegance, intimacy, and unforgettable experiences.

A Serendipitous Encounter

Much like stumbling upon a charming cafe in a forgotten alley, discovering Girlfriend feels serendipitous. The bar's discreet entrance offers only a hint of the treasures within, beckoning those in the know to explore its depths.

Understated Luxury

Inside, Girlfriend embraces its guests with a decor that marries modern minimalism with classic elegance. Soft, ambient lighting bathes the room, casting a warm glow on plush seating and polished wood surfaces. Touches of gold and velvet complement the setting, creating a space that feels both luxurious and cozy.

Cocktails: An Artistic Endeavor

Girlfriend's cocktail menu is a curated masterpiece, each drink a testament to the craft of mixology. Using only the finest spirits, fresh ingredients, and innovative techniques, the bartenders at Girlfriend transform every cocktail into a sensory journey. While the menu features classic staples, it's the house specials, inspired by London's diverse tapestry, that often steal the limelight.

Moreover, in tune with its name, each cocktail tells a story, evoking emotions and memories, much like a romantic relationship. From the first sip, patrons are transported to different moments in time and places, making the experience truly immersive.

Tunes that Touch the Soul

The soundscape of Girlfriend is as meticulously curated as its drinks. Soft jazz, soulful blues, and contemporary hits play in the background, never overpowering but always enhancing the ambiance. On select evenings, live musicians serenade guests, adding another layer to the bar's charm.

A Diverse Clientele

Girlfriend's allure attracts a wide range of patrons. From couples seeking a romantic nook to groups of friends looking for a sophisticated night out, and from seasoned mixologists to curious novices, the bar offers an experience tailored to all.

Intimate Elegance in London's Cocktail Scene

While London boasts countless bars and nightlife venues, Girlfriend stands out as a gem that shines brightly in its own unique way. It's a place where every detail, from the decor to the drinks and the music, is crafted with love and precision. For those seeking a cocktail experience that is as intimate as it is elegant, Girlfriend promises an evening that lingers in memory long after the final sip.

GNH Bar Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

At the heart of London's bustling King's Cross, where trains signal the ebb and flow of city life and history mingles with the present, stands a bar that epitomizes luxury and sophistication: the GNH Bar. Nestled within the iconic Great Northern Hotel, this venue offers not just cocktails, but a journey through time and taste.

Historical Grandeur Meets Contemporary Chic

GNH Bar is situated within the Great Northern Hotel, a Victorian-era masterpiece that has graced King's Cross since the 1850s. The bar embraces this rich history while seamlessly infusing modern aesthetics, creating an ambiance that is both timeless and avant-garde.

Architectural Splendor

Stepping into GNH Bar, guests are immediately struck by its architectural majesty. Vaulted ceilings, adorned with intricate moldings, loom above, while gleaming marble surfaces reflect the ambient glow of strategically placed lighting. The space, while grand, exudes warmth, with plush seating and intimate nooks that invite patrons to settle in and savor the moment.

Mixology: An Art Perfected

At the heart of GNH Bar's allure is its impeccable cocktail menu. Drawing inspiration from London's eclectic spirit and the hotel's storied past, the drink offerings are a symphony of classic concoctions and innovative creations. Employing premium spirits, rare ingredients, and meticulous techniques, the bartenders craft beverages that tantalize the palate and tell a story.

It's not just the taste but also the presentation that stands out. Each drink, served with flair and finesse, becomes a visual delight, promising a multisensory experience.

A Culinary Complement

Beyond drinks, GNH Bar offers a curated selection of gourmet bites. From local cheeses to exquisite charcuterie and inventive small plates, the culinary offerings perfectly complement the beverage experience.

Sounds of Sophistication

The ambiance at GNH Bar is accentuated by its auditory selection. A soft backdrop of jazz, classical notes, or contemporary melodies ensures that the mood is always just right, making it an ideal venue for both spirited conversations and contemplative moments.

The GNH Clientele

The bar attracts a diverse crowd, from international travelers staying at the Great Northern Hotel to Londoners in search of a luxurious escape. Business professionals, artists, and cocktail enthusiasts all find a haven within its opulent walls.

A Tribute to London's Luxurious Legacy

In a city renowned for its dynamic nightlife and rich history, GNH Bar stands as a testament to London's enduring allure. It's more than just a bar; it's an experience, a journey that transports patrons to an era of grandeur while offering the very best of contemporary luxury. For those seeking an evening wrapped in elegance, GNH Bar in King's Cross promises perfection in every sip and every moment.

Murder Inc Logo

Murder Inc

Indoor only

Deep in the vibrant realm of London's Fitzrovia lies a bar that's dripping with intrigue and drenched in noir-inspired mystique. Murder Inc, far from the typical plush and pretentious cocktail establishments, strikes a balance between the sinister allure of gangster-era tales and the finesse of contemporary mixology.

Stepping into a Crime Novel

As one saunters into Murder Inc, there's an immediate sense of entering another world - or perhaps, a gritty novel. The décor evokes the smoky crime scenes of the 1940s and 1950s, with dim lighting casting long shadows over patrons, vintage posters adorning the walls, and dark wooden fixtures creating a moody atmosphere. This isn't your ordinary bar; it's a cinematic experience.

Cocktails with Character

Much like its name suggests, the cocktails at Murder Inc are deadly serious when it comes to taste, presentation, and potency. The menu is a fusion of classic concoctions with a rebellious twist, each telling a story reminiscent of the gangster era. Patrons might sip on drinks with names that conjure images of alleyway dealings and smoke-filled speakeasies, but the flavors are undeniably modern, with unique infusions, home-made bitters, and eclectic garnishes.

There's a meticulous craftsmanship evident in each drink. Whether it's a cocktail served in a vintage glass or one that's accompanied by a puff of theatrical smoke, the beverages here promise an experience that's as visually captivating as it is flavorful.

Ambiance: Where Shadows Come to Play

One of the most compelling features of Murder Inc is its ambiance. Jazz, blues, and sultry tunes from the mid-20th century waft through the air, creating a soundscape that transports patrons back in time. On some evenings, live performances add to the immersive experience, ensuring that the bar’s narrative is always palpable.

A Magnet for the Adventurous

Murder Inc is not for the faint-hearted. Its charm lies in its audacity, attracting those with a penchant for the dramatic and an appetite for the unconventional. Writers, artists, and lovers of noir fiction and films find themselves drawn to its dark allure, making it a hotspot for vibrant conversations and unexpected encounters.

A Dark Allure Amidst London’s Cocktail Scene

In a city that teems with bars and pubs at every corner, Murder Inc has carved a niche for itself, inviting patrons to indulge in a world of noir fantasies. Beyond the exquisite cocktails, it promises a rendezvous with a bygone era, where every sip is laced with mystery, and every evening promises tales of intrigue. For those daring enough to embrace the darker side of London's nightlife, Murder Inc awaits with its doors ajar and shadows beckoning.

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The Glade at Sketch

Indoor only

In the heart of London's upscale Mayfair, a locale celebrated for its historic charm and elegance, there's a cocktail haven that defies convention. The Glade at Sketch isn't just a bar; it's a whimsical woodland wonderland, a dreamscape that whisks patrons away to an ethereal realm with every sip and sight.

A Verdant Embrace

Upon entering The Glade, visitors are immediately enveloped in a lush, forest-inspired atmosphere. The walls, adorned with intricate murals, depict serene woodland scenes, while the carpet, with its rich green hues, mirrors the forest floor. Plush, velvet seating in deep blues and greens, combined with the dappled lighting filtering through the faux canopy above, enhances the illusion of sitting amidst a secluded grove.

Mixology Meets Magic

At The Glade, cocktails aren't just beverages; they're elixirs of enchantment. Drawing inspiration from nature, the drinks are as imaginative in their composition as they are in their presentation. From concoctions infused with floral notes to those that capture the essence of the woods, each offering is a symphony of flavors, crafted to perfection.

Presentation plays a pivotal role here. Cocktails might be accompanied by a sprig of fresh herbs, garnished with edible blossoms, or served in uniquely shaped glasses, ensuring that each drink is a feast for both the palate and the eyes.

A Soundscape of Serenity

Complementing the visual and gustatory experience is the bar's ambient soundscape. Gentle, atmospheric music, interspersed with the occasional chirping of birds or rustling of leaves, further immerses patrons in this dreamlike realm.

Gastronomic Delights

While The Glade's cocktails are undoubtedly its pièce de résistance, its food offerings are equally commendable. With a menu inspired by contemporary European cuisine, each dish, much like the cocktails, is a celebration of creativity and flavor. Designed to complement the beverages, the dishes are both visually appealing and delectably satisfying.

A Captivated Audience

The Glade's unique ambiance attracts a diverse crowd. From romantics seeking an intimate setting and art enthusiasts drawn to its aesthetic appeal, to cocktail aficionados looking for the next best sip, the bar caters to a discerning clientele that appreciates the finer, and quirkier, things in life.

A Dreamlike Oasis Amidst London's Bustle

London, with its rich tapestry of history, culture, and nightlife, is home to numerous bars and lounges. Yet, The Glade at Sketch stands out, not just for its exceptional cocktails but for its ability to transport patrons to another world. It's a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, offering an escape that's both intoxicating and invigorating. For those in search of an unforgettable experience, The Glade promises an evening that lingers long after the last sip is savored.

Trailer Happiness Logo

Trailer Happiness

Indoor & Outdoor

In the heart of London's upscale and trendy Notting Hill, one might expect the usual array of chic wine bars or traditional British pubs. But nestled amidst these is a delightful anomaly – Trailer Happiness, a cocktail lounge that transports patrons straight to the vibrant vibes of mid-century tiki culture.

A Retro Revival

Stepping into Trailer Happiness is akin to taking a time machine back to the golden age of tiki bars. Vibrant Polynesian-inspired décor, bamboo-lined walls, dim lighting accentuated by glowing tiki masks, and plush seating combine to create an atmosphere that’s both nostalgic and immersive. This isn’t just a bar—it’s an experience, a mini-vacation from the bustling streets of London.

The Art of the Cocktail

What truly elevates Trailer Happiness to the status of a cocktail institution is its exemplary drink menu. Rooted in classic tiki traditions, the cocktails are a heady mix of fresh tropical fruits, exotic spices, and a plethora of rums from around the world. The bartenders, with their extensive knowledge and flair for presentation, whip up creations that are as visually stunning as they are delicious.

From traditional libations like the Mai Tai and Zombie to house specialties that incorporate modern mixology techniques, the drinks are designed to tantalize and transport. And for those looking for a true spectacle, Trailer Happiness offers communal volcano bowls, complete with flames and long straws for sharing.

Vibes and Vinyl

Further setting Trailer Happiness apart is its commitment to music. Regular DJ nights, with a focus on vinyl, spin a curated selection of tunes ranging from soul and funk to reggae and world beats. This musical backdrop ensures that the bar pulsates with energy, making it as much a destination for dancing as it is for drinking.

Engaging Events and Masterclasses

Beyond its regular offerings, Trailer Happiness hosts a variety of events that showcase its dedication to the tiki and rum culture. From rum tastings to masterclasses on tiki mixology, these events provide both novices and aficionados an opportunity to delve deeper into the rich history and varied nuances of tiki beverages.

A Tiki Triumph in London's Notting Hill

In a city as vast and varied as London, Trailer Happiness stands out as a unique gem. It's a place that celebrates the escapism and exuberance of tiki culture, all while providing world-class cocktails that would impress even the most discerning drinker. For those seeking a departure from the typical London bar scene, Trailer Happiness promises an evening of tropical delight, right in the heart of Notting Hill.

Waeska Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

Amidst the urban hustle of London's Fitzrovia district, the Mandrake Hotel stands as an epitome of luxury and contemporary design. Within its walls lies Waeska, a cocktail bar that brilliantly marries botanical brilliance with masterful mixology. Offering an experience that is both surreal and sublime, Waeska stands out as one of London's most distinguished destinations for drink enthusiasts.

Botanical Beauty Meets Modern Design

Waeska's design is an enchanting blend of global inspiration and modern luxury. A centrepiece of a fantastical gazelle skeleton adorned with peacock feathers immediately captures the attention, symbolizing the bar's commitment to blending the natural with the novel. Lush greenery drapes the walls, creating an ethereal atmosphere reminiscent of an urban jungle.

A Menu Rooted in Exploration

Drawing inspiration from the ethno-botanical nature of the Mandrake Hotel, Waeska's menu is a tribute to global botanics. Each cocktail tells a story of a unique region, highlighting native plants and herbs, and showcasing them in innovative concoctions. The ingredients are sourced from far and wide, ensuring authenticity in every sip.

While the cocktails are undoubtedly the stars, Waeska also offers an impressive selection of wines, champagnes, and spirits, catering to a wide range of palates.

Mixology as Performance Art

At Waeska, bartending transcends mere drink preparation – it becomes performance art. The meticulous care, precision, and flair with which each cocktail is crafted are a spectacle in themselves. The bartenders, with their extensive knowledge and passion for mixology, seamlessly blend tradition and innovation to create drinks that surprise and satiate.

An Evocative Ambiance

Beyond the drinks, the ambiance at Waeska is carefully curated to provide a multisensory experience. Soft, ambient lighting complements the bar's ethereal decor, creating pockets of intimacy in an expansive space. The music, always in perfect harmony with the setting, ebbs and flows, ensuring conversations can be enjoyed without strain.

A Refined Respite in London’s Luxurious Mandrake Hotel

Waeska is not just a bar; it's an experience. It invites guests to journey through the world of botanics, one cocktail at a time, all while ensconced in an environment that epitomizes luxury and innovation. For those seeking an evening that promises sophistication, surprise, and sensory delight, Waeska at the Mandrake Hotel is a destination that delivers on every front.

Farzi London Logo

Farzi London

Indoor & Outdoor

In a city that is a veritable canvas of history, art, and vibrant cultures, there exists a space that has flawlessly blended tradition and modernity to offer an avant-garde gastronomic experience. Nestled in the pulsating heart of London, Haymarket, Farzi London redefines the cocktail and culinary landscape, introducing patrons to a realm where every element echoes a seamless synthesis of the contemporary and the classical. Join us as we delve into the rich tapestry of experiences that await at Farzi London, where every visit is a journey into the mesmerizing world of innovation and sophistication.

Design and Ambiance: A Canvas of Sophistication and Culture

As you step into Farzi London, the immediate sensation is that of walking into an encapsulation of global culture, interwoven with touches of Indian heritage that echo in the intricate details of its interiors. The marriage of rustic and modern elements beckons patrons into a space that is at once comfortable and exuberantly luxurious. Artful lighting casts a warm, inviting glow across wooden accents and contemporary art installations, cultivating an ambiance of sophistication that extends a promise of an exquisite evening ahead.

Cocktails: A Harmonious Ballet of Flavours and Aromas

At the helm of Farzi London’s artistic vision is a cocktail menu that stands as a vivid portrayal of craftsmanship at its zenith. Here, mixology is not just an art but a rich narrative woven with a tapestry of flavors and fragrances that take you on a global journey from London's classic tastes to the aromatic spices of the Indian subcontinent.

The cocktail menu is a dynamic entity, sculpted with seasonal ingredients, rare spirits, and an innovative approach that sees classics reborn with a fresh, modern edge. Whether you find yourself drawn to a signature cocktail infused with exotic spices or a timeless classic expertly crafted with a Farzi twist, each sip promises a voyage of discovery that tantalizes the palate with unforeseen delights.

Gastronomy: A Symphony of Innovation and Tradition

Pairing harmoniously with the sophisticated array of cocktails is a culinary experience that is nothing short of a symphony, where each dish sings a melodic blend of innovation and tradition. The chefs at Farzi London craft a gastronomic narrative that pays homage to classic Indian dishes while embracing modern culinary techniques, offering a dining experience that is both familiar and refreshingly new.

Each dish is a canvas of vibrant colors, rich textures, and deep flavors, presented with a flair for the dramatic that makes dining at Farzi London a visual feast as much as a culinary one. The menu, rich with dishes that showcase the best of locally sourced, high-quality ingredients, offers a gastronomic journey that is as rich and complex as the culture it embodies.

Events and Experiences: Curated Evenings of Elegance and Entertainment

Beyond the captivating world of cocktails and cuisine, Farzi London offers a stage where culture, music, and gastronomy converge in a vibrant celebration of the fine arts. With curated events that range from musical evenings to cocktail masterclasses, Farzi London transforms into a pulsating heart of entertainment, offering patrons experiences that transcend the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary.

The Epicenter of Gastronomy and Mixology in the Heart of London

In the vibrant heart of London, Farzi London stands as a beacon of innovation, a space where gastronomy and mixology come together in a harmonious ballet of flavors, aromas, and experiences that are rich with tradition yet boldly forward-thinking.

With its commitment to excellence, its dedication to the art of craftsmanship, and its passion for creating experiences that are both visually stunning and gastronomically satisfying, Farzi London emerges not just as a cocktail bar but as a destination, a journey into a world of elegance and sophistication where every visit is a rich tapestry of experiences that are as unforgettable as they are exquisite. It is, in every essence, a sanctum of unparalleled gastronomy and mixology in the ever-vibrant landscape of London.

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Fitz's Bar

Indoor only

In the historic and artistically rich precinct of Bloomsbury, London, Fitz's Bar stands as a venue that seamlessly intertwines the glamour of the roaring twenties with contemporary luxe. It is an epicenter of craft and sophistication where patrons are invited to take a step back in time, indulging in the timeless allure that has defined eras of elegance and charisma. Let us take you on an opulent journey through the dazzling world of Fitz's Bar.

Ambiance: A Roaring Twenties Time Capsule

As soon as you step into Fitz's Bar, you are transported to the captivating world of Gatsby-era glamour, embraced by interiors adorned with vibrant velvets, opulent metallic, and luscious hues. The art deco influence is apparent in the intricate detailing, the dramatic lighting, and the plush seating arrangements. With its large, spherical lighting fixtures and grand mirrors, the bar evokes a sense of grandeur, capturing the spirit of a time when luxury was not just an experience but an art form.

Cocktails: Where Classic Meets Experimental

At the heart of Fitz's Bar lies a cocktail menu that speaks volumes about the establishment's dedication to crafting experiences that resonate with brilliance and grandiosity. The experienced mixologists have earned a reputation for concocting magical brews that combine age-old favorites with innovative infusions.

Each cocktail tells a tale, transporting patrons on a journey through time with classic recipes brought to life through innovative techniques and a sprinkle of Fitz's Bar's unique flair. Whether it is a cocktail that evokes the sweet whispers of a jazz melody or a modern concoction that resonates with today's vibrant rhythms, there is something to tantalize every palate.

Live Jazz: An Ode to the Golden Era

Fitz’s Bar effortlessly recreates the golden era through its soul-stirring live jazz performances. Guests find themselves entranced, swaying to mesmerizing tunes that echo through the space, infusing the atmosphere with vibrant energy. It’s a place where music, conversation, and laughter blend into a rich tapestry of joyful experiences, creating memories that stand as a testament to times of uninhibited revelry.

Personalized Service: A Testament to Hospitality

A notable cornerstone of the Fitz’s Bar experience is the impeccable service that stands as a silent yet pronounced hero in the backdrop. The staff showcases an understanding of nuanced personal preferences, guiding guests through a curated selection of drinks, each with a history as rich as its flavor profile. It’s a place where hospitality meets artistry, promising a seamless experience from the moment you step in.

A Symbol of Gatsby-Era Glamour in London's Bloomsbury

Fitz's Bar, nestled in the Bloomsbury neighborhood, represents much more than a cocktail bar; it embodies a golden era of glamour and elegance, promising not just a drink but an immersive experience that transports you to the roaring twenties. The masterfully crafted cocktails are not just drinks but narratives of a vibrant past, harmoniously blending with the modern sophistication that defines London today.

With an ambiance that sings tales of golden ages past and a cocktail menu that marries the classic with the contemporary, Fitz’s Bar emerges as a venue par excellence, offering an indulgent escape where every evening is a celebration of the finest things in life. It stands as a testimony to a time of splendid elegance, offering a space that is as luxurious as it is warm, welcoming patrons to immerse themselves in the captivating world of Fitz's Bar, where every visit is a foray into the extraordinary.

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Florattica Rooftop

Indoor & Outdoor

In the heart of London, a city renowned for its rich history and dynamic landscape, a unique haven of tranquility and vibrant colors awaits the discerning visitor. Florattica Rooftop, a cocktail bar and garden, sits as a blooming oasis above the bustling city streets, offering an immersive experience that blends exquisite craftsmanship in mixology with the lush allure of a vibrant rooftop garden. Here is an insight into the lush and luminous world of Florattica Rooftop.

A Garden in the Sky: Breathtaking Scenery and Architectural Marvel

Upon ascending to Florattica Rooftop, patrons are greeted by a garden that seems to have blossomed in the heavens. The space is a living canvas, where nature and architectural brilliance harmoniously coalesce to present a vibrant mosaic of floral tapestries, lush green corners, and water features that bring an essence of freshness amidst the urban landscape. This garden oasis offers a panoramic view of London's skyline, providing a visually stunning backdrop to an unforgettable evening.

A Floral Symphony in a Glass: The Art of Mixology

The floral theme seamlessly transitions from the surroundings to the cocktail menu, where a garden of flavors unfolds with each concoction. Florattica's master mixologists craft beverages that are a tribute to the rich diversity of flora, utilizing botanical infusions, floral extracts, and fresh herbs to create a tapestry of flavors that are as visually stunning as they are delightful to the palate.

Each cocktail tells a story, evoking the essence of various flowers through innovative and thoughtful combinations of ingredients, guiding patrons on a sensory journey through the most enchanting gardens from around the world. The bar offers a rich palette of beverages, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options crafted to perfection, promising an invigorating floral journey with each sip.

Gastronomic Blossoms: A Culinary Garden of Delights

Florattica Rooftop extends its floral narrative into a curated gastronomic experience that mirrors the vibrant surroundings. The culinary team takes inspiration from the rooftop garden, utilizing fresh, locally sourced ingredients to craft dishes that are a riot of colors, textures, and flavors. Each offering on the menu is a gastronomic blossom, promising a delightful culinary journey that harmonizes beautifully with the floral-themed cocktails.

Events and Blossom-filled Evenings

Beyond the visual and culinary marvels, Florattica Rooftop stands as a vibrant hub for events and entertainment. The venue hosts a bouquet of experiences, from live music performances to floral arrangement workshops, cultivating a vibrant and creative community space that blossoms with activity. It is a place where art, culture, and the joy of socializing bloom in harmony, offering a rich tapestry of experiences amidst a garden in the sky.

A Blossoming Gem in London's Skyline

Florattica Rooftop stands as a blossoming gem in London's vibrant landscape, offering a sanctuary of floral wonders and craftmanship in mixology. It is not just a bar but an immersive garden experience that promises to delight the senses and nourish the soul. With a rich floral narrative that extends from the lush surroundings to the gastronomic offerings, it provides a unique haven where nature, artistry, and community bloom in harmony.

Visit Florattica Rooftop to embark on a floral journey through a lush oasis in the sky, where each visit blossoms into a memory of vibrant colors, rich flavors, and the simple joy of being immersed in the vibrant world of Florattica. It is a celebration of nature's bounty, a space that blossoms with the vibrant pulse of life, inviting patrons to a rooftop garden where every moment is a blossoming delight.

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Hide Below

Indoor only

In the vibrant heart of London, there exists a world below the hustle and bustle of everyday life where elegance and sophistication merge seamlessly, awaiting to lavish its visitors with the finest cocktails and experiences. This haven is none other than Hide Below, the subterranean companion to the famed restaurant Hide. Let us traverse down the spiral staircase into the enigmatic world of Hide Below to discover a place where the art of mixology is taken to unprecedented heights.

Descending into a World of Elegance

Hide Below captivates from the very first step as one descends a beautifully crafted spiral staircase that winds down like a delicate sculpture, guiding patrons into a warm embrace of understated luxury. Here, the atmospheric lighting, combined with the rich textures of wooden elements and bespoke furniture, sets the stage for an experience of ultimate sophistication and comfort.

A Symphony of Flavors: The Cocktail Craft

Hide Below is the epitome of craftsmanship, a place where the boundaries of traditional cocktail making are constantly pushed, giving rise to a menu of not only drinks but experiences. The cocktails here are orchestrated masterpieces, carefully curated using the finest ingredients sourced from around the world, offering a palate of vibrant, earthy, and ethereal notes that cater to the most discerning of tastes.

Each concoction is a story told through a harmonious blend of flavors, textures, and aromas. The mixologists at Hide Below are akin to alchemists, transforming premium spirits and ingredients into liquid gold, presented with a level of artistry that befits the establishment’s reputation for excellence.

Culinary Excellence to Complement Your Drink

Hide Below doesn’t stop at offering exemplary cocktails but extends its mastery into the culinary realm, presenting a menu that perfectly complements its exquisite beverage offerings. Expect to indulge in a selection of sumptuously crafted small plates that harmonize wonderfully with the cocktails, delivering a gastronomic journey that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lingering imprint of satisfaction.

An Enclave for the Art Connoisseurs

Hide Below’s transcendental approach to hospitality is not only limited to its drinks and cuisine but also vividly expressed through its association with the arts. The cocktail bar occasionally transforms into a vibrant gallery showcasing a curated collection of art pieces, thus fostering a rich connection between the patrons and the contemporary art world.

Impeccable Service and Bespoke Experiences

Service at Hide Below is marked by a meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each guest enjoys a bespoke experience crafted to their liking. The staff exude warmth and professionalism, guiding each visitor on a journey through the extensive menu with expertise, helping to craft an evening that is as unique as it is unforgettable.

A Subterranean Haven of Elegance in London’s Bustling Heart

Hide Below stands as a beacon of excellence in London’s vibrant cocktail scene, offering a sanctuary where sophistication meets creativity, all set within a subterranean enclave adorned with the epitome of elegance and luxury. It is more than just a cocktail bar; it is a journey into a world where every detail is crafted to perfection, promising an experience that titillates the senses and elevates the spirit.

So, when you find yourself in London, take a moment to step out of the rush of daily life and descend into the entrancing world of Hide Below, where an evening of elegance, unparalleled craftsmanship, and the finest cocktails await to envelope you in an embrace of luxury and sophistication. It is not just a visit to a cocktail bar; it is a voyage into the epitome of elegance that leaves an indelible mark of pleasure on your soul.

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Kol Mezcaleria

Indoor only

In the energetic and culturally rich landscape of London, a distinct establishment reverberates with the vibrant heartbeat of Mexico, inviting patrons into a kaleidoscope of Mexican culture, flavours, and spirit. Welcome to Kol Mezcaleria, where the rustic meets the refined, setting the stage for experiences that are as dynamic and vibrant as Mexico itself. Let’s take a sensory journey through this spirited venue that brings the essence of Mexico to London.

Embarking on a Mexican Odyssey

Kol Mezcaleria is not just a cocktail bar; it is a carefully curated embodiment of Mexican heritage and craftsmanship. Entering the bar feels akin to stepping into a slice of Mexico, with the warm tones, the earthy aroma, and the intricate decor creating a setting that resonates with authenticity and passion. The spirit of Mexico pulsates in the artistry displayed in every nook and cranny, from handcrafted furnishings to traditional art pieces that adorn the walls.

A Symphony of Flavours

The true star of the show at Kol Mezcaleria is, undoubtedly, the enchanting collection of mezcal. The bar takes its patrons on a curated journey through the rich and diverse world of Mexican spirits, with an especial focus on mezcal, a traditional Mexican drink derived from the heart of the agave plant. Here, the beverage is not just served; it’s celebrated in all its smoky, sultry, and sophisticated glory.

But mezcal isn't the only protagonist on the stage. The cocktail menu is a vibrant narrative, weaving stories of Mexico’s regions through a curated selection of beverages that incorporate unique ingredients and age-old techniques. Each cocktail tells a tale, offering a palette of flavours that dance harmoniously, surprising and delighting the senses with every sip.

Culinary Delights from the Mexican Canvas

Complementing the remarkable drinks menu is a culinary experience that adds depth to the narrative woven at Kol Mezcaleria. The gastronomic journey explores the rich tapestry of Mexican cuisine, with dishes that sing with flavour, vibrancy, and authenticity. It is a celebration of Mexico’s gastronomic richness, offering a vibrant array of dishes that encompass traditional classics and innovative creations.

A Vibrant Cultural Tapestry

Beyond the gastronomic experiences, Kol Mezcaleria stands as a vibrant cultural hub, pulsating with the rhythm of Mexican music and arts. The vibrant sounds that emanate from the bar are a curated selection that pays homage to the rich musical tapestry of Mexico, offering a rhythm that caters to every mood and setting the perfect background for jovial conversations and intimate encounters.

Events with a Mexican Flair

For those looking to infuse Mexican vibrancy into their private events, Kol Mezcaleria offers a vibrant backdrop, complete with customized services to craft experiences that are as vibrant and colourful as the Mexican landscape. Be it personal celebrations or corporate gatherings, the venue reverberates with a spirit that brings every event to life.

A Portal to Mexican Magic in the Heart of London

Kol Mezcaleria stands as a vibrant beacon in the London cocktail landscape, a place where the robust spirit of Mexico meets the sophistication of London's cocktail scene. It is a journey through the rich cultural and gastronomic landscape of Mexico, offering an experience that is rich, dynamic, and profoundly spirited.

So, step into Kol Mezcaleria and let yourself be embraced by the warm hues, the rhythmic beats, and the aromatic allure of Mexico, brought to life in the heart of London. It is more than a cocktail bar; it’s a vibrant Mexican odyssey awaiting to be explored, promising an evening of joy, flavor, and spirited camaraderie that resonate with the vibrant heartbeat of Mexico.

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Seed Bar

Indoor only

In the pulsating heart of London, where history meshes seamlessly with modernity, a fresh bud has blossomed in the form of Seed Bar — a vibrant venue that brings a refreshing perspective to the city's illustrious cocktail culture. Situated amidst iconic landmarks and contemporary structures, Seed Bar promises an enchanting escape rooted in nature's bounty. Allow us to guide you through the aromatic pathways of Seed Bar, where every detail is curated to offer a revitalizing experience, a touch of the garden in each glass.

Nature's Canvas: A Verdant Oasis

Walking into Seed Bar, one can immediately sense the embrace of nature. The venue breathes life through a meticulous design that celebrates the green world, creating a harmonious atmosphere that is both rejuvenating and engaging. Draped in a lush tapestry of plant life, the space is a vibrant canvas, projecting a delicate balance between urban sophistication and natural serenity.

Expansive glass panels allow the golden rays of the sun to play upon a diverse palette of greens and botanical accents, giving patrons a feeling of dining in an elegant garden. The interior carries a charm of a modern greenhouse with a carefully curated selection of flora, each corner narrating a fresh tale from nature's vibrant diary.

Cocktail Craftsmanship: Botanical Elixirs

The essence of Seed Bar is reflected most vividly in its menu, a lovingly crafted compilation of cocktails that draws inspiration from the beauty and diversity of the plant world. The mixologists, being true craftsmen, forage for fresh herbs and exotic botanicals, blending them with premium spirits to craft a garden of delightful elixirs that taste like a fresh harvest.

Each cocktail is a vibrant narrative, inviting patrons to explore new dimensions of taste, balancing familiar flavors with unexpected, refreshing notes. From the fresh, floral undertones to the rich, earthy bases, the menu at Seed Bar offers a refreshing journey through a garden in full bloom, delivering a sensory experience that is fresh, vibrant, and utterly delightful.

Gastronomic Greenery: A Fresh Perspective

Complementing the vibrant array of cocktails is a menu that mirrors the bar's philosophy of celebrating nature's bounty. The culinary team creates a gastronomic landscape rich in fresh, seasonal produce, offering dishes that are as visually stunning as they are delightful on the palate.

The menu, an artistic portrait of modern cuisine, interprets classic dishes with a fresh perspective, incorporating vibrant herbs and edible flowers that add a touch of the garden to each plate, promising a dining experience that is rich in flavor and steeped in natural goodness.

Events and Workshops: Cultivating Community

Seed Bar transcends being just a cocktail venue, emerging as a space that fosters community and learning. The bar regularly hosts workshops and events that celebrate the green world, from botanical cocktail masterclasses to garden workshops, fostering a space where patrons can learn, interact, and grow together, nurturing a community rooted in the love for nature and craftsmanship.

A Refreshing Bloom in London's Cocktail Scene

Seed Bar stands as a vibrant beacon in London's cocktail scene, a space that invites patrons to rediscover the joy of the natural world through a rich tapestry of botanical cocktails and fresh culinary delights. Here, the garden meets the city, offering a refreshing, green oasis that nourishes the spirit and tantalizes the senses.

Whether you are seeking a refreshing cocktail crafted from nature's finest or a gastronomic journey through a garden of fresh flavors, Seed Bar offers a unique, vibrant, and refreshing experience that promises to enchant, revitalize, and nourish, offering a garden of delights in the heart of London.

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Smokey Kudu

Indoor & Outdoor

In the rich tapestry of London’s cocktail landscape, Smokey Kudu emerges as a pulsating heartbeat, offering a confluence of creativity, craftsmanship, and culture. Nestled under the arches of Queen’s Road, Peckham station, this enchanting cocktail bar promises to take you on a magical journey where innovation meets tradition. Join us as we explore the rich narrative that unfolds in the vibrant corridors of Smokey Kudu.

A Setting Like No Other

As you step into Smokey Kudu, the eclectic design concept immediately draws you in. Inspired by South African landscapes and the romantic allure of Art Deco, the space marries a warm colour palette with luxurious textures and furnishings. The stunning horseshoe-shaped marble bar stands as a centerpiece, offering an inviting and interactive atmosphere where patrons can witness the magic unfold firsthand.

The ambient lighting, coupled with the carefully selected furniture and the delicate dance of shadows across intricate details, create a space that is intimate, comfortable, yet with a touch of sophisticated flair that encourages relaxation and enjoyment of the finer things in life.

Masterful Mixology

Smokey Kudu stands as a temple of innovative mixology, where each cocktail tells a story of inspiration, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. The mixologists are true artisans in their craft, carefully curating a menu that offers a vibrant palette of flavours and textures, blending premium spirits with a remarkable array of fresh and unique ingredients.

The cocktails are more than just beverages; they are visual and sensory experiences. From the finely balanced notes in each concoction to the artistic presentation that delights the eyes, every detail is tailored to offer a cocktail experience that is both immersive and deeply satisfying. A journey through their cocktail menu promises to introduce you to a rich tapestry of flavours, from classics reimagined with a Smokey Kudu twist to innovative creations that surprise and delight with every sip.

South African Inspired Cuisine

Complementing the masterful cocktails is a food menu rich in South African influences, paying homage to the heritage of the bar’s founders. The culinary offerings at Smokey Kudu transport patrons on a gastronomic journey through vibrant and diverse landscapes, introducing them to a rich fusion of flavours and textures that echo the vibrant spirit of South African cuisine.

From perfectly crafted small plates to shareable delights, every dish carries a note of authenticity and a celebration of rich culinary traditions, promising a dining experience that is as warm, vibrant, and inviting as South Africa itself.

Events and Collaborations

Beyond being a cocktail bar, Smokey Kudu engages with the community through a series of events and collaborations that celebrate culture, creativity, and artistry. From hosting renowned guest mixologists to curating evenings of live music, the bar pulsates with a vibrant energy that brings people together in a celebration of life and artistry.

A Symphony of Flavours in the Heart of London

Smokey Kudu is more than just a cocktail bar; it is a vibrant canvas where South African culture meets London's dynamic spirit, offering a sanctuary of rich flavours, warm hospitality, and masterful craftsmanship. Whether you’re venturing in for a casual evening or celebrating a special occasion, Smokey Kudu promises a rich tapestry of experiences, where every detail is designed to delight your senses and elevate your spirit.

Visit Smokey Kudu and immerse yourself in a world where the cocktails are enchanting narratives, the food is a celebration of a rich cultural heritage, and the ambiance is a warm embrace inviting you to sit, relax, and enjoy life’s finer moments in the heart of London.

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Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant labyrinth of London’s King’s Cross, lies Supermax, a cocktail bar that reinvents the very essence of nightlife with its striking design and immersive cocktail experiences. This underground den takes you on a transcendental journey, merging the magical with the contemporary in an environment that is simply otherworldly. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the sanctum that is Supermax, where every visit is an exploration of taste, style, and atmospheric wonder.

Stepping into Another Realm

As you descend into the subterranean haven of Supermax, the world above seems to dissolve, giving way to a realm of enchantment characterized by celestial ceiling murals, a rich palette of vibrant hues, and the soft, ethereal glow emanating from the neon lighting.

The bar emanates a surreal ambiance, with interiors that are a symphony of contemporary artistry and vintage allure. The space is a living canvas, where the vibrant visuals are harmoniously blended with a soundtrack that spans a gamut from jazz to soul, curated to enhance the atmospheric magic that is uniquely Supermax.

Cocktail Creations: A Voyage of Flavours

The beating heart of Supermax is its iconic cocktail menu, a rich tapestry of flavors crafted from a perfect amalgamation of high-quality spirits, fresh ingredients, and a touch of ingenious creativity. The bar is home to skilled mixologists who craft each cocktail with an artisan’s precision, offering a range that spans from the timeless classics to Supermax’s own signature concoctions.

Each beverage is more than a drink; it is an experience, a journey through a landscape of flavors where every sip is an exploration of harmoniously blended tastes and textures. This is a place where the cocktail culture is elevated to an art form, offering a sensory indulgence that transcends the ordinary.

A Soundscape that Enchants

Supermax doesn’t just stop at tantalizing your taste buds; it crafts a symphony of sound that is a feast for the ears. The space reverberates with a meticulously curated soundscape that varies from live performances to DJ sets, creating an auditory experience that complements the visual and gastronomic journey that patrons embark upon.

Whether it's the soft crooning of a jazz artist or the vibrant beats spun by a DJ, the sounds at Supermax create a pulsating heartbeat that forms the backdrop to an evening of immersive enjoyment.

Beyond Cocktails: An Epicurean Adventure

Supermax’s commitment to crafting unique experiences extends to its gastronomic offerings. The food menu, though concise, is a testament to quality and authenticity, offering dishes that echo the philosophy of the cocktail creations, with an emphasis on fresh, high-quality ingredients crafted to offer a rich tapestry of flavors.

From Italian-inspired antipasti to a selection of artisanal pizzas, the culinary offerings at Supermax promise to tantalize your palate, offering a gastronomic journey that forms a harmonious chorus with the eclectic cocktail menu.

The Underground Oasis in London's Spirited Landscape

Supermax stands as an oasis in London's spirited landscape, a realm where the extraordinary comes to life in a symphony of flavors, sounds, and visuals. It invites you to step into a world where every element is crafted with a vision to transcend the ordinary, offering an immersive experience that tantalizes the senses and elevates the spirit.

Whether you are a cocktail aficionado or a seeker of unique experiences, Supermax welcomes you with open arms, inviting you to an underground sanctuary where magic is not just a concept, but a living, breathing entity that weaves itself into every aspect of the journey. It's not just a bar; it's Supermax, where every visit is a voyage through the extraordinary.

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The Lucky Pig Cocktail Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, The Lucky Pig Cocktail Bar beckons with its enchanting ambiance and tantalizing concoctions. Step into a world where vintage glamour meets contemporary flair, where each sip is a journey of indulgence, and every moment is infused with charm and sophistication.

A Retro Haven

The Lucky Pig transports you to a bygone era with its retro-inspired decor and nostalgic ambiance. From plush velvet sofas to dimly lit corners adorned with vintage trinkets, every detail exudes an old-world charm that sets the stage for an unforgettable experience.

Exquisite Cocktails

Indulge your senses with an exquisite array of handcrafted cocktails that are as inventive as they are delicious. Whether you're a fan of classic concoctions or prefer to explore new flavors, The Lucky Pig's expert mixologists are dedicated to crafting the perfect drink to tantalize your taste buds.

Signature Creations

Embark on a journey of flavor with The Lucky Pig's signature cocktails, each carefully crafted to delight and surprise. From the smoky notes of the ""Bourbon Bacon Old Fashioned"" to the refreshing zest of the ""Lucky Mojito,"" there's a concoction to suit every palate and mood.

Live Entertainment

Experience the magic of live entertainment as The Lucky Pig plays host to an eclectic lineup of talented musicians, DJs, and performers. Whether you're in the mood for soulful jazz melodies or upbeat rhythms to dance the night away, you'll find yourself immersed in an atmosphere of excitement and energy.

Intimate Atmosphere

Whether you're enjoying a romantic evening for two or catching up with friends, The Lucky Pig offers an intimate atmosphere that invites conversation and connection. Lose yourself in the cozy confines of the bar's charming interior, where every corner tells a story waiting to be discovered.

Personalized Service

At The Lucky Pig, hospitality is more than just a service – it's a commitment to ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and valued. From the moment you step through the door to the final farewell, the attentive staff is dedicated to providing a personalized experience that exceeds your expectations.

Discover the Charm of The Lucky Pig Cocktail Bar in London

Tucked away in the bustling streets of London, The Lucky Pig Cocktail Bar stands as a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed by discerning cocktail enthusiasts and nightlife aficionados alike. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail connoisseur or simply looking for a memorable night out, The Lucky Pig promises an experience that is as unique as it is unforgettable.

In conclusion, The Lucky Pig Cocktail Bar is not just a destination; it's an experience to savor and cherish. So why not embark on a journey of taste and discovery at this enchanting establishment, where every visit promises to be a stroke of luck?

Kona Kai Logo

Kona Kai

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Kona Kai stands as a beacon of tropical luxury in the midst of the bustling cityscape. Offering an unparalleled experience of island-inspired indulgence, this hidden gem beckons visitors to embark on a journey of relaxation and delight.

Tropical Oasis in the Urban Jungle

Step into Kona Kai and leave the urban chaos behind. As you cross the threshold, you're greeted by an ambiance that transports you to a faraway tropical paradise. The lush greenery, bamboo accents, and vibrant décor instantly evoke feelings of serenity and escape, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.

Impeccable Hospitality and Service

At Kona Kai, hospitality isn't just a service—it's a way of life. From the moment you arrive, you're welcomed with warm smiles and attentive care. The staff's dedication to ensuring your comfort and satisfaction is evident in every interaction, making you feel like a cherished guest in their island retreat.

Exquisite Culinary Delights

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary journey like no other. Kona Kai's menu boasts a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by flavors from across the Pacific Islands. From fresh seafood delights to mouthwatering tropical cocktails, each bite and sip is a celebration of exquisite taste and craftsmanship.

Sip and Savor in Style

Indulge in the art of relaxation at Kona Kai's stunning bar and lounge area. Whether you're enjoying a signature cocktail crafted with precision and flair or savoring a fine wine from their extensive selection, every moment spent here is an opportunity to unwind and immerse yourself in luxury.

Luxurious Private Events

Elevate your special occasions to new heights with Kona Kai's exquisite event spaces. Whether you're hosting a corporate gathering, a romantic wedding, or a milestone celebration, their experienced team will ensure every detail is perfect, leaving you free to enjoy the festivities with ease.

Wellness and Tranquility

Escape the stresses of everyday life and rejuvenate your body and mind at Kona Kai's tranquil wellness retreat. From indulgent spa treatments to revitalizing yoga sessions, their range of wellness offerings provides the perfect opportunity to relax, recharge, and rediscover your inner balance.

Explore London's Hidden Gem

Conveniently located in the heart of London, Kona Kai offers easy access to the city's most iconic attractions and vibrant neighborhoods. After a day of exploring, return to your tropical oasis and unwind in the comfort of your luxurious accommodations, ready to embark on another adventure tomorrow.

Discover the Exquisite Charm of Kona Kai in London

In a city known for its hustle and bustle, Kona Kai offers a serene sanctuary where you can escape the chaos and immerse yourself in pure relaxation. With its impeccable hospitality, exquisite cuisine, and enchanting ambiance, it's no wonder why Kona Kai is regarded as one of London's hidden gems—a tropical paradise in the heart of the city.

The Den Logo

The Den

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the vibrant Soho district, The Den is a captivating speakeasy cocktail bar that brings a slice of the Prohibition era to modern-day London. Known for its cozy ambiance and exclusive feel, this bar offers a retreat from the bustling city life, making it a favorite among those in the know.

Craft Cocktails and Live Music

The Den prides itself on its meticulously crafted cocktail menu, which features a blend of classic and innovative drinks designed to satisfy both traditional and adventurous palates. Every cocktail is prepared with precision, using only the finest spirits and freshest ingredients. The experience is heightened on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays when the bar comes alive with the sounds of live piano music, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the already charming atmosphere.

An Intimate and Welcoming Atmosphere

Walking into The Den, guests are greeted by an atmosphere that combines classic charm with contemporary comfort. The décor is warm and inviting, featuring soft lighting and plush seating that encourage relaxation and conversation. It's the perfect setting for a romantic date night or a casual evening with friends, offering a sense of exclusivity without the pretentiousness often found in high-end bars.

A Modern Gathering Place with Historical Echoes

Beyond just serving drinks, The Den acts as a modern gathering place where history and contemporary culture merge. The bar's location in Soho, an area known for its rich musical and cultural history, adds a layer of depth to the experience. It’s a place where past and present coexist, offering a unique backdrop for the stories and conversations that unfold within its walls.

A Quintessential Speakeasy Experience in the Heart of London

The Den is not only about what happens inside but also its prime location in the heart of Soho, which positions it perfectly as a starting point or a final stop in a night of exploring London’s vibrant nightlife. Whether you're looking to dive into the world of jazz, catch a live show, or simply enjoy a night out in one of London's most lively neighborhoods, The Den offers a sophisticated yet laid-back experience that makes it a must-visit destination.

In conclusion, The Den in London is more than just a cocktail bar—it's a sanctuary where fine drinks, great music, and warm hospitality meet to create a memorable evening. With its rich ambiance, exceptional drink menu, and prime location, The Den stands out as a jewel in London’s nightlife crown. Whether you are a local or a visitor, a night at The Den is sure to be an enchanting experience.

The Parlour at Marylebone Logo

The Parlour at Marylebone

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London's vibrant Marylebone district, The Parlour invites you to experience a delightful fusion of sophistication and warmth. This enchanting establishment effortlessly combines a chic ambiance with impeccable service, making it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Indulge in Culinary Excellence

Step into The Parlour and prepare to embark on a culinary journey like no other. From delectable brunch offerings to sumptuous afternoon teas, each dish is crafted with care using the finest seasonal ingredients. Whether you're craving a classic English breakfast or longing for a taste of international flavors, the diverse menu at The Parlour is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

Savor the Ambiance

Immerse yourself in the inviting atmosphere of The Parlour, where every detail is thoughtfully curated to create a memorable dining experience. From the elegant decor to the soft lighting, every element contributes to an ambiance that exudes charm and sophistication. Whether you're catching up with friends over coffee or enjoying a romantic dinner for two, The Parlour provides the perfect backdrop for any occasion.

Experience Impeccable Service

At The Parlour, hospitality is more than just a profession—it's a way of life. From the moment you step through the door, you'll be greeted with a warm smile and attentive service that sets the tone for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you need assistance with menu selections or special dietary requirements, the knowledgeable staff at The Parlour are always on hand to ensure that your needs are met with care and attention to detail.

Unwind in Style

After a day of exploring the bustling streets of London, there's no better place to unwind than at The Parlour. Sit back and relax with a handcrafted cocktail or indulge in a glass of fine wine from their extensive selection. With its cozy seating areas and welcoming ambiance, The Parlour offers the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Discover the Elegance and Charm of The Parlour at Marylebone, London

Whether you're looking for a leisurely brunch, an elegant afternoon tea, or a romantic dinner for two, The Parlour at Marylebone invites you to experience the height of culinary excellence and hospitality. With its impeccable service, inviting ambiance, and delectable menu offerings, The Parlour is sure to become your new favorite destination in London's vibrant dining scene.

Bar Américain Logo

Bar Américain

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Bar Américain exudes an irresistible charm that transports patrons to the glamourous era of the 1920s. Stepping through its doors is akin to entering a bygone age of sophistication and luxury, where every detail is meticulously crafted to create an unforgettable experience.

Immerse Yourself in Art Deco Opulence

From the moment you enter Bar Américain, you're greeted by the breathtaking sight of Art Deco splendor. The interior boasts rich mahogany wood, plush leather seating, and dazzling brass accents, all illuminated by soft, golden lighting. Every corner of the bar exudes an air of timeless elegance, making it the perfect setting for an intimate evening or a celebratory gathering.

Indulge in Exquisite Craftsmanship

At Bar Américain, every cocktail is a masterpiece crafted with precision and passion. Whether you prefer a classic Martini or a signature concoction, the expert mixologists behind the bar are dedicated to delivering an unparalleled drinking experience. Each drink is made using only the finest spirits, fresh ingredients, and innovative techniques, ensuring that every sip is a delight for the senses.

Savor Delectable Culinary Creations

While renowned for its stellar cocktails, Bar Américain also offers a tantalizing selection of culinary delights. From small plates to sumptuous mains, every dish is prepared with care and attention to detail. Whether you're craving a decadent charcuterie board or a mouthwatering steak, the menu at Bar Américain is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

Experience Unmatched Hospitality

One of the hallmarks of Bar Américain is its exceptional service. From the moment you arrive, you're made to feel like a cherished guest in a private club. The staff are attentive, knowledgeable, and always ready to cater to your every need, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of perfection.

Bask in the Ambiance of Live Music

Adding to the allure of Bar Américain is its enchanting live music performances. Settle into your seat, sip on a meticulously crafted cocktail, and let the soothing sounds of jazz and blues wash over you. It's the perfect accompaniment to an evening of relaxation and indulgence.

Discover the Timeless Elegance of Bar Américain in London

Whether you're a seasoned cocktail aficionado or simply seeking a taste of old-world glamour, Bar Américain is a must-visit destination in London. With its timeless elegance, exquisite craftsmanship, and unmatched hospitality, it promises an experience that's nothing short of extraordinary. Make your reservation today and prepare to be transported to a bygone era of sophistication and style.

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Bobby Fitzpatrick

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the vibrant streets of London, Bobby Fitzpatrick stands as a beacon of retro charm and undeniable coolness. This quirky establishment promises a trip down memory lane with its nostalgic decor, delectable cocktails, and inviting ambiance. Let's take a journey into the heart of this beloved hangout spot.

Step into the Groovy Atmosphere

As you step through the doors of Bobby Fitzpatrick, you're instantly transported to a bygone era. The décor, reminiscent of the 1970s, exudes a funky charm that captivates visitors from the get-go. From shag carpets to vintage furniture, every detail has been carefully curated to create an immersive experience that celebrates nostalgia in all its glory.

Sip on Retro-Inspired Cocktails

One of the highlights of Bobby Fitzpatrick is its impressive selection of cocktails that pay homage to the past while offering a contemporary twist. Whether you're in the mood for a classic Mai Tai or a refreshing Piña Colada, the skilled mixologists behind the bar are sure to whip up something that tantalizes your taste buds. Each drink is crafted with precision and flair, making every sip a delightful experience.

Indulge in Tasty Treats

But Bobby Fitzpatrick isn't just about the drinks – it's also a haven for foodies looking to satisfy their cravings. The menu boasts an array of mouthwatering dishes inspired by American and British comfort food classics. From cheesy loaded fries to juicy burgers, there's something to please every palate. Plus, the generous portion sizes ensure that you'll leave feeling fully satisfied.

Groove to the Beat

No visit to Bobby Fitzpatrick would be complete without enjoying some groovy tunes. The eclectic playlist features hits from the 70s and beyond, setting the perfect backdrop for a night of fun and frivolity. Whether you're catching up with friends or letting loose on the dance floor, the lively atmosphere is sure to lift your spirits and keep you coming back for more.

A Retro Retreat in the Heart of London

Beyond its retro aesthetic and delicious offerings, what truly sets Bobby Fitzpatrick apart is its welcoming atmosphere. The friendly staff are always ready with a smile, eager to ensure that your experience is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you'll be made to feel right at home from the moment you walk in.

In conclusion, Bobby Fitzpatrick is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and immerse themselves in a world of retro charm and hospitality. So why not step back in time and experience all that this iconic London establishment has to offer?

Barts Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled amidst the bustling streets of London lies a true hidden gem, Barts. Tucked away behind an unassuming door in Chelsea, this speakeasy-style bar transports visitors to a bygone era of glamour and intrigue. Step into a world where cocktails are crafted with precision, and every corner exudes an air of mystery and excitement. Join us as we take a closer look at what makes Barts a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Step Back in Time

As you enter Barts, prepare to be whisked away to the roaring twenties. The decor pays homage to the prohibition era, with vintage furnishings, dim lighting, and eclectic artwork adorning the walls. Every detail has been carefully curated to create an ambiance that is both nostalgic and enchanting. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply looking for a unique night out, Barts offers an immersive experience like no other.

Crafted Cocktails

One of the highlights of any visit to Barts is undoubtedly the cocktails. The expert mixologists behind the bar are true artisans, blending premium spirits with fresh ingredients to create concoctions that tantalize the taste buds. From classic cocktails to innovative creations, there's something to suit every palate. Sip on a perfectly balanced martini or indulge in a signature concoction unique to Barts. With each sip, you'll discover why this establishment has earned a reputation for excellence in mixology.

Exclusive Ambiance

What sets Barts apart from other bars in London is its exclusive ambiance. Unlike traditional venues, gaining entry to Barts is an adventure in itself. Guests must first locate the discreet entrance and ring the doorbell to gain access. This air of secrecy adds to the allure of the experience, making every visit feel like a privileged affair. Once inside, you'll find yourself among a select group of discerning patrons, all eager to soak in the ambiance and enjoy the impeccable service.

Live Entertainment

In addition to its stellar cocktails and ambiance, Barts also plays host to live entertainment on select evenings. From jazz bands to cabaret performances, there's always something exciting happening at this clandestine establishment. Sit back, relax, and let the talented performers whisk you away on a journey of music and merriment. It's the perfect accompaniment to an unforgettable night out in London.

Exploring the Vibrant Charm of Barts

In a city as bustling as London, finding a hidden oasis like Barts is truly a rare treat. Whether you're seeking a romantic date spot, a venue for a special celebration, or simply a place to unwind after a long day, Barts offers an escape from the ordinary. Step inside, leave your cares at the door, and immerse yourself in the timeless charm of this iconic establishment.

In conclusion, Barts is much more than just a bar—it's an experience. From its prohibition-era ambiance to its expertly crafted cocktails and live entertainment, every aspect of Barts is designed to delight and enchant. So, the next time you find yourself in London, be sure to seek out this hidden gem and discover the magic for yourself.

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Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar

Indoor only

Tucked away in the vibrant streets of London, Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar stands as a testament to timeless elegance and exquisite taste. Situated in the heart of the city, this gem offers a haven for those seeking a sophisticated yet welcoming atmosphere to unwind and indulge in delightful libations.

Aesthetic Marvel: Vintage Elegance

Step into Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar, and you'll find yourself transported to an era of vintage charm and refined aesthetics. The décor, reminiscent of a bygone era, captivates with its plush furnishings, soft lighting, and botanical accents. Every corner exudes an air of sophistication, inviting guests to relax and savor the ambiance.

Crafted Cocktails: A Gastronomic Journey

At Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar, mixology is elevated to an art form. Talented bartenders curate an impressive array of cocktails, each a masterpiece in its own right. From classic concoctions to innovative blends, every drink is crafted with precision and flair, promising a sensorial journey that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lasting impression.

Seasonal Sensations: Culinary Excellence

Complementing the stellar drink menu is a selection of delectable bites that showcase seasonal ingredients and culinary expertise. Indulge in small plates bursting with flavor, perfectly paired to enhance your drinking experience. Whether you're craving savory delights or sweet treats, the menu at Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar promises to satisfy every palate.

Unforgettable Events: Host Your Soiree

Looking for the perfect venue to host your next celebration or corporate event? Look no further than Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar. With its impeccable service, exquisite ambiance, and customizable event packages, this establishment sets the stage for unforgettable gatherings. From intimate gatherings to grand affairs, your event is sure to be a resounding success.

Impeccable Service: Warm Hospitality

What truly sets Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar apart is its commitment to exemplary service and warm hospitality. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with genuine smiles and attentive care. The staff's knowledge and passion for their craft shine through in every interaction, ensuring that each visit is nothing short of extraordinary.

Discover the Charm of Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar in London

Whether you're a seasoned cocktail enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable night out in London, Bourne & Hollingsworth Bar offers an unparalleled experience that delights the senses and leaves a lasting impression. Come and discover the allure of this iconic establishment, where every visit is an invitation to savor the finer things in life.

The Cocktail Trading Co. Logo

The Cocktail Trading Co.

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the heart of London, The Cocktail Trading Co. stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation in the realm of mixology. Boasting a prime location in one of the world's most vibrant cities, this establishment has earned its stripes as a must-visit destination for cocktail enthusiasts and curious adventurers alike.

Crafting Artisanal Delights

Step into The Cocktail Trading Co., and you're immediately transported into a realm where cocktails aren't just drinks – they're masterpieces. Each concoction is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans who blend premium spirits, fresh ingredients, and a dash of imagination to create liquid works of art. From classic libations to avant-garde creations, there's something to tantalize every palate.

Innovative Creations

Prepare to be dazzled by the sheer ingenuity behind The Cocktail Trading Co.'s menu. Drawing inspiration from both classic recipes and contemporary trends, their mixologists push the boundaries of conventional cocktail-making to deliver truly unforgettable experiences. Whether you're craving a whimsical interpretation of a beloved classic or a bold new flavor combination, you'll find it here.

Impeccable Presentation

At The Cocktail Trading Co., presentation is paramount. Each drink is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a visual delight. From intricate garnishes to whimsical glassware, every detail is carefully curated to elevate the drinking experience and ignite the senses. Prepare your camera – these cocktails are almost too beautiful to sip!

Unparalleled Ambiance

Beyond its stellar libations, The Cocktail Trading Co. offers an ambiance that is both inviting and electric. Whether you're perched at the sleek bar, mingling with fellow patrons in the cozy seating areas, or soaking in the lively atmosphere of a themed event, you'll find yourself immersed in an unforgettable cocktail journey.

Expert Guidance

Navigating The Cocktail Trading Co.'s extensive menu can feel like embarking on a thrilling adventure. Thankfully, the knowledgeable staff are more than happy to serve as your guides, offering recommendations tailored to your preferences and introducing you to new flavor profiles and techniques. Prepare to expand your palate and discover your new favorite drink.

A Culinary Experience

But The Cocktail Trading Co. isn't just about the drinks – it's about the entire culinary experience. Complement your libations with a selection of delectable small plates and snacks, each expertly crafted to pair harmoniously with the diverse flavors found on the menu. From savory bites to indulgent desserts, every dish is designed to enhance your overall enjoyment.

Discover the Magic of Mixology at The Cocktail Trading Co. in London

In a city known for its bustling nightlife and vibrant cocktail scene, The Cocktail Trading Co. stands out as a true gem. With its commitment to creativity, quality, and unparalleled hospitality, it's no wonder this establishment has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail connoisseur or simply looking for a memorable night out, prepare to be enchanted by the magic of The Cocktail Trading Co.

Prosecco House Logo

Prosecco House

Indoor & Outdoor

Situated in the prestigious One Tower Bridge on the South Bank of the River Thames, Prosecco House offers a refined experience for lovers of Italy's beloved sparkling wine. This specialized wine bar is not just a place to enjoy a drink; it's a venue where patrons can immerse themselves in the world of DOCG Prosecco, learning about and sampling the finest selections from Veneto, the heartland of Prosecco.

A Curated Selection of Premium Prosecco

Prosecco House prides itself on its exclusive focus on high-quality DOCG Prosecco. With 28 types of premium Prosecco available, guests can enjoy a wide range of options that showcase the versatility and richness of this celebrated beverage. Each Prosecco is carefully selected to ensure that it represents the best of what the region has to offer, from crisp and refreshing to complex and aromatic profiles.

More Than Just Prosecco

While Prosecco is undoubtedly the star at Prosecco House, the bar also offers a well-rounded menu of wines, champagnes, cocktails, spirits, and beers. This diverse selection ensures that all guests find something to suit their tastes, whether they are Prosecco purists or are looking for something a little different. The availability of delicious nibbles perfectly complements the drinks, making for a complete tasting experience.

An Elegant Venue for Social and Corporate Gatherings

The elegant interior of Prosecco House provides the perfect backdrop for a variety of events. From casual social gatherings with friends to corporate events and birthday parties, the space is designed to accommodate groups looking for a sophisticated setting. Prosecco House also offers specialized tasting sessions led by their expert team, which are ideal for both novices and connoisseurs eager to deepen their knowledge of Prosecco.

Experience Prosecco Tasting Sessions

For those interested in a more educational experience, Prosecco House conducts Prosecco tasting sessions where guests can learn about the nuances of Prosecco production, varieties, and tasting profiles. These sessions are not only informative but are also designed to enhance one's appreciation of Prosecco, making them a must-attend for anyone looking to explore the world of sparkling wines.

London's Premier Destination for Prosecco Enthusiasts

In conclusion, Prosecco House in London is more than just a wine bar; it's an experience. With its focus on premium DOCG Prosecco, diverse drink menu, and sophisticated venue, it offers a unique destination for those who appreciate fine wines and spirits. Whether you're planning a special event, looking to expand your wine knowledge, or simply in the mood to enjoy some of the best Prosecco available, Prosecco House provides an unmatched setting in the heart of London.

MAP Maison Logo

MAP Maison

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, United Kingdom, MAP Maison stands as a beacon of sophistication and elegance amidst the bustling cityscape. With its unique blend of artisanal cocktails, delectable tapas, and chic ambiance, this hidden gem is a haven for discerning connoisseurs and curious explorers alike.

Discovering the Essence

Step through the doors of MAP Maison and enter a world of refined luxury. The sleek, contemporary decor seamlessly intertwines with classic touches, creating an atmosphere that is both inviting and exclusive. From the soft glow of ambient lighting to the plush furnishings, every detail has been carefully curated to evoke a sense of opulence and indulgence.

Indulge Your Senses

Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure like no other at MAP Maison. Whether you're craving a light bite or a sumptuous feast, the menu offers a tantalizing array of options to suit every palate. From the delicate flavors of Spanish-inspired tapas to the bold and inventive creations of the chef's specials, each dish is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Sipping in Style

No visit to MAP Maison is complete without sampling one of their signature cocktails. Renowned for their innovative twists on classic recipes, the expert mixologists at MAP Maison are masters of their craft. Whether you prefer something sweet and fruity or bold and spicy, there's a libation to delight every taste bud. Sit back, relax, and let the expert bartenders take you on a journey through the world of mixology.

A Sanctuary for Socializing

In addition to its regular offerings, MAP Maison plays host to a variety of exclusive events and experiences throughout the year. From intimate wine tastings to lively cocktail masterclasses, there's always something new and exciting happening at this chic destination. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to unwind with friends, MAP Maison provides the perfect backdrop for creating unforgettable memories.

Embrace the Magic

As you step out into the bustling streets of London, take a moment to reflect on the magic you've experienced at MAP Maison. With its unrivaled ambiance, exquisite cuisine, and expertly crafted cocktails, this hidden gem offers a sanctuary from the ordinary—a place where luxury meets creativity, and every moment is infused with possibility. So why wait? Come and discover the allure of MAP Maison for yourself. Your next unforgettable experience awaits.

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Looking Glass Cocktail Club

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, the Looking Glass Cocktail Club is a whimsical haven where mixology meets magic. This enchanting establishment, located in the vibrant district of Shoreditch, beckons guests to step through its doors and embark on a journey into a realm of creativity and indulgence.

A Wonderland of Cocktails

At the Looking Glass Cocktail Club, mixology is elevated to an art form. Step up to the bar and prepare to be mesmerized by an extensive menu of expertly crafted cocktails, each one a masterpiece in its own right. From timeless classics to innovative concoctions that push the boundaries of flavor, there's something to tantalize every palate.

Immersive Atmosphere

As you sip on your expertly crafted cocktail, take a moment to soak in the atmosphere of the Looking Glass Cocktail Club. The interior is a visual feast, with eclectic décor and whimsical touches that transport you to a bygone era. From vintage furnishings to ornate mirrors and curious curiosities, every corner of this establishment exudes charm and intrigue.

Live Entertainment

The magic of the Looking Glass Cocktail Club extends beyond its cocktails and décor. Throughout the week, guests are treated to an array of live entertainment, ranging from live music performances to captivating burlesque shows and mesmerizing magic acts. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or celebrate a special occasion, there's always something happening to keep you entertained.

Impeccable Service

At the Looking Glass Cocktail Club, hospitality is paramount. The staff are more than just bartenders; they're skilled artisans who take pride in their craft. Expect nothing less than impeccable service from the moment you walk through the door to the moment you bid farewell. Whether you're seeking guidance on selecting the perfect cocktail or simply looking for a friendly chat, the staff are always on hand to ensure your experience is nothing short of extraordinary.

Private Hire and Events

Looking to host a memorable event? The Looking Glass Cocktail Club offers private hire options that are perfect for birthdays, corporate gatherings, or any special occasion worth celebrating. With customizable packages and attentive event planning services, you can rest assured that your event will be an affair to remember.

Step into Wonderland

In a city known for its vibrant nightlife, the Looking Glass Cocktail Club stands out as a truly one-of-a-kind destination. With its imaginative cocktails, immersive atmosphere, and top-notch service, it's no wonder why this hidden gem has become a beloved fixture of London's social scene. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail aficionado or simply looking for a unique night out, a visit to the Looking Glass Cocktail Club is sure to leave you spellbound.

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Punch Room

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Punch Room stands as a beacon of sophisticated charm and timeless elegance. This intimate cocktail bar, situated within the luxurious surroundings of The London EDITION hotel, beckons guests to step back in time and immerse themselves in an atmosphere reminiscent of a bygone era.

A Regal Ambiance

Upon entering Punch Room, guests are enveloped in an atmosphere of refined luxury. The meticulously curated decor pays homage to the opulence of a 19th-century British private club, with plush leather sofas, rich mahogany paneling, and soft, ambient lighting casting a warm glow throughout the space. Every detail, from the vintage glassware to the ornate wallpaper, exudes a sense of old-world charm and sophistication.

Crafted Cocktails with a Modern Twist

At the heart of Punch Room's allure lies its exceptional cocktail menu, expertly crafted by a team of skilled mixologists. Drawing inspiration from centuries-old punch recipes, each concoction is a masterpiece of flavor and innovation. Whether you prefer a classic cocktail or a contemporary creation, there's something to tantalize every palate. From the refreshing citrus notes of a gin-based punch to the smoky complexity of a bourbon concoction, every sip is a journey of discovery.

Exquisite Attention to Detail

Service at Punch Room is nothing short of exemplary. Attentive and knowledgeable staff members guide guests through the menu with expert recommendations and personalized attention. Each drink is meticulously prepared, with a focus on quality ingredients and flawless execution. Whether you're a cocktail connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of mixology, you'll feel welcomed and well-cared-for from the moment you arrive.

An Intimate Escape

Far from the hustle and bustle of London's streets, Punch Room offers a serene and intimate escape from the outside world. Whether you're seeking a romantic evening for two or a quiet respite with friends, the cozy atmosphere invites you to linger and savor every moment. Relax into one of the sumptuous leather armchairs, lose yourself in conversation, and let the stresses of the day melt away.

A Hidden Gem in the Heart of London

In a city known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling bar scene, Punch Room stands out as a true hidden gem. Tucked away within The London EDITION hotel, it offers a haven of tranquility and refinement amidst the urban chaos. Whether you're a visitor to the city or a longtime resident, a visit to Punch Room is an experience not to be missed—an opportunity to step back in time and indulge in the timeless elegance of London's past.

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Golden Bee

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the heart of bustling London, Golden Bee stands as a beacon of sophistication and relaxation amid the city's energetic ambiance. As one of London's premier rooftop bars, Golden Bee offers a unique blend of stunning views, delectable cocktails, and a vibrant atmosphere, making it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Sweeping Panoramas: A Sky-High Escape

Perched atop a stylish rooftop, Golden Bee provides guests with panoramic views of London's iconic skyline. Whether you're admiring the gleaming skyscrapers of the City or catching a glimpse of historic landmarks such as St. Paul's Cathedral, the vistas from Golden Bee are nothing short of breathtaking. With a refreshing drink in hand, watching the sunset over the city becomes an unforgettable experience.

Crafted Cocktails: Mixology at Its Finest

Step into Golden Bee and prepare to embark on a journey of taste and innovation. The bar boasts a curated menu of expertly crafted cocktails, each concoction a testament to the artistry of mixology. From classic favorites to inventive creations, there's something to delight every palate. Sip on a refreshing mojito or indulge in a signature Golden Bee Martini as you soak in the ambiance of this chic rooftop oasis.

Chic Atmosphere: Style Meets Comfort

At Golden Bee, style meets comfort in perfect harmony. The sleek and modern décor creates an inviting ambiance, while plush seating invites guests to unwind and relax. Whether you're catching up with friends over drinks or celebrating a special occasion, Golden Bee provides the ideal setting for a memorable night out. With its laid-back yet sophisticated atmosphere, it's no wonder that Golden Bee has become a favorite hotspot among Londoners.

Live Entertainment: Music to Elevate the Experience

Elevating the atmosphere even further, Golden Bee features live entertainment that adds a dynamic flair to your evening. From talented DJs spinning the latest beats to live bands setting the stage on fire, there's always something exciting happening at Golden Bee. Lose yourself in the rhythm of the music as you dance the night away under the stars.

Making Memories at Golden Bee

Whether you're savoring a handcrafted cocktail, mingling with friends, or simply taking in the stunning views, a visit to Golden Bee is sure to leave a lasting impression. With its unbeatable location, stylish ambiance, and impeccable service, Golden Bee sets the stage for unforgettable experiences time and time again. Come discover why Golden Bee is not just a bar, but an essential London landmark.

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The Otherist

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, The Otherist stands as a beacon of sophistication and allure, beckoning both locals and travelers alike to experience its unique charm. This eclectic establishment effortlessly merges the timeless elegance of British tradition with a modern twist, offering an unforgettable journey through culinary delights, refreshing libations, and captivating ambiance.

A Culinary Symphony: Indulge in Exquisite Flavors

Step into The Otherist, and prepare to embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other. The menu, meticulously crafted by skilled chefs, showcases a tantalizing array of dishes that celebrate the diverse culinary landscape of the United Kingdom. From classic British fare to innovative creations, each plate is a masterpiece, bursting with flavor and artistry. Whether you're craving a hearty traditional roast or eager to explore the latest culinary trends, every bite at The Otherist is a symphony for the senses.

Impeccable Ambiance: Where Elegance Meets Comfort

Beyond its delectable offerings, The Otherist captivates guests with its enchanting ambiance. Step into the chic yet cozy interior, adorned with stylish decor and plush furnishings that invite you to unwind and savor the moment. Whether you're seeking a romantic dinner for two or a lively gathering with friends, the ambiance at The Otherist effortlessly sets the stage for memorable experiences, leaving a lasting impression on all who enter its doors.

Crafted Libations: Raise Your Glass to Innovation

No visit to The Otherist is complete without indulging in its expertly crafted libations. From signature cocktails infused with exotic flavors to a curated selection of fine wines and spirits, the bar offers a diverse array of options to suit every palate. Whether you're a connoisseur seeking the perfect pour or an adventurous spirit eager to try something new, the bartenders at The Otherist are dedicated to delivering a drinking experience that exceeds expectations.

Exceptional Service: Where Hospitality Reigns Supreme

At The Otherist, hospitality isn't just a duty—it's a passion. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with warmth and attentiveness that sets the stage for a truly memorable dining experience. Whether you have dietary preferences or special requests, the attentive staff at The Otherist goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and valued.

A Hidden Oasis in the Bustling City

Amidst the hustle and bustle of London's dynamic landscape, The Otherist stands as a hidden oasis—an escape from the ordinary where indulgence knows no bounds. Whether you're a local seeking a new favorite haunt or a traveler eager to immerse yourself in the city's rich tapestry of culture and cuisine, The Otherist promises an unforgettable journey that tantalizes the senses and leaves you craving more. So, why not embark on your own adventure and discover the magic of The Otherist today?

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The Refinery Citypoint

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant streets of London, The Refinery Citypoint stands tall as a beacon of modernity and elegance. This chic establishment seamlessly blends contemporary design with warm hospitality, offering patrons an unforgettable experience in the heart of the city. From its stylish interiors to its delectable culinary offerings, The Refinery Citypoint sets the stage for an indulgent journey like no other.

A Stylish Oasis in the Bustling Metropolis

As you step through the doors of The Refinery Citypoint, you are greeted by an atmosphere of refined sophistication. The sleek, minimalist decor exudes a sense of understated luxury, creating the perfect backdrop for both casual gatherings and special occasions. Whether you're seeking a cozy spot for a leisurely brunch or a chic setting for after-work drinks, The Refinery Citypoint caters to every whim with effortless charm.

Indulge in Culinary Delights

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary adventure like no other at The Refinery Citypoint. With a menu curated to delight even the most discerning palates, this establishment offers a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by global flavors. From mouthwatering small plates to hearty mains, each dish is crafted with precision and passion, using only the finest, locally sourced ingredients. Whether you're craving classic comfort food or innovative culinary creations, The Refinery Citypoint promises a dining experience that will leave you craving more.

Sip and Socialize in Style

At The Refinery Citypoint, the art of mixology takes center stage. Step up to the bar and embark on a journey of discovery as skilled bartenders craft an enticing array of signature cocktails, each one a work of art in its own right. Whether you prefer a refreshing spritz, a classic martini, or a bold, innovative concoction, the expertly curated cocktail menu has something to satisfy every taste. And with its lively ambiance and welcoming atmosphere, The Refinery Citypoint is the perfect place to unwind with friends or colleagues after a long day in the city.

Immerse Yourself in the Experience

Beyond its culinary offerings and stylish ambiance, The Refinery Citypoint prides itself on providing an all-encompassing experience for its guests. From attentive service to thoughtful touches that elevate every moment, every aspect of your visit is carefully curated to ensure maximum enjoyment. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, The Refinery Citypoint invites you to immerse yourself in a world of luxury and indulgence.

A Hidden Gem in the Heart of London

In a city brimming with culinary delights and cultural treasures, The Refinery Citypoint stands out as a true gem. With its stylish ambiance, delectable cuisine, and impeccable service, this establishment offers an unparalleled experience for discerning guests. Whether you're a seasoned foodie, a cocktail connoisseur, or simply seeking a chic spot to socialize, The Refinery Citypoint invites you to discover the ultimate urban oasis in the heart of London.

Double Standard Logo

Double Standard

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, Double Standard stands as a beacon of modern hospitality and culinary delight. This trendy establishment, located in the heart of the bustling city, offers an unparalleled experience for locals and tourists alike. Let's take a journey into the captivating world of Double Standard and uncover what makes it a must-visit destination.

A Stylish Oasis

Step into Double Standard, and you'll find yourself immersed in an atmosphere that effortlessly blends contemporary elegance with urban chic. The stylish decor, featuring sleek furnishings and ambient lighting, sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or celebrate a special occasion, Double Standard provides the perfect backdrop for every occasion.

Innovative Cuisine

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary adventure like no other. Double Standard's menu boasts a diverse array of innovative dishes crafted with the finest seasonal ingredients. From delectable small plates to mouthwatering mains, each dish is a masterpiece in its own right. Whether you're a fan of classic comfort food or crave something more adventurous, there's something to satisfy every palate at Double Standard.

Craft Cocktails Galore

Quench your thirst with a handcrafted cocktail from Double Standard's impressive selection. Talented mixologists expertly blend premium spirits with fresh ingredients to create cocktails that are as visually stunning as they are delicious. Whether you prefer a timeless classic or an inventive concoction, Double Standard's cocktail menu is sure to impress even the most discerning of drinkers.

Unmatched Ambiance

As the evening unfolds, Double Standard comes alive with energy and excitement. Whether you're enjoying a casual meal with friends or sipping cocktails at the bar, the vibrant ambiance of this establishment is infectious. Live music sets the mood on select nights, adding an extra layer of entertainment to your dining experience. With its lively atmosphere and welcoming vibe, Double Standard is the perfect place to create lasting memories with loved ones.

Exceptional Service

At Double Standard, hospitality is more than just a job – it's a passion. The attentive staff goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels valued and cared for from the moment they walk through the door. Whether you need recommendations on menu items or assistance with special requests, the dedicated team at Double Standard is always ready to assist with a smile.

Discover the Charm of Double Standard in London

In a city known for its culinary diversity and vibrant nightlife, Double Standard shines as a true gem. With its stylish ambiance, innovative cuisine, craft cocktails, and exceptional service, this establishment offers a dining experience that is second to none. Whether you're a local looking for a new favorite spot or a visitor eager to explore the best that London has to offer, Double Standard is a must-visit destination that promises to delight the senses and leave a lasting impression.

Cocktail Embassy Logo

Cocktail Embassy

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Cocktail Embassy stands as a beacon of mixology mastery, offering a tantalizing array of expertly crafted cocktails to tantalize the taste buds of discerning patrons. As one of the premier cocktail destinations in the bustling city, Cocktail Embassy seamlessly blends innovation with tradition, providing an unforgettable experience for aficionados and newcomers alike.

Impeccable Craftsmanship

At Cocktail Embassy, every cocktail is a work of art, meticulously crafted by skilled mixologists who are passionate about their craft. From classic concoctions to innovative blends, each drink is expertly prepared using only the finest spirits, freshest ingredients, and creative flair. Whether you're craving a refreshing mojito, a sophisticated martini, or a daring signature creation, you can trust that your beverage will be nothing short of perfection.

Ambiance and Atmosphere

Step into Cocktail Embassy, and you're transported to a world of elegance and sophistication. The venue boasts stylish decor, chic furnishings, and ambient lighting, creating the perfect setting for a memorable evening. Whether you're enjoying a romantic date night or catching up with friends, the relaxed yet refined atmosphere sets the stage for an unforgettable experience.

Innovative Menu

The menu at Cocktail Embassy is a testament to innovation and creativity, featuring a diverse selection of cocktails inspired by flavors from around the globe. From exotic infusions to playful twists on classics, there's something to suit every palate. And for those seeking a truly unique experience, the knowledgeable staff are always on hand to offer recommendations and guidance.

Exceptional Service

At Cocktail Embassy, hospitality is paramount. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with warmth and professionalism by the attentive staff. Whether you have specific preferences or dietary restrictions, they go above and beyond to ensure that your needs are met, making you feel like a valued guest every step of the way.

Special Events and Private Hire

Looking to elevate your next event? Look no further than Cocktail Embassy. Whether you're hosting a corporate gathering, birthday celebration, or wedding reception, their dedicated events team will work closely with you to create a bespoke experience that exceeds your expectations. With customizable drink menus, personalized service, and attention to detail, Cocktail Embassy is the perfect venue for any occasion.

Crafting London's Finest Cocktails

In a city known for its vibrant nightlife, Cocktail Embassy shines as a true gem, offering an unparalleled cocktail experience that delights the senses and leaves a lasting impression. With impeccable craftsmanship, a sophisticated ambiance, and exceptional service, it's no wonder why Cocktail Embassy is regarded as one of London's premier destinations for cocktail enthusiasts. So why not raise a glass and toast to the finer things in life at Cocktail Embassy? Cheers to unforgettable moments and exquisite libations!

Library Bar Logo

Library Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of Knightsbridge, The Library Bar at The Lanesborough presents a sophisticated escape into a world of fine drinking and relaxed luxury. Renowned for its impressive mixology and extensive selection of spirits, this bar offers the inviting warmth of a private club amid the bustling city life. It’s a must-visit for those seeking an exquisite cocktail experience in London.

A Rich Tapestry of Flavors and History

At The Library Bar, the past and present blend seamlessly. With a "liquid museum" that boasts cognacs dating as far back as the 1770s, guests can savor the taste of history in each sip. This venue is not just a bar; it's an homage to the art of drink, awarded the 'Cognac Drinks List of the Year' by Imbibe Magazine in 2016. Whether you're a cognac connoisseur or a cocktail aficionado, The Library Bar serves up memories that are both grandiose and intimate.

The Art of Mixology

Under the expert guidance of Bar Manager Mickael Perron, The Library Bar's team crafts cocktails that are both innovative and timeless. From the classic elegance of British cocktails to creative concoctions like the 'Noughts & Crosses'—a playful floral Gin Sour inspired by the nearby Chelsea Flower Show—there’s always something new and delightful to discover. These masterfully prepared drinks make The Library Bar a beacon of cocktail culture in London.

Vibrant Nights at The Library Bar

The bar is not just about spirits and cocktails; it's a lively cultural hub with live music to complement your evening. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 8 PM to 11 PM, the space comes alive with the sounds of a resident pianist and weekly changing acoustic singers. This perfect blend of music and mixology creates an atmosphere that's both relaxing and exhilarating.

Unique Experiences Await

Whether it's a casual afternoon or a spirited evening, The Library Bar offers unique experiences like the Cocktail Cream Tea. Imagine pairing The Lilibet cocktail with freshly baked scones, clotted cream, and jam, all while lounging in the opulent Withdrawing Room. It's a quintessentially British experience that charms locals and travelers alike.

A Haven for Book Lovers

In collaboration with Rizzoli, the world’s leading publisher of high-quality illustrated books, The Library Bar also caters to the literarily inclined. Guests can unwind with a New York-inspired cocktail while perusing through some of Rizzoli’s finest works, making it an ideal spot for those who enjoy a good read with their refined drink.

Discover the Elegance of The Library Bar

The Library Bar at The Lanesborough is more than just a place to grab a drink—it's a destination that offers a rich tapestry of tastes, experiences, and traditions. With its sophisticated ambiance, exceptional drinks, and unique offerings, it stands out as one of the most iconic cocktail bars in London. Whether you're looking to indulge in the history-laden cognacs or enjoy a vibrant night out, The Library Bar promises an unforgettable visit.

Ku Lounge Logo

Ku Lounge

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Ku Lounge stands as a beacon of sophistication and luxury, offering patrons a resplendent escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. With its sleek design, impeccable service, and tantalizing menu, Ku Lounge has become a premier destination for those seeking an unforgettable dining and nightlife experience.

Sensory Delights Await

As you step into Ku Lounge, prepare to be mesmerized by its chic and contemporary ambiance. The space exudes an air of refinement, with its stylish décor and plush furnishings creating an inviting atmosphere for guests to unwind and indulge in the finer things in life.

Gourmet Cuisine Crafted to Perfection

At the heart of Ku Lounge lies its culinary prowess, where a team of talented chefs meticulously craft a menu that tantalizes the taste buds and delights the senses. From mouthwatering small plates to sumptuous main courses, each dish is thoughtfully curated using the finest ingredients, ensuring an unparalleled dining experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Innovative Cocktails and Libations

No visit to Ku Lounge would be complete without sampling its innovative cocktails and libations. Expert mixologists are on hand to whip up an array of signature drinks that are as visually stunning as they are delicious. Whether you prefer a classic martini or a bespoke creation, there's something to suit every palate at Ku Lounge's well-stocked bar.

Unparalleled Service and Hospitality

What truly sets Ku Lounge apart is its commitment to exemplary service and hospitality. From the moment you arrive, you'll be greeted by a team of friendly and attentive staff who go above and beyond to ensure that your every need is met. Whether it's recommending the perfect wine pairing or accommodating special dietary requirements, the staff at Ku Lounge are dedicated to providing a seamless and memorable experience for every guest.

A Haven for Socializing and Networking

Beyond its culinary offerings, Ku Lounge serves as a vibrant hub for socializing and networking. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion with friends or hosting a corporate event, the venue offers a range of versatile spaces that can be tailored to suit your needs. With its lively ambiance and prime location, Ku Lounge provides the perfect backdrop for forging new connections and creating lasting memories.

Elevate Your Experience at Ku Lounge

In a city known for its thriving culinary scene, Ku Lounge stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering patrons an unparalleled blend of luxury, elegance, and exceptional service. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner for two or a stylish venue to host your next event, Ku Lounge promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you coming back for more. So why wait? Elevate your dining and nightlife experience at Ku Lounge today.

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Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Baranis offers a slice of Mediterranean charm amidst the bustling cityscape. With its warm ambiance, exquisite cocktails, and vibrant atmosphere, this hidden gem transports you to the sun-kissed shores of Southern France.

A Taste of Provence in London

Step into Baranis and be greeted by an elegant fusion of contemporary design and traditional Provencal elements. The décor, reminiscent of a quaint French bistro, creates an inviting space where guests can unwind and indulge in the finer things in life.

Sip & Savor: Craft Cocktails and Culinary Delights

At Baranis, the libations are as enticing as the ambiance. From classic cocktails to innovative concoctions inspired by the flavors of the Mediterranean, every sip is a journey of the senses. Pair your drink with a selection of mouthwatering small plates featuring the freshest ingredients sourced locally and from afar. Whether you're craving savory tapenade or delicate charcuterie, Baranis has something to tantalize every palate.

Petanque: A Unique Experience

One of the highlights of Baranis is its Petanque court, where guests can partake in the beloved French pastime. Gather your friends and challenge each other to a friendly game while enjoying the company and the vibrant atmosphere. It's the perfect way to spend a leisurely afternoon or kick off a lively evening.

Live Music & Events

Adding to the allure of Baranis are its regular live music performances and themed events. From jazz nights to wine tastings, there's always something exciting happening at this lively hotspot. Keep an eye on the calendar and don't miss out on the opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Mediterranean right in the heart of London.

Private Events & Celebrations

Looking for the ideal venue for your next special occasion? Baranis offers private event spaces perfect for everything from intimate gatherings to corporate functions. Let their dedicated team help you plan an unforgettable event tailored to your specific needs, ensuring every detail is taken care of with precision and care.

A Warm Welcome Awaits You

Whether you're seeking a cozy spot for a romantic date night or a lively venue to celebrate with friends, Baranis welcomes you with open arms. Escape the ordinary and embark on a journey of taste, culture, and camaraderie at this hidden gem in the heart of London. Join us at Baranis, where every visit is an experience to savor and remember.

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The Bar With No Name

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, a stone's throw away from the bustling streets of Soho, lies a true hidden gem: The Bar With No Name. This clandestine hotspot exudes an air of mystery, drawing in patrons seeking a unique and unforgettable experience in the city's vibrant nightlife scene.

A Quirky Ambiance That Captivates

Step inside The Bar With No Name, and you're transported to a realm of intrigue and charm. The ambiance is unlike any other, with dim lighting casting a cozy glow over eclectic decor that marries vintage elegance with modern flair. Every corner of this establishment tells a story, inviting guests to embark on a journey of discovery with each visit.

Craftsmanship in Every Glass

At the heart of The Bar With No Name lies a passion for mixology that shines through in every cocktail crafted. Talented bartenders masterfully blend premium spirits with house-made syrups and fresh ingredients, resulting in libations that are as visually stunning as they are delicious. Whether you're a connoisseur of classic cocktails or eager to try something new, you're sure to find a drink that tantalizes your taste buds.

An Exclusive Haven for Socializing

Despite its clandestine allure, The Bar With No Name fosters a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages camaraderie and connection. Strike up a conversation with fellow patrons at the bar, or retreat to a cozy booth for a more intimate gathering with friends. No matter the occasion, this hidden gem provides the perfect backdrop for memorable moments and lively conversation.

Live Music to Enchant the Senses

As the evening unfolds, The Bar With No Name comes alive with the enchanting melodies of live music performances. From soulful jazz to energetic indie bands, the lineup showcases a diverse array of talent that adds an extra layer of magic to the experience. Sit back, relax, and let the music wash over you as you savor each sip and soak in the vibrant atmosphere.

A Culinary Journey of Delight

Beyond its impeccable drinks and captivating ambiance, The Bar With No Name also offers a culinary experience that delights the senses. Indulge in a selection of small plates and appetizers crafted with the same attention to detail as the cocktails. From artisanal cheese boards to decadent charcuterie platters, each dish is designed to complement the flavors of the bar's signature libations.

Discover the Magic of The Bar With No Name

Whether you're a seasoned local or a curious traveler, The Bar With No Name promises an unforgettable evening of discovery and delight. Embrace the mystery, savor the moment, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of this hidden gem in the heart of London.

Smith's Cocktail Bar Logo

Smith's Cocktail Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Smith's Cocktail Bar stands as a beacon of sophistication and taste in the bustling cityscape. Tucked away from the busy streets, this hidden gem beckons to those seeking an unforgettable experience in the world of mixology and ambiance.

Aesthetic Ambiance

As you step into Smith's Cocktail Bar, you're instantly transported to a bygone era of elegance and refinement. The decor exudes a timeless charm, with plush leather seating, dimly lit chandeliers, and a meticulously crafted bar that serves as the focal point of the room. Whether you're seeking a cozy corner for an intimate conversation or a lively spot to mingle with friends, Smith's offers the perfect setting for any occasion.

Crafted Cocktails

At Smith's, the art of mixology is taken to new heights. Talented bartenders expertly craft each cocktail with precision and flair, using only the finest ingredients and innovative techniques. From classic concoctions to signature creations, every drink is a masterpiece waiting to be savored. Whether you prefer a refreshing gin and tonic or a bold whiskey sour, there's something on the menu to tantalize every palate.

Exquisite Flavors

Prepare to embark on a sensory journey like no other as you indulge in the exquisite flavors offered at Smith's Cocktail Bar. Each sip reveals layers of complexity and depth, tantalizing the taste buds and leaving a lasting impression. From the subtle sweetness of fresh fruit to the smoky notes of aged spirits, every ingredient is carefully selected to ensure a truly unforgettable drinking experience.

Impeccable Service

At Smith's, hospitality is not just a duty—it's a passion. The staff is committed to providing impeccable service from the moment you arrive until the final farewell. Whether you're seeking guidance in selecting the perfect drink or simply looking for a friendly chat, you'll find the team at Smith's to be knowledgeable, attentive, and eager to exceed your expectations.

Exclusive Events

In addition to its regular offerings, Smith's Cocktail Bar also plays host to a variety of exclusive events throughout the year. From themed cocktail nights to live music performances, there's always something exciting happening at Smith's. Keep an eye on the events calendar to ensure you don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your experience even further.

Plan Your Visit

Located in the heart of London, Smith's Cocktail Bar is easily accessible from all corners of the city. Whether you're a local looking for a new favorite haunt or a visitor seeking an authentic taste of London nightlife, Smith's welcomes you with open arms. So why wait? Come and discover the magic of Smith's Cocktail Bar for yourself today.

A Hidden Gem in London

With its enchanting ambiance, expertly crafted cocktails, and impeccable service, Smith's Cocktail Bar stands as a shining example of the best that London has to offer. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of mixology, a visit to Smith's is sure to be an experience you won't soon forget.

Basement Sate Logo

Basement Sate

Indoor only

Located in the vibrant heart of London's West End, Basement Sate stands as a distinguished late-night cocktail bar, renowned for its exquisite drink offerings and lively atmosphere. Nestled on Broadwick Street, this Soho staple is the go-to spot for those seeking a sophisticated yet relaxed environment to enjoy expertly crafted cocktails alongside top-notch entertainment.

A Refined Cocktail Experience

Basement Sate prides itself on a meticulously curated cocktail menu that showcases a blend of classic favorites and innovative new creations. Each drink is crafted with precision, using only the finest ingredients to ensure a cocktail experience that is both delicious and memorable. Patrons can indulge in these masterpieces in a setting that epitomizes the chic and laid-back ethos of Soho’s nightlife.

Vibrant Live Music and Events

What sets Basement Sate apart is not just its cocktails but its vibrant schedule of live music and events. With performances scheduled throughout the week, the venue offers a dynamic cultural experience that enriches each visit. From jazz nights to live bands playing contemporary hits, the entertainment at Basement Sate caters to a diverse range of musical tastes, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Ideal Venue for Private Events

Basement Sate is not only a fantastic bar for casual visits but also an excellent choice for hosting private events. Whether it's a corporate function, a birthday celebration, or any other special occasion, the bar offers a bespoke service that can tailor the experience to suit individual needs. The combination of great cocktails, live music, and a cozy atmosphere makes it an ideal spot for memorable events in the heart of London.

Conveniently Located and Accessible

Situated at 8 Broadwick Street, Basement Sate is easily accessible from anywhere in London. Its central location in Soho makes it an attractive destination for both after-work drinks and late-night outings. The bar operates from Monday to Sunday, with extended hours over the weekend, accommodating the lifestyle of every guest looking for a great night out in London.

Soho's Premier Destination for Cocktails and Live Music

In conclusion, Basement Sate is more than just a cocktail bar; it is a cultural haven that combines the art of mixology with the spirit of live music. With its sophisticated decor, exceptional drink selection, and lively entertainment lineup, Basement Sate offers a unique and enriching experience that captures the essence of Soho's eclectic nightlife. Whether you are looking for a place to unwind after a long day or to celebrate a special occasion, Basement Sate promises an evening that is as exciting as it is relaxing.

goldfinch Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

Goldfinch, nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Tooting in London, stands out as a top destination for cocktail enthusiasts. Known for its friendly vibe and expertly crafted beverages, Goldfinch is not just a bar but a local favorite that prides itself on its extensive selection of cocktails, fine wines, and craft beers. This cozy spot promises an unforgettable experience with every visit, whether you're a regular or a first-time guest looking to explore the unique flavors on offer.

A Rich Menu of Drinks

At Goldfinch, the drink menu is a testament to the bar's commitment to quality and variety. From classic cocktails to innovative new blends, each drink is crafted with precision and flair. The bar's focus on high-quality ingredients ensures that each cocktail not only looks impressive but also delights the palate. For those who prefer wine or beer, Goldfinch offers an impressive selection of craft beers and a curated wine list that complements any occasion.

Engaging Events and Masterclasses

Goldfinch isn't just about serving drinks; it's about creating an engaging community around the love for fine cocktails. The bar regularly hosts cocktail masterclasses, making it a perfect venue for learning the art of cocktail making directly from experienced mixologists. These events are not only educational but also a lot of fun, providing a great opportunity to mingle with fellow cocktail lovers and add some mixing skills to your repertoire.

A Local Bar with a Global Appeal

Despite its local charm, Goldfinch has a broad appeal, attracting visitors from across London and beyond. The bar's atmosphere is both welcoming and intimate, making it an ideal spot for a night out with friends or a special date. The interior decor, which blends rustic charm with contemporary style, creates a warm and inviting environment where guests can relax and enjoy their drinks.

Tooting's Premier Cocktail Haven

Goldfinch stands out in London's competitive cocktail scene through its commitment to quality, community, and customer satisfaction. With its diverse menu, engaging events, and welcoming atmosphere, Goldfinch is more than just a bar—it's a community hub for anyone passionate about good drinks and good company. Whether you're looking to try some of the best cocktails in Tooting or want to learn how to make them yourself, Goldfinch offers a vibrant and friendly setting to do just that.

The Racketeer Logo

The Racketeer

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled amidst the vibrant streets of London, United Kingdom, lies a true culinary treasure: The Racketeer. This charming eatery is not just a restaurant; it's an experience that tantalizes the taste buds and delights the senses. From its cozy ambiance to its delectable menu offerings, The Racketeer has firmly established itself as a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

A Culinary Journey Through Time

Step through the doors of The Racketeer and prepare to embark on a culinary journey through time. This quaint establishment effortlessly combines vintage charm with modern flair, creating an atmosphere that is both nostalgic and inviting. From the retro décor to the classic tunes playing in the background, every detail has been carefully curated to transport guests to a bygone era of elegance and sophistication.

Mouthwatering Menu Selections

But it's not just the ambiance that sets The Racketeer apart – it's the food. The menu boasts a tantalizing array of dishes that showcase the very best of British cuisine with a contemporary twist. Whether you're craving traditional fish and chips or adventurous small plates, there's something to satisfy every palate. And let's not forget about the drinks – with an impressive selection of craft beers, fine wines, and expertly crafted cocktails, the beverage menu is equally as enticing as the food.

Exceptional Service with a Smile

At The Racketeer, hospitality is more than just a job – it's a passion. From the moment you walk in, you'll be greeted with warm smiles and attentive service that makes you feel right at home. The staff here are not just servers; they're storytellers, eager to share their knowledge and recommendations to ensure that every guest has an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you'll be treated like family from the moment you arrive.

A Hub for Community and Culture

Beyond its delicious food and charming ambiance, The Racketeer plays a vital role in fostering community and culture in the heart of London. From hosting live music events to collaborating with local artists and artisans, this beloved eatery is more than just a place to grab a bite – it's a hub for creativity, connection, and celebration. Whether you're stopping by for a quick lunch or lingering over dinner with friends, you'll feel the vibrant pulse of the city coursing through its walls.

Uncovering London's Hidden Gem

In a city known for its diverse culinary scene, The Racketeer stands out as a true gem. With its timeless ambiance, mouthwatering menu selections, exceptional service, and commitment to community, it's no wonder why this charming eatery has captured the hearts of so many. So the next time you find yourself in London, be sure to pay a visit to The Racketeer – your taste buds will thank you.

Demon, Wise & Partners Logo

Demon, Wise & Partners

Indoor only

Located beneath The Arbitrager on Throgmorton Street, near Bank in the City of London, Demon, Wise & Partners is a distinguished cocktail bar that promises an intimate and sophisticated drinking experience. As a classic late-night basement bar, it offers a secluded escape from the bustling streets of London, making it a perfect spot for both casual after-work drinks and more formal gatherings.

A Seated-Only Venue with an Exclusive Feel

Demon, Wise & Partners is designed to be a seated-only venue, ensuring that each guest enjoys a comfortable and personalized experience. The bar emphasizes the importance of making reservations, recommending that visitors book a spot to secure their seat in this exclusive environment. This policy not only enhances the ambiance but also allows the staff to provide attentive service tailored to each table's needs.

Classic Cocktails and Private Hire Opportunities

The cocktail menu at Demon, Wise & Partners features a range of classic concoctions, crafted with expertise and care. The bar prides itself on using high-quality ingredients to deliver drinks that are both delightful and memorable. For those looking to host private events, Demon, Wise & Partners offers an excellent venue for hire at competitive rates. The bar is available for exclusive use, providing a stylish and unique setting for parties, corporate events, or special celebrations.

Convenient Location and Thoughtful Amenities

Situated near Bank and Liverpool Street stations, Demon, Wise & Partners is easily accessible, making it an ideal choice for city dwellers and visitors alike. The thoughtful amenities, such as detailed canapé options and flexible booking arrangements, ensure that every visit is seamless and enjoyable. The bar's commitment to maintaining a refined and inviting atmosphere is evident in every aspect of its operation, from the decor to the service.

A Must-Visit Cocktail Bar in London

Demon, Wise & Partners stands out as a must-visit destination for those who appreciate the art of cocktail making and the charm of London's nightlife. Whether you're looking to unwind with colleagues after a long day or seeking a unique venue for your next event, this bar offers an exceptional experience in the heart of the city. With its commitment to quality, exclusivity, and guest satisfaction, Demon, Wise & Partners is truly a jewel in London's vibrant cocktail scene.

Clerkenwell & Social Logo

Clerkenwell & Social

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the heart of London, Clerkenwell & Social stands as a beacon of conviviality and charm amidst the bustling streets of the city. This vibrant venue, located in the historic Clerkenwell district, offers a unique blend of contemporary flair and timeless elegance, making it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

A Welcoming Haven

Step through the doors of Clerkenwell & Social, and you're immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality. The cozy interior, adorned with stylish décor and plush furnishings, invites guests to unwind and savor the moment. Whether you're meeting friends for a casual drink or celebrating a special occasion, the ambiance here sets the stage for unforgettable experiences.

A Gastronomic Journey

At Clerkenwell & Social, every sip and bite is a testament to culinary craftsmanship. Indulge your palate with a curated selection of artisanal cocktails, expertly mixed by skilled bartenders who take pride in their craft. From classic favorites to innovative creations, each drink is a work of art, designed to delight the senses.

Complementing the libations is a menu of delectable dishes that showcase the finest ingredients and culinary techniques. Whether you're craving small plates to share or hearty mains to savor solo, the menu at Clerkenwell & Social offers something to suit every taste and preference. Prepare to embark on a gastronomic journey like no other, where every bite is a revelation.

A Feast for the Senses

As the sun sets and the evening unfolds, Clerkenwell & Social comes alive with the sounds of live entertainment. From soulful jazz performances to upbeat DJ sets, there's always something happening here to keep guests entertained and enthralled. Lose yourself in the rhythm of the music, or take to the dance floor and let loose – the choice is yours.

Where Everyone Feels at Home

What truly sets Clerkenwell & Social apart is its sense of community. Here, strangers become friends, and every guest is treated like family. Whether you're a regular patron or a first-time visitor, you'll always be greeted with a smile and made to feel right at home. It's this welcoming spirit that keeps people coming back time and time again.

A Destination Worth Exploring

In a city as diverse and dynamic as London, Clerkenwell & Social shines as a beacon of hospitality and good times. With its inviting ambiance, exceptional food and drinks, live entertainment, and sense of community, it's no wonder this hidden gem has captured the hearts of so many. So why not pay a visit and see for yourself what makes Clerkenwell & Social truly special?

High Water London Logo

High Water London

Indoor only

High Water London, nestled in the vibrant area of Dalston in North London, is renowned for its exquisite cocktail offerings and sophisticated ambiance. As a world-class cocktail bar, High Water stands out for its commitment to quality and innovation in the art of mixology. The bar is a favorite among locals and visitors alike, serving not only expertly crafted cocktails but also a select range of craft beers, fine wines, and whiskies. Open nightly from 4 PM until late, it provides the perfect setting for an evening out, whether you're winding down after work or looking to start your weekend in style.

A Focus on Quality and Craftsmanship

At High Water, every cocktail is more than just a drink—it's an experience. The bar prides itself on using only the finest ingredients, from premium spirits to fresh, locally-sourced produce, ensuring each drink is as delightful to the palate as it is to the eye. The meticulous attention to detail is evident in every sip, with each cocktail crafted to highlight unique flavors and aromas that captivate and enchant.

Sophisticated Yet Welcoming Ambiance

The ambiance at High Water is both elegant and inviting, making it an ideal spot for a variety of occasions. Whether you're planning a romantic date night, a casual meet-up with friends, or a special celebration, the bar's chic decor and cozy seating create a welcoming atmosphere that encourages relaxation and enjoyment. The warm lighting and thoughtful layout enhance the overall experience, making every visit memorable.

An Evening in Dalston's Premier Cocktail Bar

High Water's location in Dalston, a neighborhood known for its dynamic cultural scene and nightlife, makes it a prime destination for those looking to explore the best of North London's bars and restaurants. The bar itself has become a cornerstone of the local community, attracting a diverse crowd of cocktail enthusiasts and socializers who appreciate the blend of friendly service, exceptional drinks, and a lively yet refined environment.

Discover the Magic of High Water London

For anyone in London seeking a top-tier cocktail experience, High Water is a must-visit. The bar not only offers a stunning array of cocktails but also provides a backdrop that exudes style and comfort. With its commitment to excellence in every aspect, from the drinks to the service to the setting, High Water London continues to set the standard for what a cocktail bar can and should be. Whether you're a local or just passing through, a night at High Water promises to be nothing short of spectacular.

Tayēr + Elementary Logo

Tayēr + Elementary

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, Tayēr + Elementary is a beacon of innovation in the city's culinary scene. This dynamic establishment, founded by Alex Kratena and Monica Berg, offers an unforgettable experience that seamlessly combines artistry, craftsmanship, and flavor. From its sleek, modern design to its meticulously crafted cocktails and delectable small plates, Tayēr + Elementary invites guests on a journey of exploration and delight.

Where Art Meets Mixology

Step into the world of Tayēr + Elementary and prepare to be mesmerized by a symphony of flavors expertly curated by Kratena and Berg. The bar's innovative approach to mixology elevates cocktail crafting to an art form, with each drink meticulously designed to tantalize the senses. Whether you're in the mood for a classic concoction or a daring creation, the skilled bartenders at Tayēr + Elementary are dedicated to crafting the perfect drink tailored to your tastes.

Small Plates, Big Flavors

Complementing the masterful cocktails is a menu of small plates that showcase the culinary prowess of the Tayēr + Elementary team. Drawing inspiration from global flavors and seasonal ingredients, each dish is a harmonious blend of textures and tastes. From delicate crudos to savory bites, every plate is a testament to the restaurant's commitment to quality and creativity. Whether you're sharing with friends or indulging in a solo dining experience, the diverse selection ensures there's something to satisfy every palate.

A Feast for the Senses

Beyond its culinary offerings, Tayēr + Elementary is a feast for the senses in every sense of the word. The sleek, minimalist design of the space sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience, with its clean lines and warm lighting creating an atmosphere of refined elegance. Whether you're seated at the bar watching the mixologists work their magic or lounging in one of the cozy booths, every corner of the restaurant invites guests to relax and savor the moment.

A Hub for Creativity

At Tayēr + Elementary, collaboration is at the heart of everything they do. From partnering with local artisans and producers to hosting guest chef events and workshops, the restaurant is a hub for creativity and innovation. This spirit of collaboration extends to the staff as well, who work together seamlessly to ensure that every guest leaves feeling welcomed and cared for.

A Must-Visit Destination in London

In a city renowned for its diverse culinary landscape, Tayēr + Elementary stands out as a true gem. With its innovative cocktails, creative cuisine, and inviting atmosphere, it offers a dining experience unlike any other. Whether you're a seasoned cocktail enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable night out, a visit to Tayēr + Elementary is sure to leave you inspired and delighted. So why wait? Come join us and embark on a culinary journey you won't soon forget.

The Natural Philosopher Logo

The Natural Philosopher

Indoor only

Located in the bustling area of Hackney, East London, The Natural Philosopher is a cocktail bar that offers an escape into a world of exquisite mixology and unique ambiance. Established in 2014, this hidden gem is cleverly tucked behind the façade of a genuine Mac repair shop, The Macsmiths, making its discovery part of the allure. Celebrating over a decade of exceptional cocktail crafting, The Natural Philosopher has become a cherished spot for locals and tourists alike.

A Cocktail Menu Inspired by Nature

The Natural Philosopher stands out in London's competitive cocktail scene through its commitment to using foraged ingredients from across the UK. Each cocktail is not just a drink but a celebration of the rich, natural diversity of the British landscape. The bar’s menu features concoctions that are both intriguing and delightful, offering guests a taste of unique combinations and flavors that can't be found anywhere else. This focus on natural and locally sourced ingredients adds an authentic touch to the drinking experience, resonating with those who appreciate sustainability and creativity.

A Secret Garden Oasis in the Heart of the City

The interior of The Natural Philosopher echoes the theme of a secret garden, with antiques and charming decor that provide a cozy, inviting atmosphere. This setting makes it an ideal venue for a variety of occasions, from romantic date nights to casual gatherings with friends. The intimate space serves as a whimsical escape from the hectic city life, where guests can relax, enjoy good company, and indulge in top-notch cocktails.

More Than Just Drinks: A Sensory Journey

What sets The Natural Philosopher apart is its dedication to creating a complete sensory experience. The staff are not just bartenders but passionate artisans who guide guests through each drink, explaining the unique elements and flavors. The bar is famous for its picklebacks, which are a must-try for any cocktail enthusiast visiting London. This dedication to quality and guest engagement ensures that each visit is memorable and personal.

Happy Hour and More

To make the experience even more accessible, The Natural Philosopher offers an extended Happy Hour from 6-8 pm every day, including weekends. This allows guests to enjoy their innovative cocktails at friendly prices, making it a perfect spot for anyone looking to unwind after a day's work or kick-start a weekend of fun. The bar's strategic location near major attractions in East London also makes it a convenient stop for those exploring the area or heading to a night out in nearby Shoreditch.

Discover the Enchantment of The Natural Philosopher in East London

The Natural Philosopher is more than just a cocktail bar; it's a destination where each visit is filled with discovery and delight. Whether you're a long-time Londoner or just passing through, this bar offers a unique blend of hospitality, innovation, and the timeless charm of a hidden London treasure.

London Shuffle Club Logo

London Shuffle Club

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Shoreditch, London, the Shuffle Club offers a dynamic blend of entertainment, mouthwatering dining, and spirited libations. Known as the home of supercharged table shuffleboard, the club brings a fresh twist to this classic game, making it a focal point for fun in the city. Whether you're planning a casual evening out or a grand gathering, Shuffle Club promises an experience filled with laughter, competition, and great vibes.

A New Look with Timeless Fun

Recently revamped, Shuffle Club now sports a stunning new venue that mirrors the energetic atmosphere of London’s trendy Shoreditch area. This space is not only about aesthetic appeal but also about enhancing the guest experience. The club's environment is perfectly tailored to create memorable moments, from the cleverly designed cocktails to the sharing platters that invite camaraderie among friends and family. It's a place where the old-school charm of shuffleboard meets modern hospitality.

Food, Drinks, and Endless Entertainment

Shuffle Club’s menu features a tempting array of options that cater to various tastes. From everyone’s favorite brunch to delightful sharing platters, the food choices are designed to complement the playful nature of the venue. The cocktail list is equally impressive, offering a mix of classic concoctions and innovative creations that perfectly match the club's fun and laid-back ethos. On weekends, the club turns up the fun with a boozy bottomless brunch that has become a hit among locals and tourists alike.

Perfect for Parties and Casual Visits

Whether you're looking to book a table for a small group or planning an event for a larger crowd, Shuffle Club accommodates all scenarios. With options to book shuffle tables for small to medium groups or to inquire about private hire for larger gatherings, the club is an ideal venue for birthdays, corporate events, or simply a night out with friends. Its flexible booking system ensures that every group feels welcomed and well-cared for.

Join the Community at Shuffle Club

Shuffle Club isn’t just a place to visit; it’s a community to join. By signing up for the newsletter or following the club on social media, guests can stay informed about all the latest events, offers, and updates. This way, you never miss out on the fun or the chance to be a part of something exciting in Shoreditch. With its commitment to providing a unique entertainment experience, combined with exceptional service and a friendly atmosphere, Shuffle Club Shoreditch stands out as a must-visit destination in London’s bustling nightlife scene.

Trude Restaurant & Bar Logo

Trude Restaurant & Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, Trude Restaurant & Bar stands as a beacon of culinary excellence and hospitality. From its inviting ambiance to its delectable cuisine, Trude offers an unparalleled dining experience that captivates locals and tourists alike.

Ambiance That Enchants

Step into Trude, and you'll be greeted by an ambiance that effortlessly blends sophistication with warmth. The stylish decor, featuring modern furnishings and ambient lighting, sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you're seeking an intimate dinner for two or a lively gathering with friends, Trude's inviting atmosphere accommodates every occasion with flair.

Culinary Delights Await

At the heart of Trude's allure lies its exceptional cuisine. Led by a team of talented chefs, the restaurant offers a menu that celebrates the vibrant flavors of contemporary European cuisine with a nod to British culinary traditions. Each dish is meticulously crafted using the finest seasonal ingredients, ensuring a symphony of flavors that delights the palate. From tantalizing starters to indulgent mains and decadent desserts, every bite at Trude is a culinary revelation.

Signature Cocktails and Fine Wines

Complementing the exquisite cuisine is Trude's impressive selection of signature cocktails and fine wines. Whether you're in the mood for a classic martini or an innovative concoction crafted by the skilled mixologists, Trude's bar promises an extensive array of libations to suit every taste. For wine enthusiasts, the carefully curated wine list showcases a diverse selection of varietals from around the globe, ensuring the perfect pairing for every dish.

Impeccable Service

At Trude, hospitality is more than just a courtesy—it's a way of life. The attentive and knowledgeable staff at Trude go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and valued. From offering personalized recommendations to attending to special requests, the team's dedication to excellence shines through in every interaction, elevating the dining experience to new heights.

A Venue for Every Occasion

Whether you're celebrating a special milestone, hosting a corporate event, or simply indulging in a memorable meal, Trude offers versatile event spaces to accommodate your needs. From intimate private dining rooms to spacious event areas, the restaurant provides the perfect backdrop for gatherings of all sizes, ensuring that every moment is marked by elegance and sophistication.

Discover the Culinary Oasis

In a city renowned for its culinary scene, Trude Restaurant & Bar stands out as a true gem. With its enchanting ambiance, delectable cuisine, and impeccable service, Trude offers a dining experience that transcends the ordinary. Whether you're a seasoned food enthusiast or simply seeking a memorable night out, a visit to Trude promises to be an unforgettable journey for the senses. Indulge in the culinary delights and immerse yourself in the ambiance of Trude today.

Belmeis Logo


Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Muswell Hill, North London, Belmeis is not just a bar but a cultural hotspot that blends exciting music with masterfully infused cocktails. Since its opening, Belmeis has quickly established itself as a key player in the local nightlife scene, attracting patrons with its innovative drinks and compelling live music events.

Signature Cocktails Inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins

Belmeis sets itself apart with a unique cocktail menu inspired by the seven deadly sins, offering a creative twist on the typical cocktail experience. Each drink is crafted with precision and artistry, featuring infused spirits that highlight the bar's commitment to innovation and quality. The ""7 Deadly Sins"" cocktail list is a testament to Belmeis's dedication to pushing the boundaries of mixology, ensuring that each visit is both a discovery and a delight.

A Hub for Live Music and Entertainment

Every evening from 6 pm, Belmeis transforms into a lively venue for soulful performances and more. With regular appearances by the legendary Lex and the incredible Imaani, the bar is a haven for music lovers. These events showcase a range of soul classics and contemporary hits, creating a perfect backdrop for enjoying exquisite drinks and good company. The atmosphere during these music nights is electrifying, making Belmeis a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the best of London's music scene.

Ideal Venue for Private Gatherings

Belmeis also offers exclusive private hire options, accommodating between 60 to 70 guests for a variety of events. Whether planning a corporate gathering, a birthday party, or another celebration, Belmeis provides a stylish and versatile space. The bar can tailor its offerings to include cocktails, food, or canapés, depending on the occasion, ensuring that every event is not only memorable but also personalized to meet guests' needs.

Welcome to Belmeis: Muswell Hill's Premier Music and Cocktail Experience

With its sophisticated ambiance and a focus on quality entertainment and cocktails, Belmeis is an ideal spot for an evening out in North London. The bar's commitment to providing an exceptional guest experience is evident in everything from the decor to the service. For those seeking a night of indulgence in a lively yet elegant setting, Belmeis promises an experience that combines the best of London's cocktail culture and live music scene.

Located on Muswell Hill Broadway, Belmeis is easily accessible and ready to welcome guests who are eager to enjoy a night filled with unique cocktails and captivating performances. Whether you're a local or just visiting, make sure to stop by Belmeis for an unforgettable evening.

The Marylebone Logo

The Marylebone

Indoor only

Nestled on the bustling Marylebone High Street, The Marylebone stands as a beacon of modern mixology coupled with timeless charm. This cocktail bar, celebrated for its unique in-house infusions and expertly crafted cocktails, offers a sophisticated backdrop for both casual visitors and connoisseurs alike. Open from midday until late, The Marylebone provides a vibrant yet cozy atmosphere, perfect for any day of the week.

A Unique Cocktail Experience

At The Marylebone, the art of the cocktail is taken to new heights. Each beverage is carefully concocted using the finest ingredients and often features the bar's signature infusions, which bring unique flavors and twists to classic recipes. From the Cinnamon Syrup in the making to the exclusive Spirits of Ecstasy Elixir of Life cocktail masterclass, the menu is designed to intrigue and delight. Additionally, the bar's 2-for-1 cocktail offer on Sundays from 12 pm to 6 pm ensures that guests can enjoy these exquisite creations at exceptional value.

Not Just Cocktails: A Diverse Menu and Vibrant Events

Beyond its impressive cocktail offerings, The Marylebone boasts a selection of fine wines, beers, and ciders, catering to every palate. The bar's involvement in events like the Marylebone Food Festival highlights its commitment to being a key player in London’s vibrant cultural scene. Guests can not only enjoy a drink but also engage in an array of activities and events that The Marylebone hosts throughout the year, making every visit a new experience.

Perfect for Private Gatherings

The Marylebone is not just a great spot for a casual drink; it's also an ideal venue for private events. Whether planning a birthday party, corporate event, or a casual get-together, The Marylebone offers a flexible space that can accommodate between 60 and 150 guests. With options for private hire, along with a dedicated events team, the bar ensures that each event is as seamless as it is memorable.

A Blend of Tradition and Innovation in the Heart of London

For those seeking a sophisticated yet inviting cocktail bar in London, The Marylebone is a must-visit. Its prime location, combined with its innovative drinks and warm atmosphere, makes it a standout destination on Marylebone High Street. Whether you’re dropping in for a quick drink, partaking in a cocktail class, or hosting an event, The Marylebone promises an atmosphere where luxury meets comfort, making every visit worthwhile.

Step into The Marylebone to discover where classic charm meets contemporary flair, all in the heart of one of London’s most fashionable districts. Whether you are a local or a visitor, The Marylebone is sure to offer an unforgettable experience with every cocktail poured.

Happiness Forgets Logo

Happiness Forgets

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, United Kingdom, lies a charming speakeasy known as Happiness Forgets. Tucked away beneath Hoxton Square, this hidden gem offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking a cozy and intimate atmosphere coupled with expertly crafted cocktails.

Ambiance and Atmosphere: A Haven of Warmth

Upon descending the stairs into Happiness Forgets, visitors are transported to a bygone era. The dimly lit space exudes an inviting warmth, with its intimate seating arrangements and soft, ambient lighting creating the perfect setting for relaxation and conversation. The cozy ambiance fosters a sense of camaraderie among patrons, making it an ideal spot for both solo outings and gatherings with friends.

Expert Mixology: Crafted with Care

At Happiness Forgets, cocktails are more than just drinks – they're works of art. The talented team of mixologists takes pride in their craft, meticulously crafting each concoction with precision and care. Whether you prefer a classic Old Fashioned or something more adventurous, such as their signature Penicillin cocktail, every sip is a delight for the senses. With a focus on quality ingredients and innovative flavor combinations, each drink is a testament to the passion and expertise of the bartenders.

Personalized Service: A Warm Welcome Awaits

What sets Happiness Forgets apart is its unparalleled commitment to customer service. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with a warm smile and made to feel right at home. The attentive staff take the time to understand your preferences, guiding you through the menu and offering personalized recommendations tailored to your taste. Whether you're a cocktail aficionado or a newcomer to the scene, everyone is welcomed with open arms.

Unforgettable Experiences: Making Memories

Beyond just a place to enjoy drinks, Happiness Forgets offers an opportunity to create lasting memories. Whether it's celebrating a special occasion with loved ones or simply unwinding after a long day, every visit is a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in a world of indulgence and relaxation. With its intimate setting and attentive service, it's no wonder that patrons return time and time again to recapture the magic of Happiness Forgets.

Discovering Happiness Forgets

In a city as bustling as London, finding moments of true happiness can feel like a rare luxury. However, at Happiness Forgets, joy is always on the menu. From its inviting ambiance to its expertly crafted cocktails and personalized service, every aspect of the experience is designed to uplift and delight. So why not take a step back from the chaos of everyday life and indulge in a little happiness? After all, sometimes the best memories are made when we forget our worries and simply savor the moment.

Coach and Horses Logo

Coach and Horses

Indoor only

Located at the crossroads of Old Compton Street and Charing Cross Road in the vibrant neighborhood of Soho, London, The Coach and Horses is not just a pub—it's a piece of history. Dating back to 1731, this Grade II listed building has been a staple in the local scene, offering a cozy yet vibrant atmosphere for its patrons. Known for its rich history and classic charm, The Coach and Horses has successfully maintained its historical essence while providing modern comforts and services.

A Blend of Classic and Contemporary

The Coach and Horses stands out for its perfect blend of traditional and contemporary offerings. Patrons can enjoy a wide selection of cask ales, lagers, and a carefully curated wine list, alongside traditional spirits. The pub's dedication to maintaining the classic pub experience, coupled with its ability to adapt to the modern demands of its clientele, makes it a unique destination in London's Theatreland. It's the ideal spot for pre-theatre drinks or a relaxing break while exploring the capital’s cultural attractions.

A Venue Steeped in History

The history of The Coach and Horses adds a layer of intrigue to every visit. Originally located at 17 Little Compton Street, the pub has witnessed the evolution of Soho from its days as a rural area on the outskirts of London to the bustling cultural hub it is today. The pub’s story is intertwined with the history of the area, offering visitors not just a place to drink but a place to connect with the past.

More Than Just Drinks: A Hub for Events

The Coach and Horses is also known for being a versatile venue that hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Whether you are looking to enjoy a lively evening with friends or seeking a unique events venue in the heart of London’s West End, The Coach and Horses provides an excellent backdrop with its historic charm and accommodating space. The pub is available for private hire, making it an ideal choice for hosting everything from casual gatherings to grand celebrations.

A Historic Pub in the Heart of Soho

For those in search of a pub that offers more than just drinks, The Coach and Horses in Soho is a perfect choice. With its rich history, extensive drink selection, and warm, welcoming atmosphere, it stands out as one of the best bars and pubs in Soho for both atmosphere and quality. Whether you're a local or a tourist, a visit to The Coach and Horses offers a glimpse into the vibrant history of Soho while enjoying the comforts of a traditional British pub. Join us at 2 Old Compton Street and experience the timeless charm of The Coach and Horses for yourself.

Clipper Bar Logo

Clipper Bar

Indoor only

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, Clipper Bar stands as a beacon of sophistication and conviviality. Situated within the distinguished InterContinental London hotel, this establishment seamlessly combines classic elegance with contemporary flair, offering an unparalleled experience for both locals and visitors alike.

Elegant Ambiance

Step into Clipper Bar and be greeted by an atmosphere that exudes refinement and warmth. The chic décor, characterized by plush furnishings and soft lighting, creates an ambiance that is both inviting and luxurious. Whether you're seeking a cozy spot for intimate conversations or a lively gathering with friends, Clipper Bar provides the perfect setting for any occasion.

Exquisite Cocktails

Prepare your palate for a journey of indulgence with Clipper Bar's impressive selection of cocktails. Expertly crafted by skilled mixologists, each concoction is a masterpiece in its own right, blending premium spirits with fresh ingredients and innovative techniques. From timeless classics to signature creations, every sip is a testament to the artistry and dedication that goes into every drink.

Gastronomic Delights

Complementing the libations is a menu of delectable culinary offerings that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for light bites or more substantial fare, Clipper Bar's menu boasts an array of gourmet delights to satisfy every craving. From artisanal charcuterie boards to succulent small plates, each dish is prepared with precision and flair, ensuring a dining experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Impeccable Service

At Clipper Bar, hospitality is more than just a service—it's a commitment to excellence. The attentive staff are dedicated to ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and well taken care of from the moment they step through the door. Whether you require recommendations on drinks or assistance with seating arrangements, the team at Clipper Bar is always on hand to provide personalized attention with a smile.

Live Entertainment

Enhancing the ambiance further is the addition of live entertainment, which adds an extra layer of excitement to your evening at Clipper Bar. Sit back, relax, and enjoy performances by talented musicians and artists as you sip on your favorite cocktail and unwind in style. From soothing jazz melodies to upbeat rhythms, the live music acts curated by Clipper Bar promise to elevate your experience to new heights.

Experience Excellence at Clipper Bar, London

Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a memorable night out in London, Clipper Bar promises to deliver an experience that will linger in your memory long after the final toast has been made. With its elegant ambiance, exquisite cocktails, gourmet offerings, impeccable service, and live entertainment, Clipper Bar invites you to embark on a journey of luxury and indulgence like no other. Join us and discover why Clipper Bar is a beloved destination for discerning patrons seeking the very best that London has to offer.

Whiskey Ginger Logo

Whiskey Ginger

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled amidst the vibrant streets of London, United Kingdom, lies a gem that beckons both locals and visitors alike: Whiskey Ginger. This charming establishment boasts a unique blend of warmth, sophistication, and, of course, an impressive selection of whiskies that promises to tantalize the taste buds of even the most discerning connoisseurs.

A Tribute to Tradition: The Ambiance

Step into Whiskey Ginger, and you're instantly transported to a realm where tradition meets modernity. The ambiance exudes an inviting aura, with cozy seating arrangements and dim lighting that sets the stage for an unforgettable experience. Whether you're seeking a laid-back evening with friends or a romantic rendezvous, this establishment offers the perfect setting to unwind and savor the moment.

Elevating the Whiskey Experience: The Selection

Whiskey aficionados rejoice, for Whiskey Ginger boasts an extensive selection of fine whiskies sourced from renowned distilleries across the globe. From single malts to rare blends, each bottle tells a story of craftsmanship and dedication to the art of whiskey making. Whether you prefer the smoky notes of a peated Scotch or the smooth finish of an Irish whiskey, there's something to suit every palate at this esteemed establishment.

Expertly Crafted Cocktails: A Delightful Twist

While whiskey takes center stage, Whiskey Ginger also delights patrons with an array of expertly crafted cocktails that showcase the versatility of this beloved spirit. From classic concoctions to innovative blends, each drink is meticulously prepared by skilled mixologists who understand the nuances of flavor and balance. Whether you're craving a timeless Old Fashioned or curious to try a signature whiskey-infused creation, prepare to be dazzled by the artistry behind each sip.

A Culinary Journey: Pairings and Small Plates

Complementing the whiskey experience are delectable pairings and small plates that elevate the culinary journey at Whiskey Ginger. Indulge in artisanal cheese boards, savory charcuterie selections, and other mouthwatering offerings that are thoughtfully curated to enhance the flavors of your chosen libation. Whether you're sharing a platter with friends or savoring a solo snack, each bite is a testament to the culinary excellence that defines this esteemed establishment.

Unforgettable Memories: Exceptional Service

At Whiskey Ginger, hospitality reigns supreme. The attentive staff goes above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and well cared for throughout their visit. Whether you're seeking recommendations, engaging in lively conversation, or simply enjoying the ambiance, expect nothing short of exceptional service that leaves a lasting impression.

A Spirited Oasis in the Heart of the UK Capital

In a bustling metropolis like London, Whiskey Ginger stands out as a haven for whiskey enthusiasts and discerning patrons alike. With its inviting ambiance, unparalleled selection of whiskies, expertly crafted cocktails, and exceptional service, this establishment offers an experience that is as memorable as it is delightful. Whether you're a seasoned whiskey aficionado or a curious newcomer, a visit to Whiskey Ginger is sure to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the finer things in life.

Behind This Wall Logo

Behind This Wall

Indoor only

Nestled in the heart of London, behind an unassuming facade, lies a true hidden gem waiting to be discovered - Behind This Wall. This unique establishment offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking a blend of culture, creativity, and conviviality in the vibrant city of London.

A Feast for the Senses

Step through the door and prepare to be enveloped in an atmosphere unlike any other. Behind This Wall tantalizes the senses with its eclectic decor, combining modern aesthetics with a nod to the city's rich history. The ambiance is inviting, with warm lighting and comfortable seating arrangements that beckon visitors to unwind and savor the moment.

Culinary Delights Await

Foodies rejoice - Behind This Wall boasts a menu that is as inventive as it is delicious. From artisanal cocktails crafted with precision and care to mouthwatering small plates bursting with flavor, every dish is a testament to the culinary expertise of the talented chefs behind the scenes. Whether you're craving a light snack or a hearty meal, there's something to satisfy every palate.

Craft Cocktails with a Twist

At Behind This Wall, mixology is elevated to an art form. Sit back and relax as skilled bartenders concoct imaginative cocktails using only the finest ingredients sourced locally and globally. From classic favorites with a modern twist to innovative creations that push the boundaries of flavor, each sip is an experience unto itself. Don't hesitate to ask the knowledgeable staff for recommendations - they're always happy to help you find your new favorite drink.

A Hub for Creativity and Community

Beyond its culinary offerings, Behind This Wall serves as a vibrant hub for creativity and community in London. From live music performances and art exhibitions to pop-up events and workshops, there's always something exciting happening here. Whether you're a seasoned local or a curious traveler, you'll find yourself drawn to the energy and vitality of this unique space.

Exploring London's Hidden Gem

Whether you're seeking a memorable night out with friends or a cozy spot to unwind after a long day, Behind This Wall offers an experience unlike any other in London. So why not step off the beaten path and discover the magic that lies behind this unassuming wall? You never know what delightful surprises await you on the other side.

Upstairs At Rules Logo

Upstairs At Rules

Indoor only

Situated in the historic heart of London, Upstairs at Rules offers a unique blend of classic charm and contemporary sophistication. Known as one of the city's oldest establishments, Rules has reinvented its cocktail bar to become a destination for those seeking a refined drinking experience. The bar, once a private dining area for Edward VII and his companion Lillie Langtry, now serves as a peaceful haven for cocktail lovers.

A Cocktail Menu Rooted in Tradition

At Upstairs at Rules, the cocktail menu is an homage to the classics. Led by the legendary mixologist Brian Silva, the bar focuses on beautifully balanced traditional cocktails, crafted with precision and care. The menu is deliberately concise, featuring just ten specially curated cocktails to avoid confusion and enhance guest experience. Each cocktail is made with unique touches, using high-quality base ingredients and a few carefully selected flavors to create drinks that are both simple and sophisticated.

Understated Glamour and Timeless Design

The ambiance of Upstairs at Rules reflects the understated glamour of a bygone era. With plush red seating, hunting friezes, and an atmosphere of effortless style, it provides the perfect backdrop for enjoying a drink before dining downstairs or meeting friends for an evening out. The bar’s decor emphasizes old-fashioned elegance, making it a prime location for those who appreciate the charm and history of classic London cocktail bars.

Exclusive Cocktail Masterclasses

For those interested in delving deeper into the art of cocktail making, Upstairs at Rules offers exclusive masterclasses with Brian Silva. Available for up to four people per session, these classes provide a personalized and intimate setting to learn about basic bar techniques and the secrets behind crafting the perfect cocktail. Participants can choose which cocktails they would like to master, making each class a unique and tailored experience.

Experience Elegance at Upstairs at Rules

Upstairs at Rules is more than just a cocktail bar; it's a civilised bolt hole for those seeking tranquility and top-quality drinks in the city's bustling environment. Whether you're looking to escape the outside world for a few hours or seeking a sophisticated spot to start your evening, Upstairs at Rules offers an exceptional setting. Recognised by the national press as one of the top bars in London for its drinks and service, it invites you to slip away into the world of classic cocktails, made the way they were always meant to be.

Located in the heart of London's Theatreland, Upstairs at Rules is not only a testament to London's rich historical tapestry but also a beacon of modern mixology. With its focus on quality, history, and style, it stands as one of the most distinguished cocktail bars in the city, promising an unforgettable experience with every visit.

SOMA Soho Logo


Indoor only

Located at 14 Denman Street in the bustling Soho district, SOMA Soho offers a unique cocktail experience that draws inspiration from the ancient Vedic Sanskrit term 'SOMA,' meaning 'to distil and extract.' This concept is beautifully realized through the bar's dedication to exploring the purity of flavor in their re-imagined classic cocktails. With its inviting atmosphere and innovative drinks menu, SOMA Soho has quickly become a must-visit destination for cocktail enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike.

A Menu of Re-Imagined Classics

SOMA Soho's cocktail menu is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, each drink crafted with a distinct twist that enhances its character and depth. From the aromatic richness of the Masala Chai Kulcha, featuring Michters Rye and Aberfeldy 12, clarified with chai and Indian spices, to the refreshing complexity of the Chaat Margarita, blending Tapatio Blanco with Mezcal Verde, chaat masala, gooseberry, and kumquat, every cocktail offers a unique taste experience. The menu's creativity is a testament to the expertise of the bar team, led by renowned mixologists who are passionate about delivering both quality and innovation in every glass.

An Atmosphere of Effortless Elegance

The ambiance at SOMA Soho is both elegant and relaxed, making it a perfect backdrop for a variety of occasions. Whether you're looking to unwind after a day's work with a sophisticated Espresso Martini or planning a special night out with friends to enjoy a round of Coconut Ramos Fizz, the setting at SOMA Soho is designed to make every visit memorable. The interior combines modern chic with subtle nods to traditional Indian elements, reflecting the bar's philosophy of blending the old with the new.

Perfect for Private Gatherings and Special Events

SOMA Soho is not just a bar but a versatile space that can accommodate groups of varying sizes for private gatherings and special events. With options ranging from intimate lounge areas for smaller groups to exclusive venue hire for larger parties, SOMA Soho offers tailored solutions to ensure your event is a success. The bar's dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional service, making it an ideal choice for everything from corporate events to personal celebrations.

A Cocktail Haven in the Heart of London

SOMA Soho invites you to step away from the ordinary and immerse yourself in a world of exquisite cocktails and impeccable service. Open from Monday to Saturday with varying hours to accommodate late-night experiences, the bar is a beacon of nightlife in London's Soho area. Whether you are a cocktail aficionado or a newcomer eager to explore innovative drinks, SOMA Soho promises an adventure in every sip. Don't miss the chance to experience one of London's finest cocktail bars, where every detail is crafted with care and every visit leaves a lasting impression.

Hakuna Matata Logo

Hakuna Matata

Indoor & Outdoor

Nestled in the heart of Whetstone, London, Hakuna Matata offers a vibrant escape with its enchanting 'No Worries' cocktail bar and restaurant. This venue is renowned for creating an atmosphere where guests can enjoy meticulously crafted cocktails and a dynamic dining experience, embodying the true spirit of its Swahili name which means 'no worries.'

Expertly Crafted Cocktails and a Modern Setting

Hakuna Matata is not just a name but a promise to provide a stress-free environment where every cocktail is an artwork and every dish is a masterpiece. The cocktail menu at Hakuna Matata features a blend of signature concoctions and timeless classics, all prepared by expert bartenders who are true artisans of their craft. Whether you're in the mood for a bold and spicy mix or a sweet and silky creation, the bar's diverse offerings ensure that there's a drink to suit every palate.

Diverse Culinary Delights in a Glamorous Atmosphere

The dining experience at Hakuna Matata is as diverse and inviting as its drinks. With ingredients sourced locally and dishes prepared fresh by talented chefs, the menu is a testament to quality and creativity. The restaurant boasts a modern and glamorous setting that complements its flexible menu, making it perfect for both casual meals and special occasions. Whether you're stopping by for a quick lunch or planning a romantic dinner, the ambiance and culinary offerings at Hakuna Matata are designed to make your visit memorable.

Perfect for Events and Special Occasions

Beyond its daily operations, Hakuna Matata excels in event planning, offering personalized services for celebrations of all sizes. The venue's team is adept at crafting unique experiences, from intimate gatherings to grand parties. Guests can collaborate with the head chef to create custom menus that perfectly suit their event's theme and dietary preferences. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or corporate event, Hakuna Matata's dedicated staff ensures every detail is handled with care, allowing hosts and guests alike to relax and enjoy the festivities.

A Taste of 'No Worries' in Whetstone, London

With its doors open six days a week, Hakuna Matata is a beacon of good vibes and great flavors in North London. The bar and restaurant invite you to leave your worries at the door and indulge in an experience that's both exhilarating and relaxing. From the first sip of your cocktail to the last bite of your dessert, every moment at Hakuna Matata is designed to uplift and enchant. So why wait? Reserve your table today and dive into the delightful world of Hakuna Matata, where good times and great tastes are guaranteed.

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10° Sky Bar

Indoor only

Located in the heart of the vibrant city of London, 10° Sky Bar offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking to indulge in the beauty of the city skyline while enjoying exquisite cocktails and impeccable service.

Breathtaking Views

Perched atop one of London's iconic skyscrapers, 10° Sky Bar boasts breathtaking panoramic views of the city. From the majestic London Eye to the historic Tower Bridge, guests are treated to a mesmerizing sight that captures the essence of this dynamic metropolis.

Sleek and Stylish Ambiance

Step into 10° Sky Bar and be transported to a world of sophistication and elegance. The sleek and stylish interior design sets the stage for a memorable evening, whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply unwinding after a long day.

Crafted Cocktails

At 10° Sky Bar, the art of mixology is taken to new heights. Expert bartenders concoct a tantalizing array of cocktails, each carefully crafted to delight the senses. From classic concoctions to innovative creations, there's something to suit every palate.

Fine Dining

Complementing the exquisite drinks is a menu of delectable dishes that showcase the best of British and international cuisine. Whether you're in the mood for small bites to share or a hearty meal, the culinary offerings at 10° Sky Bar are sure to impress even the most discerning food connoisseur.

VIP Treatment

At 10° Sky Bar, every guest is treated like a VIP. From the moment you arrive until the last sip of your drink, attentive staff members are on hand to ensure that your experience is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you have a special request or simply need a recommendation, they are dedicated to making your visit unforgettable.

Exclusive Events

Looking to elevate your night out? 10° Sky Bar regularly hosts exclusive events that promise an evening of unparalleled entertainment and sophistication. From live music performances to themed parties, there's always something exciting happening at this iconic venue.

Unmatched Atmosphere

With its ambient lighting, chic décor, and pulsating beats, 10° Sky Bar exudes an atmosphere of luxury and excitement. Whether you're mingling with friends at the bar or lounging in one of the plush seating areas, you'll find yourself immersed in an ambiance that is both captivating and invigorating.

Perfect for Any Occasion

Whether you're celebrating a milestone birthday, hosting a corporate event, or simply catching up with friends, 10° Sky Bar provides the perfect backdrop for any occasion. With its stunning views, impeccable service, and world-class amenities, it's no wonder why this venue is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Experience London's Skyline in Style at 10° Sky Bar

In a city known for its bustling nightlife and vibrant culture, 10° Sky Bar stands out as a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best that London has to offer. So, why not elevate your next night out and discover the magic of 10° Sky Bar for yourself?

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The Beachcomber

Indoor only

Located beneath the bustling streets of Notting Hill, The Beachcomber offers a unique escape to a tropical paradise right in the center of London. As one of the city's premier tiki bars, it invites guests to step into a world filled with Polynesian decor and the allure of island life. The Beachcomber not only promises a great night out but an immersive experience into an exotically themed environment.

A Haven for Rhum Agricole Enthusiasts

The Beachcomber is renowned for specializing in Rhum Agricole, a distinctive style of rum distilled in the French Caribbean. It boasts the largest selection of Agricole in the UK, making it a hotspot for rum aficionados. Guests can explore this unique spirit through a curated menu that features an extensive list of rums, rhums, and rons. For those looking to deepen their knowledge, The Beachcomber also offers rum tastings led by expert rum connoisseurs. These sessions provide a detailed insight into the world of Agricole, complemented by the bar's signature cocktails like The Zombie, Maui’s Highlands, and Blazing Saddles.

Instagram-Worthy Cocktails and Exquisite Thai Cuisine

At The Beachcomber, every cocktail is a masterpiece designed to tantalize the taste buds and delight the eyes, making them as Instagram-worthy as they are delicious. The cocktail menu is crafted by expert bartenders who blend premium ingredients to create drinks that embody the essence of tropical luxury. Alongside its famous drinks, The Beachcomber also serves mouth-watering Thai cuisine. Available until late, the food menu includes Thai curries, rice and noodle dishes, chef specials, and a variety of nibbles, providing perfect pairings for the bar's exotic cocktails.

A Vibrant Cultural Hub with Music to Move You

More than just a bar, The Beachcomber is a vibrant cultural hub. It features resident DJs spinning the best in dancehall and bashment every Friday and Saturday night, ensuring that the tropical vibes continue well into the night. During the week, the venue keeps the atmosphere fresh with a carefully selected playlist that evolves regularly. This musical backdrop makes The Beachcomber the ideal spot for those looking to dance the night away or simply chill in a lively yet relaxing setting.

A Tropical Paradise in the Heart of London

The Beachcomber offers more than just a night out—it's an experience of escapism. With its rich array of Agricole rums, expertly crafted cocktails, delectable Thai cuisine, and vibrant music scene, this tiki bar is a must-visit destination in London. Whether you're a Londoner in need of a mini-vacation or a tourist seeking a unique night out, The Beachcomber provides a no-worries atmosphere where everyone can relax and enjoy the essence of tropical leisure. Located at 86 Queensway, it is conveniently accessible yet feels worlds away from the city's hustle and bustle. Join the fun at The Beachcomber and let it transport you to your own slice of paradise.

Blue Bar Logo

Blue Bar

Indoor only

Nestled within the vibrant heart of London, United Kingdom, lies a gem of sophistication and style: Blue Bar. Renowned for its exquisite cocktails, inviting ambiance, and impeccable service, this esteemed establishment stands as a beacon of luxury in the bustling cityscape.

Aesthetic Marvel

Step into Blue Bar, and you're transported into a realm of refined elegance. The sleek and contemporary decor, featuring hues of azure and silver, creates an atmosphere that is both chic and welcoming. Plush seating arrangements invite patrons to unwind and indulge in the epitome of cosmopolitan charm.

Cocktail Artistry

Prepare to embark on a journey of taste sensations as you peruse Blue Bar's expertly crafted cocktail menu. From classic concoctions to innovative blends, each drink is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted by skilled mixologists. Whether you prefer a timeless martini or a daring fusion of flavors, every sip promises to tantalize your palate and elevate your spirits.

Gastronomic Delights

Complementing the libations is a curated selection of delectable small plates and snacks, designed to satisfy even the most discerning epicurean. From artisanal cheeses to gourmet charcuterie, each dish is thoughtfully prepared using the finest ingredients, ensuring a culinary experience that delights all the senses.

Unparalleled Service

At Blue Bar, hospitality is not just a duty—it's a passion. The attentive and personable staff members are dedicated to providing guests with an exceptional experience from the moment they arrive. Whether offering recommendations, attending to special requests, or simply engaging in friendly conversation, their commitment to excellence shines through in every interaction.

Ambiance of Sophistication

Whether you're seeking a cozy spot for an intimate rendezvous or a lively setting to socialize with friends, Blue Bar offers the perfect ambiance for any occasion. The ambient lighting, soothing music, and convivial atmosphere combine to create an oasis of sophistication amidst the urban hustle and bustle.

Exclusivity and Prestige

Elevating the allure of Blue Bar is its reputation as a coveted destination among discerning locals and international jet-setters alike. Frequented by celebrities, dignitaries, and tastemakers, this esteemed establishment exudes an air of exclusivity and prestige, making every visit a memorable affair.

Discover the Essence of Elegance at Blue Bar in London

In a city teeming with nightlife options, Blue Bar stands out as a beacon of refinement and class. From its stylish ambiance and expertly crafted cocktails to its impeccable service and prestigious clientele, every aspect of the experience is designed to delight and impress. Whether you're a connoisseur of fine libations or simply seeking an unforgettable night out, a visit to Blue Bar is sure to leave a lasting impression. Indulge in the epitome of elegance and sophistication at this iconic London destination.

Opium Cocktail Bar & Dim Sum Parlour Logo

Opium Cocktail Bar & Dim Sum Parlour

Indoor only

Located in the heart of London's Chinatown, Opium Cocktail Bar & Dim Sum Parlour offers a unique and immersive experience that seamlessly blends traditional Asian flavors with contemporary mixology. Nestled above a nondescript doorway, this hidden gem beckons visitors into a world of opulent décor and tantalizing tastes.

Immersive Atmosphere

Upon entering Opium, guests are transported to a bygone era of 1920s Shanghai. The ambiance is rich with ornate details, from the dimly lit lanterns to the plush, velvet furnishings. The bar is divided into several intimate rooms, each with its own distinctive character, offering a sense of exclusivity that makes every visit feel special.

Crafted Cocktails

One of the standout features of Opium is its expertly crafted cocktails. The bar boasts a menu that showcases a fusion of classic and innovative drinks. Sip on signature creations like the ""Opium Punch"" or the ""Jasmine Margarita,"" expertly mixed using premium spirits and infused with Asian-inspired ingredients like lychee, lemongrass, and exotic spices.

Sensational Dim Sum

Opium isn't just a cocktail bar—it's also a top-tier dim sum destination. The dim sum menu features a delightful array of bite-sized delicacies, from crispy prawn dumplings to fluffy char siu buns. Each dish is meticulously prepared by skilled chefs, ensuring an authentic and unforgettable culinary experience.

Exclusive Hideaway

What sets Opium apart is its elusive nature. Tucked away from the bustling streets of London, this speakeasy-style establishment feels like a secret retreat for those in the know. Whether you're seeking a romantic evening or a sophisticated night out with friends, Opium offers an atmosphere that is both intimate and vibrant.

Live Entertainment

Adding to the allure, Opium occasionally hosts live music and entertainment, enriching the experience with soulful melodies or lively performances. This adds another layer of excitement to an already captivating evening at this distinguished venue.

Exceptional Service

Service at Opium is attentive and knowledgeable. The staff are passionate about mixology and gastronomy, always ready to guide guests through the menu and recommend pairings that complement individual tastes. This personal touch enhances the overall experience, making each visit memorable.

Perfect for Special Occasions

Opium is an ideal destination for celebrating special occasions. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or simply a desire to indulge, this venue sets the stage for unforgettable moments. The attention to detail and ambiance create an atmosphere that is both celebratory and sophisticated.

Opium Cocktail Bar & Dim Sum Parlour

For those seeking an unforgettable evening of cocktails, dim sum, and ambiance in London, Opium Cocktail Bar & Dim Sum Parlour is a must-visit. Step into this hidden sanctuary and immerse yourself in the fusion of Asian flavors and chic mixology. Discover why Opium continues to be a favorite among locals and visitors alike, promising a night to remember in the heart of Chinatown.

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